JimmyEcho Wrote:[quote=East]
No I haven't.
and I know how people say the boy--being Me. is the victim, TRUST ME I was not a victim, I Loved Him and I myself enticed him from time to time. I was into it, He was very nice to me.
Anyway you leave me with a lot to think about and dwell on.
And Thank You So Very Much.
I'm Going To New Hope Pennsylvania this Saturday just a little North of Philadelphia, Only on a work related cause!!
New Hope is the Gay Capital in Pennsylvania, Something like 7 Gay bars in this small town----- However at my lunch break I will not flirt, It's a new hope for me, hopefully.
Actually...I kinda suspected that...the nature of your relationship... but I didn't want to barge in too much and assume anything. The reason it is important...the dynamics change...sometimes drastically... in different situations.
I think one thing might change the dynamic...and that is if you had been molested at a younger age and came to this with "experience"...but if that is not the case..it kinda makes it easier to pinpoint....
So...talking to a therapist basically helps you identify a problem and find a way past it and get the tools you need to move on in the future..and that's what will happen if they are any good. Unfortunately...a lot of them aren't....like any other profession..so if you ever do feel the need...make sure you find someone who you feel comfortable with and who you think will "get you"...
Also...if you need something to think about...ask yourself...did you really like the attention he gave you?...was that a big part of what turned you on?..the ability to get that kind of attention from him?...That might be part of the foundation of what you are doing now that is making you feel bad...
Also...another thing...how did it end? Depending on your answer..that could have also contributed to the dynamic and equation of what is happening today....
One more thing.....was there any other strong male bond with an authority figure?...parent/relative/mentor...or did you experience any kind of abandonment or neglect from them? You don't have to answer but that kind situation sometimes leads people to maybe get someone turned on to them and want them....hence the flirting....
In the end...we are all unique individuals shaped by everything that has ever happened in our lives...our influences...and how we processed all of it as an individual. At any moment...you are a sum of everything you have ever experienced in your life up to that moment....so finding as many contributing factors might help ...I just threw out a few for you to consider....
Have fun this weekend!