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Sleeping with a straight guy
Hello everyone I just wanted to share this story of mine because I thought it was quite interesting and I generally want to hear everyone's views. I don't type or create topics much at all because I genuinely don't have anything interesting to share and I am really really busy all the time but I do read a lot of the posts that are on here.

So I went on a Ski trip with my university recently to a country called Andorra which is the highest country in Europe and lies between France and Spain, it's literally way up in the mountains. I didn't realise until later on after booking the trip that many people came especially for the clubbing and the drinking experience which was not my intentions, I came because I really wanted to learn how to ski but also have a bit of clubbing fun.

I did, however, take part heavily in both Skiing and clubbing while I was there and I enjoyed every bit of it. Most nights we raved in the clubs up until 2 am in the morning, then got up at 9 am to ski all the way until 4 pm. I was living with 3 guys in a hotel room while I was there, they were all straight and eager to sleep with any girl they could find. I didn't really care about having sex much because I am Hyposexual and not many people can turn me on.
But there was this one night, the last night actually, we wanted to finish off all the alcohol we had and end it big. we had half a bottle of whisky and coke, half a 1lt bottle of vodka, and 70cl of spiced rum. we drank them as shots and we drank them with mixers and then in the end we mixed them all together playing a game, then drank it leaving just a third of the rum left. we went out for a bit but the clubs were still quite empty so we went back and decided to gulp the rum down one by one until we couldn't take any more. I think I had definitely had enough by then but I wasn't conscious enough to realise, so while we were out the whole night, we had more drinks. people kept offering to buy me drinks so I had someone give me two doubleshots of vodka and coke and then two doubleshots of irish whisky and lemonade. all I could remember after that was that I was roaming around from club to club outside in -10 degrees celcius in just a shirt without feeling a thing.

when I finally decided that it was time to go back to the hotel at half past four, I stumbled into some random guy (his name was Cullen but I didn't know at the time) that was also drunk to oblivion and I asked where he was going and it turns out that he was also from the same university as me and was heading back to the same hotel I was staying. We had no idea where we were as everything just seemed hazy but luckily enough there were also organisers of the trip on watch every night roaming around looking out for people like us. the nice lady asked where we were staying, so we told her then she started to direct us. just as we were half way there, I stopped, I don't know why but I took Cullen's hand then I started to kiss him and I really went in there. after a long enough kiss, and having the girl looking at us a bit peeved , asking if we still wanted to head back. The guy looked at me with a curious look then carried on kissing me. He was a terrible kisser, must not have had much practice but it still turned me on. the lady decided that she had done enough for us and left and then Cullen stopped kissing me then said "This is very strange, I'm straight I'm not supposed to feel this way I have only been with girls." I ignored him then carried on kissing until we got way to cold to carry on. so we headed up to the hotel.

once we got there, I felt turned on even more. we pressed the lift button then kissed each other erotically until the lift came, someone came out the lift and so he imediatelly pushed me off. he started to act as if nothing was happening and so I went along with it and crossed my arms behind my back and leaned on the wall until the guy was out of veiw. bursting into the lift kissing each other erotically again he then says, "I don't know if I should be doing this I'm straight, I mean I like it, but I don't know why" I was kissing all over his neck while grabbing his package while he was speaking, clearly enjoying every bit of it, I then said "Stop being so concerned with these labels, they don't mean anything, the only thing that matters is how you feel." so he says "Alright but I don't want my brother to find out, so we have to go to your place." I took him back, and started nocking on the door as I didn't have the key, we only had one key to share between the four of us. My roomate opened the door quickly then went back to his bed which apparently was occupied with a girl. I stumble in with the guy, trying to make my way to my bed but only to find out that my other roomate had taken it. I don't know why he did, but then I just decided to take his bed as it was empty. As we started ripping each others bottoms off our hands were too cold to do any major touching so we kept our shirts on until they warmed up and then i decided to suck him off. he started to moun like he had never had sex before and at the same time he was saying that he shouldn't be feeling this good with a guy. I started to sadistically laugh and giggle because of the dillema he was facing, then I slowly made my way back up top to start kissing his lips again while giving him a hand job. he made a lot of noise which disturbed the guy I was sharing the room with. he gets of his bed, which was the top bunk and I was on the bottom, then gets closer to us and tells us to be more quite but then Cullen started to panic and then he pulled his pants back up and pushed me off and said "He's seen my face, he might tell on me!" I calm him down and nudge my roomate to say something, so he asures the guy that he won't tell on him but then he still decides to leave. I wait there for a while then give my roomate and angry glare then head off loking for him.

He enters the lift just as I get there and I go in after him. there was another guy in the lift, but I was too drunk to care so I put my arms around Cullen and started to kiss his neck. the guy looks down in embaressment and Cullen Sighs half wanting to push me of and half wanting to kiss me. he says to the guy "I'm straight, but I don't know why but I like this guy, what should I do?" the guy says "mate, just go with it, I'm straight but if I found a guy that I was into I would do the same." I was so happy he said that lol and so I just added "just for the night, one night won't do you any harm, your brother won't know" the guy gets out the lift then we carryon going up to his floor. he says "The thing is, my brother would be fine with me being gay but I'm not, I don't know why I'm feeling this way, I mean I would be fine being gay as well but I have never felt this way before." "Blame it on the alcohol" I say. we start to kiss in the passage way again, half in the lift, then he slowly distance himself, he asks me for my name, and he tells me his and says he must go, he slowly nudges me back into the lift. I went back down to my floor again then went back to my room. I did eventually make my way back up to his floor again to find him in the passage way contemplating, but then the police smothered the place before I could go for him again, they were there due to noise complaints, Cullen starts to speak to them in spanish, then they tell us both to go back to our rooms half in spanish and english politelly, so I head back. took me a while to get to sleep, but the next day, my roomate told me that Cullen came back for me but he ran him off.

I thought it was one heck of a night from what I can rember from it lol, I'm sure there must have been way more detail though.

I have kissed many straight guys but I have never gotten that far with one before, that was just like a complete fulfilment of any gay's fantacy. I have spoken to many straight people about it though and they think he was Bi and just doesnt know it, they say they have never changed in sexuality no matter how drunk they got. I don't even know what to say about that, it would be interesting to hear other peoples veiws and stories though.

This sounds very hot. Congrats! Looks like you had a lot of fun. Wink

It's not mine to tell if the guy was gay or straight. But it is my opinion that no 100% straight guy could enjoy another man as much as he seems to have (esp. the kissing part). It just does not work that way physically, drunk or not drunk. (Being drunk has never made a heterosexual out of me, even temporarily).

So, it does seem like there's some wiggling room in his sexuality, or that his physical attractions are not as clear cut as simply ''straight''. He has his reasons to think he's straight, maybe it is as simple as not having been in the right context to figure it out. Some are late bloomers (I know guys who didn't act on their homosexuality till much later than this guy). He'll probably do some thinking about it now.

The story/reasoning he comes out with right now might greatly differ from what he will have to say about it after he's had time to properly process it. It's all new to him still. His experience right now tells him he's been straight more than gay. That doesn't change any of the reality. There might be things about himself he hasn't realized/explored yet. There might not. Only he can figure himself out.
''Do I look civilized to you?''

Stuff just happens on college ski trips. That's what they are all about. No need to over think it.

Glad you BOTH had a grat time. Try laughing about it rather than worrying about it.

If you run into Cullen again just say hi and be frilendly, not expectant.
I bid NO Trump!

LJay Wrote:Stuff just happens on college ski trips. That's what they are all about. No need to over think it.

Glad you BOTH had a grat time. Try laughing about it rather than worrying about it.

If you run into Cullen again just say hi and be frilendly, not expectant.

If you see Cullen again, ask him out for drinks!!!
Use a condom.

I disagree with Drobs. Next time, no alcohol, if you want the real him. Besides, you will enjoy it more without alcohol and remember it the next day.

[MENTION=22645]Thundanton[/MENTION], [MENTION=21957]Darius[/MENTION], I feel like the thing to do, should you meet, is a lot like Darius is saying. Your experience with Cullen might be an opening for a friendship with a person with whom you have had an interestng experience. I wouldn't make sex the focus, though it might happen.
I bid NO Trump!

Darius Wrote:I disagree with Drobs. Next time, no alcohol, if you want the real him. Besides, you will enjoy it more without alcohol and remember it the next day.

Exactly right.
''Do I look civilized to you?''

Honestly, I didn't plan to have sex on the holiday, but I don't regret it either lol. in fact, I kept telling everyone that I was completely not interested in it. and that I don't have sex outside of a relationship... until I got drunk, then all my values went out the window. I never ever drink but I decided to take a week of that rule of mine and see what it was really like since everyone kept telling me it was great. some of it was great, and some was just terrible! I hated the fact that I couldn't remember the whole night, my friends had to remind me of what Cullen looked like, that's how bad it was. And then I had a whole week of feeling really tired, my poor body trying to recover from all that toxic I put in it... (I kind of did go a little too far though doing that every night) I agree, the alcohol made everything less exciting... although I also do know for sure that there is no way in my right mind that I would have just kissed him like that and brought him back to my place without drinking too, so it's kind of a paradox there.

There is also very little chance of me meeting him again sadly to say. His twin brother goes to the same uni as me but he doesn't... in fact I don't even know where he comes from lol.

Thundanton Wrote:.... it would be interesting to hear other peoples veiws and stories though.

Wow... hahaha Got me totally turned on just reading that.

I think it is becoming increasingly clear (to some people at least) that sexuality is more fluid than we generally think. I have a straight guy that I play around with on occasion. He IS straight. Not even bi. But he does like to be touched in certain ways (not others) and that's something we both enjoy. SO... what kind of sexuality is that? As I said in a thread I started here a while back, I call them "bent" straight boys. Yes, they are straight but sometimes, for whatever reason, their hornyness takes over and they're willing to do things they hadn't even imagined. And even enjoy it.

I will caution you about this, though. OFTEN with 'bent' boys like this -- or even gay or bi guys who are new to sexual experience with other guys -- what happens is, once they've cum... their brain chemistry changes. They are now in a completely different mental 'state' and they often begin to feel quite differently: Frightened, ashamed, unsure, regretful -- all the way to belligerent and violently angry... as if they've been taken advantage of, victimized, even raped.

I say this just in case something like this happens again. On one hand, I think it is totally fine to 'go for it' (as the stranger in the elevator said) when the opportunity arises like this. On the other hand, you need to be aware that the aftermath may be quite different than you expected.

This is especially so for young men who have not *consciously* questioned their (assumed) heterosexuality. Suddenly discovering that they can get turned on by other guys changes their self-identity. For some, it is no big deal. They go, 'wow... that's interesting...YAY!' Other guys go in a completely different direction... perhaps depending on how they've been acculturated to think and feel about 'gay'. Is it shameful? Is it something they're going to want to do again? How is this going to affect their lives? If they go on dating girls, for example, end up getting married (as is the cultural norm), becoming fathers and so on... what happens if these feelings come up again? The point being that different guys are going to process all this very differently. FOR SOME it can be a very disturbing experience, a sort of psychological wounding.

My general advice around this sort of thing is to be respectful of the guy you're dealing with and repeatedly make sure that what is going on is something they WANT to have happen. The bad thing about mixing drugs and alcohol with this sort of thing is that, later on, the guy may feel taken advantage of... "roffied" in a sense. After all, drugs and alcohol DO effect the decisions we make.

It's unfortunate that we can't know how Cullen is dealing with all this inside himself. Is he just shrugging it off as 'no big deal'... or is it causing him concern?

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