02-09-2015, 03:11 PM
verysimple Wrote:OMG!!! YAAYYY.. Finally got a fucking good answer... THank you so much... I have thought about that before and I was thinking to go for nice or bordeaux like yours... so I did think abt dorm options... roommates and what not but i was still scared cuz the twenty hours wouldn't be enough.. 800 euros is rlly cheap like u can get that from a watering job and educatoin there is cheap too... ughh i cannot wait to get the hell out of this hole...
Yeah like I said

However, it's always a duty to plan for every little issue. I mean if for some reason you have to quit your job, or change it, you should have left enough cash to survive until you can find a new one. So another advice is to start saving as much money as you can from now on, so that you won't find yourself on the street or be forced to postpone passing your degree

So eventually, you shouldn't think of studying abroad without saving important cash. In France, that should be less than 8000€ (outside the big cities) needed as a solid start. But still, if you can't afford this number, you can apply for financial aid from an organization. Their main requirements are:
1_ you aren't able to pay for your studies in your own country;
2_ the average income of your family is relatively low;
3_ your grades are among the highest.
In such case, you will earn a scholarship of a sum depending on how much these criteria describe your situation.
Also (but I don't have much info on this), some scholarships might be offered to students residing in a country in crisis (might be political, military, economical...), so dig deeper in your researches.
Well... best of luck again