02-19-2017, 07:18 PM
Hello to everybody, every now and again I'm back...
I joined this forum almost 4 years ago, while I was in London and my life was just better, then I went back to "my" country, Italy, to restart a normal shitty life, and recently I also had a short but not so positive experience in the heart(? plz nope) of Europe, Bruxelles.
Even with Brexit I'm planning to go back to the UK, I'm watching for a room and a job in Bristol right now.
Bristol seems to be cheaper than the crazy but wonderful London, also seems to be artsy and music oriented.
I'm a 30yo guy (man...) and I'm into Art, which is my main reason, even if I'm just a mess.
I'm closeted and I identify myself as a queer cause I don't know and I don't care, I'm just fucking complicated, I try to deal with it, but I cannot do it decently in my small and boring hometown. I struggle and fail a lot.
I love dogs. And animals in generals.
Hope to see some known nickname and to meet new nice people here, I don't know maybe I'll be not active as once, who knows...
And as always I'm here more to take than to give advice cause I'm a mess...
See u all here (and maybe in Bristol or somewhere else...)
I joined this forum almost 4 years ago, while I was in London and my life was just better, then I went back to "my" country, Italy, to restart a normal shitty life, and recently I also had a short but not so positive experience in the heart(? plz nope) of Europe, Bruxelles.
Even with Brexit I'm planning to go back to the UK, I'm watching for a room and a job in Bristol right now.
Bristol seems to be cheaper than the crazy but wonderful London, also seems to be artsy and music oriented.
I'm a 30yo guy (man...) and I'm into Art, which is my main reason, even if I'm just a mess.
I'm closeted and I identify myself as a queer cause I don't know and I don't care, I'm just fucking complicated, I try to deal with it, but I cannot do it decently in my small and boring hometown. I struggle and fail a lot.
I love dogs. And animals in generals.

Hope to see some known nickname and to meet new nice people here, I don't know maybe I'll be not active as once, who knows...
And as always I'm here more to take than to give advice cause I'm a mess...

See u all here (and maybe in Bristol or somewhere else...)