08-11-2015, 04:35 AM
Alehksh Wrote:Hey everybody! I'm Alex....I'm currently single and its kind of bothered me and left me feeling down for quite some time. I'd really like a relationship but haven't found the right guy yet. ...Ah ha! Here's the introductory thread. Sorry, I didn't see it when I replied to you in another thread.
Welcome to the forum.

So you feel lonely and you would like a relationship. So two things go through my mind right off the bat: When you say "the right guy"... what would he be like?
Second, my opinion is that 18yos should not be thinking too much about "relationships". Dating maybe, yeah. Going out with friends and having fun, absolutely. But a "relationship"? Hmmm... not saying it can't happen, obviously it can and does to some extent. But, you know, real relationships take a lot of work and if you're working a job, going to school and still trying to find yourself, do you really think NOW is the time to be thinking of a "relationship"?
I'm not saying this to put you off. I'm saying this to hopefully give you another perspective on your loneliness. For sure, it is great to have a special friend, and ESPECIALLY good if that special friend also happens to be as attracted to you as you are to him. I'm all for it.
BUT, OTOH, bear in mind that most gay boys don't date as teenagers. So... where most straight boys have gone through the dating thing, gone steady, broken up, maybe gotten back together again, or not, maybe had sex or whatever... mostly in our culture gay boys don't get to do much, if any, of that until they're away from home. Meaning your age into their early to mid 20s.
SO... you're going to run into a lot of guys who either just want to get off (nothing wrong with that, IMO) or, maybe, here and there, a few guys near your age who SAY they want the same thing you do. So you start dating and then you run into all the complexities of how that works. How no one really knows themselves, or really knows how to be honest with themselves or someone else, or doesn't really know how to communicate their real and true feelings about things. All that... the stuff relationships are made of... it takes time to learn it and quite often the first several attempts just don't work out.
Hope I don't sound too cynical or anything. My advice is to just enjoy your job and school as best you can, have as much fun as you can stand without fucking up either the work or school, and just "hang loose" for a few years. During that time you'll have the opportunity to date and enjoy that butterflies in the stomach feeling, all giddy and excited about someone. Having crushes and then, for no discernible reason, finding yourself going off him, or he off you.
If/when that happens, don't fret about it. It's part of learning to be a grown up. And little by little you become the man you want to be.... and THEN you FIND (and are found by) the MAN you want in your life.
