02-08-2015, 05:38 AM
abcd1234 Wrote:I understand what you're saying but all I want is the satisfaction that I called her on her shit.I don't expect her to change and that's not my goal.But nobody ever called her on anything.Everyone tiptoed around her for years to keep peace in the family.But once I let her know that I think what she did sucked I could move on without looking back.Can't you understand that? I just need closure.
You don't need "closure". You need to "win". You want a movie moment where you call out rhe bad character on her shortcomings, at which point she'll stand there slackjawed at her come-uppance, and the (presumably imaginary) audience watching stands up and applauds and yells "you go girl".
This isn't how life works. There is no fade-to-black, roll-credits moment. Life just goes on. And by engaing your cousin, you're simply continuing the drama. And drama should only be continued on soap operas, not real life.
I've had people in my life who treated me poorly. You know what I did? I cut them out of my life. I never had that wild-applause-and-you-go-girl moment, but I also have no drama in my life, and I can't tell you how much that kicks ass. Some might say that means these people "got away with" treating me bad, but I prefer to think taht they got the worst punishment of all - not getting to interact wirh soneone as awesome as me.

I'd suggest doing the same with your cousin, but if you're really in your mid-fifties and are still looking to "pay back" people who have wronged you (or your loved ones), it may be too late to teach this dog a new trick.