True, but it has to be done to save cheese-grating your bf (and that is not a reference to personal hygiene :eek: )
The person below me uses a pedometer
I have but found the ones I used inaccurate.
OK, how about this one: The person below me deserves a Nobel.
Ok I'll take a Barnes & Noble... (don't deserve the other stuff) ... they publish some good books.
The person below me is independent and carefree....
Nut and nut. Huzzah for student debt...
The person below me wouldn't bother turning up for 9am grammar classes either...
Lol immana stick with i go because i have to. I love grammar, but not before my morning coffee has had time to take effect. From 10am onwards i'd gladly do grammar all day...
The person below me wants the snow never to end.
I wouldn't put it quite so drastically... Here in town, I don't like the snow for long because it all melts to slush and is thoroughly annoying... Up in the mountains, where it ought to be, we NEED the snow because part of our economy depends on it... and on a more poetic note, snow (YUKI in Japanese, what a lovely word!!! :tongue: ) is just beautiful, so long as it remains snow.
The person below me lives in a flat (apartment)
Lol if it never ends, it won't turn to slush :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
And yes i do indeedily, it's small and boxy and i refuse to call it home, but it IS where i live for the next five months...
The person below me wants minstrels.
Well, no, I think I'll cope with a pancake and chocolate orange flower & Grand Marnier sauce...
(must taste, Sox!)
The person below me enjoys sharing.
I'm quite in adoration of Grand Marnier, as well as the other components and am now salivating readily into my mango tea as i type at the idea.
Depends, sharing can be fun. But i don't share ice cream. (there's a story there...)
The person below me likes mango tea. Or to put it another way, an orgasm in a cup.