First off let me say how appreciative and surprised I am by the amount of honest and caring responses, I am genuinely grateful!
I know that Grindr is primarily a hookup app, I am not jaded on this, lol. I have many a profile across many a platform; I regularly go to places that I think would attract the people with which I may well connect.
As to my tone being "rigid," I know that my writing style is much more articulate than the demeanor in which I present myself naturally. I have a hard time talking about my emotions and must use exacting language to do so in a manner that satisfies me and also conveys precisely to the reader what I'm thinking.
That aside, I do agree that I have settled in the past, maybe it was quick but three years is a long time in my eyes. I have never gone into a hookup expecting anything other than that, to what I was referring was my own internal disappointment in myself--my inner voice saying: "You know you can do better,"
Sex, to me, is no big deal. Everyone everywhere has sex if they're even a semi-normal human being. I don't regard sex as disgusting or as a basal animal quality; I simply do not value it. At all. If I wanted to get off, I have an entire Tumblr for that!
I know I can be a condescending twat sometimes, this is not lost on me. Its a character flaw I have been making great efforts to rectify, and in comparison to my younger self, I would say that my progress is marked if not outstanding.
MikeW, your questions of whether I am ready for an LTR are quite relevant. After my first relationship, I did indeed have no idea who I was or what I wanted to do in the world, I lost my identity trying to make something work between us when there was nothing left. I would say though that recently I have been making great strides in coming to terms with who I am as a person and being completely and utterly in love with it. These many small and great epiphanic moments are undoubtedly what led to the demise of my last relationship; he wanted me to be his sex toy, to be shown off and used to get sex that he himself could not accomplish due to his...stature, or lack thereof. After rejecting him trying to get me naked and high at parties, he became more and more persistent in trying to get me to "relax" and "have fun," as he so disgustingly put it. I am not comfortable with being in the spotlight and such situations are the quickest way to make me very angry and self-conscious. If I didn't give it up, I was a prude that thought he was better than everyone, if I did, then I was some floozy whore and they would expect me to do it EVERY time I was around. That's just not me.
I know what I want to do in life; I've had my major picked since I was 15 and it hasn't changed a bit since. I am an intellectual first and foremost, I accept all connotations of such a thing, positive and negative. I want to teach at the collegiate level and am currently on track to start a master's and eventually a PhD in Metaphysics.
I am a very sensitive person and the people who know that know it is easy to use my emotions against me to get what they want. Its taken me way too long to realize this and I am trying my hardest to protect myself against such manipulations while also not allowing myself to become some unfeeling and non-empathetic logic machine (or Vulcan for the Star-Trek inclined).
Borg69, this brings me to you, in that yes, I was looking in the entirely wrong places. My exasperation comes from the mere fact that finding these guys is hard as FUCK. My previous thoughts were: "well shit, nobody on MeetMe but over a thousand on Grindr...quantity over quality!" Yeah, stupid idea, I know. Starting a club doesn't sound like such a bad idea but then again I'm so bad with crowds and talking to people that I would have to come up with some way to accomplish this and not lose my mind and clam up and run away to my solitude.
"It's not easy to find someone you find attractive and compatible. Keep looking."
Camfer, this right here is the one problem that I cannot get around. Without being egotistical, I am not ugly. I dress well and swam my whole high school career; I take care of myself. I am far from Adonis but I have kept my game up in the body department. Finding someone who is just as equally attractive as I am and also an intellectual equal AND gay...the statistics seem to be against me at that point. The men locally only see that I LOOK like a good Mormon boy (I so am not) and only want to bang me because they feel like they're taking some purity away from me. They never look deeper and see the world of a billion thoughts and ideas and my mind goes entirely unnoticed. Which makes me intensely sad because I see into them quite well usually and sometimes I'm disappointed by the emptiness and other times I'm pleasantly surprised to see that they're not in fact totally stupid. Rarely though do people enjoy being analyzed in such a fashion, liars hate those people who constantly seek out the truth in everything they do.
So anyway, thank you guys for responding. Even if things don't change with any immediacy, at least I have a sounding board with legitimate responses and ideas that I can mull over.
Oh yeah, and I got that juicy burger, compulsive little shit I am!

y'all are great