Hey, wow, another "Mikey" --- two in one day.
Welcome to the forum!

(From another Mike)
Ummm… there is nothing wrong with hooking up. No, it doesn't make you a slut. I'm not even sure what a "slut" is but that's a whole other discussion.
That said, not all gay guys are alike. SOME are very into "hooking up" others, not so much. I'm more on that "not so much" end of the stick and always have been. Now, that's not to say I've never just hooked up with someone, for sure I've done that. But, like you perhaps, I tend to get emotionally attached to people fairly easily -- especially guys I'm getting physical with. So, it is something I sort of have to watch in myself.
About this guy you're interested in. Yes, it is possible that if you just "hook up" with him, that might be the end of it. But the question is, what would you prefer to have with him? If you'd like it to be something more than just a one-time hook-up, well, why not ask him out on a date? He'll either say yes or he won't. And in my book a "date" does not mean we're going to have sex (any kind). It *might* mean making out but mostly it means spending time together just he and I, maybe doing something we both enjoy (again, not sex).
It's not like there aren't any rules… its just, if you want to get your rocks off, and there are guys who want to get off with you, I think it is perfectly fine to do that. It's a win-win. But, OTH, if what you're wanting is something more, just being sexual can end up being less than totally satisfying.
But when it gets into the "dating" and "getting to know one another" arena -- that is the arena of a potential relationship of some sort (and there are many kinds) -- that's different, right? It's not that there can't be any sex involved, its just that there needs to be SOME communication and SOME interest in one another beyond getting all hot, horny and getting off. There has to be some measure of common interest or actually *liking of one another.
So much to learn. Keep hanging out with us!