I appreciate your good disposition and the help! I thank you!!!
It's odd, but.... Gideon is the most romantic guy I know. And yet, I can't really find the words to describe it.... or describe why.
I will say that what I feel is one of the most romantic things Gideon does, he does on a daily basis.
He puts me first. Every day, the first thing he says to me is he loves me. The first thing he asks is how am I doing/feeling. Not in the way of a stranger wanting to know this, but in a truly heartfelt, all encompassing inquiry that makes it clear the answer may just be the most important information he hears all day.
Cool job, indeed, Leandro.
been romantic for me is hearing a song that makes u want to be with someone - the words and melody speaking to you about a certain person - and if u can. then sharing it with them
That's the power of music, Matty, and possibly of poetry.
Well, I prefer the word "cursi" 'cause (I'll say the things I think that for me means being romantic) I sing love songs to him, I write very long letters, I buy him flowers, I dance everywhere with him, I take his hands and kiss his forehead, I make some details to him like origami and stuff like that, I always whisper in his ear how much I love him, I close his eyes with my hands and kiss his lips, hug him like there is no tomorrow, say to him how handsome or intelligent is, go to bed and cuddle him, talk with him everyday and ask how was his day and listen to him, share my clothes with him and also change clothes, take showers and shave him and he to me... But unfortunately, I'm single. Hahaha