Wow. Not one of those options fits my situation
I'm still working 3 out of 5 days a week, on full pay (yay me, I'm lucky) with heavy restrictions to access campus facilities as uni preemptively closed down for classes in March and sent most people home.
Preemptive meaning the Health Ministry was still actively fighting against such measures, so unis went...yeah..we're closed, thank you very much.
My city is yet to go on full lockdown which is also why my work is affected by university policy alone at least so far.
Lab work is not exactly something you can do from home, we are.
In any case, along with usual work, the labs here were undergoing talks with the Health Ministry to facilitate the four or so real time PCR equipment for SARS-CoV-2 testing. I don't know if it will happen or not.
Also, Government opened up applications to finance projects related to SARS-CoV-2 and our lab concocted and will present one such a project. We'll see how that goes.
In any case, we are getting ahold of some patient sera to test antibodies for the virus (that will be me doing that) and see what we can do from there.
It's all very funny, I wasn't supposed to still be here by now, but I have a paying job in the middle of a health crisis so I can't complain