05-02-2015, 05:46 PM
Kind of joined to post this. Basically some outsider advice, and opinion would be appreciated, plus this is a chance for me to vent to strangers!
Firstly, I've been with my boyfriend for about 18 months now, we're both final year university students and we live together, have done since last July, due to lack of accommodation options. September-December was a pretty turbulent time, followed by another few rough spots. All arguments where caused by both sides - I'm not pointing fingers here. We've got over that. We're contractually obliged to cohabit until mid August, and are looking to continue onwards to that point. Should we not kill each other before then, on that note I should get on with this....
Recently, I feel like I'm on some kind of see-saw of ups and downs and I'm confused as to wether I'm the cause to this or he is, or both of us. We're both very stubborn, however my BF has a very slick tongue and can quite quickly and easily "win" an argument or bamboozle me to the point I don't know what I'm arguing for. To make matters worse his friend (straight) has been living with us for a week now - and could be sleeping on our spare bed for a little while longer so private space is becoming a bit of an issue.
We're currently head butting on various recurring issues:
My BF:
- Thinks I don't smile enough/ look happy enough / grumpy
- Sex isn't frequent enough - he's very vocal about this to friends too.
- Thinks I don't find him sexually attractive
- I'm not a compromiser, with location of my new job etc.
My issues:
- I've never been much of a smiler, and I'm under a lot of stress so my sense of humour is not fantastic right now
- Sex is NEVER frequent enough for him, and fed up of being expected to be receptive 99% of the time. My sex drive is also a lot lower than his, and I'd like to y'know... be the top every once in a while.
- I do find him sexually attractive however his insecurities are starting to grind on me
- There's not a great deal of compromise that can be made... I can't request HQ is moved!
My main feeling right now though, and I've said this to him, is that I don't feel "good enough" as in his constant criticisms (no matter how minor) a wearing me down to the point I don't feel like I can be jokey, or funny, or sexy. Even mundane tasks like making a sandwich require him to remind me to "do it good" which, may to him be harmless (we've talked about this too) but to me it's like a little reminder that the last time wasn't quite good enough.... or the first time I didn't wasn't up to standard therefor I must be reminded how to do it every bleeding' time.
Our sex life has been on-off. Receptive sex for me, for some time, has been quite physically draining. To make matters worse, he passed on a STI to me, diagnosed in Feb, which made sex impossible for some time (still badgered me for it though!) and made me loose total bedroom confidence, something I've only just got back. His vocalness was an issue in the past, and when our new found lodger declared jokingly that anyone has more of a sex life than we do it hit a nerve, something my BF can't (or) won't accept as his fault just the truth and/or harmless fun. I did however finally get him to see oral sex as a form of sex *win* !
His constant moans about how he's not sexy because he's put on weight are also starting to irritate me. I go to the gym, and keep in good shape (not bragging) mainly for his benefit and have not once complained about his looks, as I love his personality not just his body, but he can be quite accusative of me - quizzing if I'd rather have sex with a muscular passer by or accusing me of having sex with every which guy I encounter or am friends with (I have a large social group, mainly of girls and gay men - totally by accident too!). Although I can understand why he may feel a bit on edge and "not sexy" I try really hard to re-assure him I love him and find him good looking. Accusations of infidelity however do hurt, no matter how jokey, as he's in the past downloaded Grindr twice that I know of and twisted the blame around on me. I forgave him, perhaps too soon. Since feb, his confidence seems to have been fine however the ugly head of "YOU DON'T LOVE ME AND WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH EVERY MAN ON THE PLANET BUT ME" has returned with a vengeance.
To sum this massive rant up, if you've not got bored and wandered off yet. I feel, a bit cornered. I do love him, we've been through hell and back together and I understand we're both under pressure. When we are good, we are amazing but when we are bad.... and right now I feel stuck in the bad. I feel like I'm never going to be quite good enough, I'm always going to be reminded to "be better, do this better" etc. Sex is never going to be frequent enough, or I'm never going to be "receptive" enough, (sometimes I wonder if it's worth giving him it 4x a day until he gets bored of it!) and I'm generally beginning to wonder if we're going to destroy each other.
So, here I am, in the dog house because of 5 days without being fucked, not smiling and being a bit of a grumpy dick (I confess to all three yes) - wondering what the hell I do.... because currently this is all being pinned on me being at fault and I don't know how to explain the above to him without him seeing it as an attack on himself or our relationship. And I know this is selfish and something I can't hold against him since I've forgiven him for it, but I can't help but wonder if Grindr will reappear (if it does, he dead!).
So yes, I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself, any experience or opinions would be appreciated
Kind of joined to post this. Basically some outsider advice, and opinion would be appreciated, plus this is a chance for me to vent to strangers!
Firstly, I've been with my boyfriend for about 18 months now, we're both final year university students and we live together, have done since last July, due to lack of accommodation options. September-December was a pretty turbulent time, followed by another few rough spots. All arguments where caused by both sides - I'm not pointing fingers here. We've got over that. We're contractually obliged to cohabit until mid August, and are looking to continue onwards to that point. Should we not kill each other before then, on that note I should get on with this....
Recently, I feel like I'm on some kind of see-saw of ups and downs and I'm confused as to wether I'm the cause to this or he is, or both of us. We're both very stubborn, however my BF has a very slick tongue and can quite quickly and easily "win" an argument or bamboozle me to the point I don't know what I'm arguing for. To make matters worse his friend (straight) has been living with us for a week now - and could be sleeping on our spare bed for a little while longer so private space is becoming a bit of an issue.
We're currently head butting on various recurring issues:
My BF:
- Thinks I don't smile enough/ look happy enough / grumpy
- Sex isn't frequent enough - he's very vocal about this to friends too.
- Thinks I don't find him sexually attractive
- I'm not a compromiser, with location of my new job etc.
My issues:
- I've never been much of a smiler, and I'm under a lot of stress so my sense of humour is not fantastic right now
- Sex is NEVER frequent enough for him, and fed up of being expected to be receptive 99% of the time. My sex drive is also a lot lower than his, and I'd like to y'know... be the top every once in a while.
- I do find him sexually attractive however his insecurities are starting to grind on me
- There's not a great deal of compromise that can be made... I can't request HQ is moved!
My main feeling right now though, and I've said this to him, is that I don't feel "good enough" as in his constant criticisms (no matter how minor) a wearing me down to the point I don't feel like I can be jokey, or funny, or sexy. Even mundane tasks like making a sandwich require him to remind me to "do it good" which, may to him be harmless (we've talked about this too) but to me it's like a little reminder that the last time wasn't quite good enough.... or the first time I didn't wasn't up to standard therefor I must be reminded how to do it every bleeding' time.
Our sex life has been on-off. Receptive sex for me, for some time, has been quite physically draining. To make matters worse, he passed on a STI to me, diagnosed in Feb, which made sex impossible for some time (still badgered me for it though!) and made me loose total bedroom confidence, something I've only just got back. His vocalness was an issue in the past, and when our new found lodger declared jokingly that anyone has more of a sex life than we do it hit a nerve, something my BF can't (or) won't accept as his fault just the truth and/or harmless fun. I did however finally get him to see oral sex as a form of sex *win* !
His constant moans about how he's not sexy because he's put on weight are also starting to irritate me. I go to the gym, and keep in good shape (not bragging) mainly for his benefit and have not once complained about his looks, as I love his personality not just his body, but he can be quite accusative of me - quizzing if I'd rather have sex with a muscular passer by or accusing me of having sex with every which guy I encounter or am friends with (I have a large social group, mainly of girls and gay men - totally by accident too!). Although I can understand why he may feel a bit on edge and "not sexy" I try really hard to re-assure him I love him and find him good looking. Accusations of infidelity however do hurt, no matter how jokey, as he's in the past downloaded Grindr twice that I know of and twisted the blame around on me. I forgave him, perhaps too soon. Since feb, his confidence seems to have been fine however the ugly head of "YOU DON'T LOVE ME AND WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH EVERY MAN ON THE PLANET BUT ME" has returned with a vengeance.
To sum this massive rant up, if you've not got bored and wandered off yet. I feel, a bit cornered. I do love him, we've been through hell and back together and I understand we're both under pressure. When we are good, we are amazing but when we are bad.... and right now I feel stuck in the bad. I feel like I'm never going to be quite good enough, I'm always going to be reminded to "be better, do this better" etc. Sex is never going to be frequent enough, or I'm never going to be "receptive" enough, (sometimes I wonder if it's worth giving him it 4x a day until he gets bored of it!) and I'm generally beginning to wonder if we're going to destroy each other.
So, here I am, in the dog house because of 5 days without being fucked, not smiling and being a bit of a grumpy dick (I confess to all three yes) - wondering what the hell I do.... because currently this is all being pinned on me being at fault and I don't know how to explain the above to him without him seeing it as an attack on himself or our relationship. And I know this is selfish and something I can't hold against him since I've forgiven him for it, but I can't help but wonder if Grindr will reappear (if it does, he dead!).
So yes, I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself, any experience or opinions would be appreciated