Virge Wrote:Lex, has the height issue between you and you guy evolved into your own little jokes and "little things" that you guys do?
We joke a lot, but never about height. Not because it's a sore spot or anything - it just never really developed along those lines. The only two things I can think of are these:
* When he's cooking, and needs something from the high shelves in the kitchen, he says "Lex! Come be tall for me." I have orangutang arms in addition to being taller, so I can reach most of the stuff there.
* We're not much into PDAs, but when we want to give each other one, or just a quick affirmation of love at home, he stands near me, and I kiss his forehead. Because that's what level he's at, and it means no bending up or down for either of us.
Pyromancer Wrote:No one seems to pay much attention to height difference in relationships between men and women, why should it be an issue in a relationship between men? I mean seriously, superficial much? There are a hell of a lot of other things on the "compatibility index" to worry about besides height...
On a teen/young adult LGBTQ site that I work on, somebody ran a poll. The number of gay guys who said they wanted a taller partner?
95%.. A large number said they'd refuse to date a guy who wasn't at least a certain height, even if he was compatible in every other way. One guy bemoaned the fact that he desperately wanted a taller boyfriend, but since he was 6'4" he was doomed to always be the taller one.
In short (tee hee!), it looks like young gay guys ARE size queens - just not in the way we expected.

One assumes many of them outgrow this as they get older.