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I have Asperger syndrome and my boyfriend is an HSP
My boyfriend recently found out he's an "HSP" (highly sensitive person). I have Aspergers. When i tell people this (my boyfriend included) they are amazed at how well-adjusted I am. I have come very far. My boyfriend has a hard time with loud noises, and more importantly has an impossible time accepting criticism. He thinks I am "biting (his) head off" or "picking on (him)" if I say something. He has repeatedly told me I must sensor myself or our relationship will never work out. I cannot be sarcastic around him. To him, it's the equivalent of being stabbed. I cannot get upset with him at 3 AM when he tells me to move over and I growl at him. That growl makes him so upset and it takes a good hour or two to get him to calm down and feel okay. I do not yell at him in the traditional sense. I say something with a certain tone and he considers that "yelling". I have never shouted at him.

There are so many communication problems with out relationship too. I realize every time he says something it means something completely different than how I interpret it. I have this same problem with his family members but nobody else I have ever come into contact with. It's like they have their own way of thinking and I just can't be on the same wavelength as them. It's very odd and hard to describe.

He will oftentimes say tell me how I'm feeling. I will reassure him that I'm not feeling that way. He refused to believe me. He also thinks I don't know how I feel. He thinks i don't understand the implications of what i do or say.

He has expressed several times how I remind him of his exes. Whenever we are fighting he compares me to them and makes me feel like the biggest piece of crap in the world. I have asked him several times to abstain from making me feel like his exes but he constantly does it.

Another thing is, I spend some much money and time and make such an effort for every holiday. He has not done the sae thing. I bake him a cake, make him thoughtful gifts, spend lots of money, and he appreciates it at the time A LOT but it counts as nothing later on. On my birthday, I had to buy my own food and he bought me three gifts I told him i wanted. I saw him buy them so it wasn;t even thoughtful.

He is always the victim and nothing he does is wrong. When we were downtown, there was construction. He covered his ears and I asked him not to because it was embarrassing. I said he was being dramatic and it wasn't that loud. He FLIPPED OUT in front of hundreds of people and made a scene SCREAMING at me in the streets saying maybe I should just find another boyfriend.

He is also really, really bad in high pressure situations. We were looking for an exit and I told him where to turn and he missed it and yelled at me for yelling at him so we missed our next turn and he just like gives up and says we need to solve our issues or whatever instead of just driving while we talk. he pulls over all the time and has to stop what he;s doing instead of multitasking. And if i make a counterpoint via text he tells me to hold on because he wasn't done talking. ??? Just say what you have to say.

So in conclusion, my boyfriend is a stubborn, melodramatic, needy, ungrateful, know it all with a victim mentality. I do not know how to work with him. He does not accept anything I say as true, I constantly find myself having to drop everything I'm doing to take care of his needs, and 99% of the time, nothing I say affects him.

What do I do with this relationship? i want it to work but it's extremely exhausting. i feel like I'm raising a child at times and my opinions and feelings are never taken into consideration. Everything he thinks is a fact.

Thank you so much if you read this entire post, it means a lot to me! I am really interested in seeing the responses. Thanks!

Get couples Therapy...or split up. That really is the best I can offer.

Best of Luck,

I'm not quite sure what you want us to say… if its true that...

Quote:...my boyfriend is a stubborn, melodramatic, needy, ungrateful, know it all with a victim mentality. I do not know how to work with him. He does not accept anything I say as true, I constantly find myself having to drop everything I'm doing to take care of his needs, and 99% of the time, nothing I say affects him.
Then, indeed, what CAN you do with that?

Unfortunately it is a fact that we can not have relationships with people who are dysfunctional -- and it doesn't really matter much in what sense they are "dysfunctional". The only kind of relationship we *can* have with such a person is a *dysfunctional* relationship.

Now, I don't know about this situation; I don't know him, I'm not a specialist or a psychologist, I have no idea how much responsibility he *can* assume for his behaviors. But if I have needs just as other people have needs -- and if I'm going to be in a relationship with someone, there needs to be communication, understanding, negotiation, a dynamic give-and-take that more or less gets everyone's needs met. If that *can not happen* then I can not have a relationship with that guy.

Beaux Wrote:Get couples Therapy...or split up. That really is the best I can offer.

Best of Luck,

I had only read partway through before this is exactly what I was going to say.

The truth?

I don't think you can fix one another and could end up being locked in a mutually destructive relationship.

Each of you need to find the person that can support your special natures in the most positive and clinically helpful way possible.

I'm not sure if HSP is actually clinically recognized condition or not( and I'm always willing to be educated about things)but real or not, you boyfriend just sounds like a douche, having a mental disorder is one thing, but TELLING you how YOU fell, always thinking about himself, comparing you to his exes, making you out to be the bad guy and that nothing is ever his fault, and expects you to wait on him hand & foot 24/7. You deserve better and unless he also suffers from psychosis or sociopathy, there's just no excuse for the way he acts and treats you, so I personally would take his advice and just leave the relationship, it doesn't seem like there's anything for both of you to gain from it.

It is not a clinically recognized condition. It's just something he diagnosed himself with after reading about it on the internet.

I feel like nothing I say has any value if it doesn't align with what he says or thinks. he often skips over what I say and continues what he was saying ignoring my concerns completely.

WHY do you want this to work? It is hard to believe that there is anthing but misery in it fo you and it certainly is doing nothing good for your friend to tolerate his behavior without him seeking therapy. Think how he would be viewed if he were three years old. Perhaps his mother should have spanked him and sent to bed. I think the diagnosis should be SHMJ. That could stand for Selfish Highly Manipulative Jerk.

Either he gets some help and learns to be a big boy or he gets dumped. Stop putting yourself through this.
I bid NO Trump!

Trevor....wow. just wow Sad your hatred for me is so hurtful to read. i know you are frustrated, but how can you say these things? I understand you need to vent sometimes, but I just dont even know what to say to this malicious thread.

ffffffff1000000 Wrote:It is not a clinically recognized condition. It's just something he diagnosed himself with after reading about it on the internet.

I feel like nothing I say has any value if it doesn't align with what he says or thinks. he often skips over what I say and continues what he was saying ignoring my concerns completely.
So he is a just a horrible person. Look,really, you would probably just be better off leaving him for good, you deserve better and it sounds like he deserves a kick in the ass until he grows up and grow a pair. I'm diagnosed with Aspergers myself and i know building relationships of any kind can sometimes be challenging, but i myself have come along way and I'm telling you that you don't need him, there's bigger fish in the sea and all that. So just leave him and actually live a life that your happy with.

AJ13 Wrote:Trevor....wow. just wow Sad your hatred for me is so hurtful to read. i know you are frustrated, but how can you say these things? I understand you need to vent sometimes, but I just dont even know what to say to this malicious thread.

Ok..Now that I have looked at both of your previous posts, all I can say is that you guys are TOXIC. POISION. TOXIC. DEATH.

Run Now. Seriously. Run.

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