I have always been attracted to guys, it just took me a long time to realize that was the case.
Then there is the denial, the parents etc.
I dated girls for a long time before dating guys, and it was like a whole new tiger.
Ive been in several relationships but my current one has been great and were happy

I would say the biggest thing about dating someone or finding your match is be positive, no matter what.
If you broadcast insecurities you will send the wrong messages and its likely who you are going on dates with either doesn't notice them or doesn't care but if you constantly say I am awe full because of this or that well your broadcasting negatives about yourself.
Think, if your a salesman for vacuums, your goal and livelihood is about the sale.
"yes these vacuums are sub par, they are lack luster, the suction is mediocre and people died in the macabre facilities of China where they were produced. But the components are good I assure you!"

"And that is not all, the wheels have a minor squeak to them, the brushes could loose their bristles over time and there was a few occasions of unexplained fires resulting in the house burning down."

I do not want that vacuum sir!
People sabotage themselves too often then blame the world.
Be positive, and be like
"This vacuum can compete with most models, is priced at a point few can match and made with quality components you can count on to last you many years. Give it a shot free and if you dont like it, well there is a full money back guarantee and we will even come pick it up!" :eyebrow-wiggle-smil
ABSOLUTELY ill try it out! which vacuum do you want (there the same) of course if you fail quality control on the wheels they may squeak but your company has many chances to get it right when the customer wants a repair from the limited lifetime warranty!
yes I did just compare a person to a vacuum and the company.... yes I think it worked beautifully..
I am also aware it may sound completely ridiculous and im shocked a vacuum came into my head when thinking about a person... was it the sucking action??? I dont know!