I can sympathise with the situation that the OP finds himself in. It's not too dissimilar to mine.
Although it's not the night shift that's the issue, it's more that I work internationally on a regular basis, but when I'm home l'm pretty much ignored in the same way as the OP is - though in my case I take the cat to bed lol.
We've been together 10 years, and it's only in the last 3 years, following promotion to a senior job position that the extensive travel has started. We discussed the implications of me working away on the relationship before I took the job, and both felt it would be fine (I tend to be away 1-2 weeks at a time then home for a couple of weeks)
Initially we made sure that when I was home we did everything together, including holidays etc. however this past year things have become really strained, with more arguments and doing things separately. He's always too busy to do things, and would rather spend hours on his Xbox or out with his friends than spend time together with me. He won't come to bed when I do, and often stays up late on his laptop or watching movies.
To be honest I'm beginning to think the relationship has run its course and it's time to move on, which is quite a scary thought when your my age (52).
He does work and has a well paid job, but it's my house he's living in, and while he used to contribute to the running costs he's refused to do so for the last year, despite me asking. His reply is I earn way more than him, so don't need his money, and while that is true today, there was a time early on when he earned more than me, but we always split costs 50-50.
I'm just getting tired of whatever game he is playing, and have decided to move on.
The reason I've posted this here is simple. Only you know your partner, and how you are really feeling about things. You can ask forum members for advice, but only you know what you have to do, and want to do.
I already know what I have to do, and I suspect you do to.
Breaking up from an LTR is never going to be the easy option, but sometimes it's the only option.
Good luck