I would suggest sitting back and giving him some room to get comfortable with the fact that you know and accept him no matter what.
You've pretty much rocked his world, yeah? Pushing after having done that could have adverse consequences.
Now, if a few years down the road he's still showing interest towards men but hasn't made any steps in that direction to go beyond fantasy? THEN, maybe give a couple of nudges to see how he's doing on accepting himself and his preferences.
I do like your post Jackbone - and I agree about the part about his lifestyle choice - for me it was never a choice , I am gay, cant change it...and in some country's you will be killed so im sure if it was multiple choice you wouldn't pick gay
this is your fist time in asking him so why not leave it at that for now, he knows you know ...if he wants to say anymore he will , but he did say he doesn't want to suck a penis or put anything into his ass ......not so shy then.
please don't be a troll
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Do you have any friends who are gay? You could invite them over and hang out with them at a time when your brother might meet them. You don't have to tell them your brother is into men. It sounds like your brother needs to get to know some positive gay role models so he can learn more about himself and how to make it in the world.
Alright thanks for all the info ill leave it as it is. I did try to show interest like one recommended and i asked what kind of guys he was into. I also agree that it is not a choice for many people and thats exactly what i told him when we talked. I just used that choice of words as to not offend anyone. Appreciate the help here I think he will feel better down the road as he finds himself and comes to accept it.
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You could show him this site so he can come here for moral support.
62400 repetitions make one truth - Brave New World
Here is how this whole thing works. Each time you make a gay joke, or used gay as a negative or just came out and said 'kill all fagots' or something equally horrific, you have made a repeating of a truth until now it is a truth.
You cannot undo 62,400 repetitions with one counter truth. Instead you will need 62,4001 repetitions of the new truth you want to instill.
Problem here is this is homosexuality. So you not only have to counter your own judgement of his sexuality in a negative light, you also have to try (good luck) in countering the negativity of a society which says things like 'that movie was so gay' and 'That car is just sooooo gayyyyyy.'
It might help if you take a serious pro-gay stance. Instead of laughing when the next gay joke comes around say something like 'uncool man'. Instead of accepting the word gay in common language as a negative you can say something like 'Well a car doesn't have sex, and this makes the assumption that gay people are somehow bad.'
You need to undo years of torment by taking a proactive anti-tormentor stance. But I suspect you can't do this because you clearly have no clue about what being gay is:
"He pretty much is the opposite of the stereotypical gay He is dirty poor hygiene no interest in art or clothes etc."
I thought you said you were tolerant of homosexuals? If so, then why this blatant display of intolerance by ASSUMING that to be gay one has to fit some stereotype? You assume all gay men have interest in art, clothes and this concept of what was that word ' hygiene.....?
Gay looks and acts like everyone else. Yes there are grunge gay as well as goth gay and jock gay and average joe-gay and nerd gay and.... you name it there is a cure for it... Oops sorry, a gay for it.
The other problem here is you 'found evidence' he is gay. Unless you caught him in the act of sex with another man you found no evidence of his sexuality. And even if he was having sex with another man that doesn't necessarily mean he is gay.
A person is gay when they label them self as such.
This is depression, depression may have many causes. To assume its 'the gay thing' will not address other potentials here which may in fact be the real cause.
He needs a doctor to diagnoses and figure out the underlying cause. Sure it could be situational - as in he is gay in an un-accepting world, but it could also be that its because he works a lot and is depressed that he doesn't have a real life. It could also be chemical, which no amount of situational changes or your attitude changing will fix. but they have drugs for that.
I assure you if you confront him he is gay he most likely will not respond well. He will think you are setting him up to come out and be bashed.
Instead confront the depression not what you think is the cause, but the depression itself.
BTW poor hygiene is often a symptom of depression, its not a symptom of hyper-heterosexuality or lack of a healthy homosexual identity.