I don't have a problem with alcohol. I have no shame so if I did, I would admit it. I didn't eat much beforehand so the alcohol probably went to my head. Also, at first, I was sitting on my own so I didn't want to be without a drink in my hand. Then again, when I started talking to people, I was constantly drinking too. Oh well, at least I'll know for next time. I am kind of a weirdo when I'm drinking. I just want to make people laugh, but looking back, their laughs sounded more like nervous laughter than 'lmao' laughter. When I was asked to leave, they just said that they thought I'd had enough to drink. I wasn't groping people or anything. When I was more sober, earlier in the evening, I didn't really want to talk to people in case they thought I was flirting with them but later on, I started talking to this boy and he asked what my name was and shook my hand. That was the kind of thing I was looking for.
Next time, I'll keep a clear head. I wouldn't have gone if I hadn't asked yous'n's about it, so thank you, everysomeone.
I drink water when I go clubbing
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Wow. There are so many people who actually like going to clubs and bars alone. I envy people who're able to do that without feeling awkward as fuck.
You may have gotten a bit drunk if you were nervous or felt awkward as alcohol does lower one's inhibitions....
A good rule of thumb is to pace yourself...and also don't mix anything with sugar with the alcohol (coke/7up/ect) because it will get you drunk faster. Alcohol already has enough sugar in it.
As for non alcoholic beverages...Calistoga or Sparkling Mineral Water was the best selling thing after Budweiser ...consistently. Some people drink it between alcoholic drinks to help them pace the alcohol.
As for getting kicked out of a bar...it is usually due to complaints from other patrons. Again...in unfamiliar territory...alot of people kinda blow it socially...especially if there is alcohol involved.
Next time...try to get to know one of the bartenders and he/she will "get it" if they are any good...and help you to become less nervous... and less drunk. Nerves can definitely be a factor in awkward behavior...
The best thing to do now...make sure you go back and feel your way around this time...but do eat something before you go...and keep the alcohol consumption in check...
I didn't want to throw myself in at the deep end. At this stage, I'd like to make friends. Also, if people thought I was flirting with them, they might think I'm setting my sights too high. I did get called cute last night, so maybe I am to some people's tastes, but I am quite rough/crude looking. And, when I drink, my behaviour / way of talking is quite crude, too. I would like to have a human conversation with someone so next time, I shall behave myself. I'll go back in a couple of weeks, but now I have studying to do (for me, studying means drinking tea and procrastinating by surfing the interbollocks.)
mmm a rough looking irish guy. Be still my beating heart.
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himself Wrote:Also, I spent the earlier part of the evening talking to this alcoholic Scottish straight woman who was off her head.
Tsk! These drunk Scottish people get everywhere!! :biggrin:
I used to venture out on my own all the time back in the day. I also found that it made me drink faster too as I was/still am quite a shy guy and downing that first pint quickly gave me a bit more Dutch courage, but I learned to pace myself after that! Once you get to that Beer goggles stage anything could happen, so be careful! :biggrin:
<<<<I'm just consciousness having a human experience>>>>