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Done it -ish
Robertson Wrote:So mandy came round again and we tried again and again and again and i just wasnt happening for me, i just kept on going floppy, Cry , like i would be fine like with the foreplay n stuff but when it came to actually doing the deed i failed.

that brought me to the question of i love mandy but am i in love with her, and it just kept popping up all through the night and i really dont like doing that to mandy, i made her wait 8 months (8 months today actually) adnt then theres the point of im 15 regardless of my sexuality do i want to spend all my time with one person.

Robertson Wrote:i think that perhaps explained the me going floppy on mandy am i just not attracted to mandy or is it girls or what?:|

Think that really is a good question. It seems to my mind that there are 3 basic explanations for you going floppy:-

1. A combination of alcohol, performance anxiety, concern over your sexuality and other circumstances. I.e. you wouldn't have gone floppy with her at a better time and place.

2. You're just not attracted (sexually speaking) to Mandy.

3. You're just not attracted girls.

Simple as that theory sounds in practice trying to work out which one is true is not quick and simple. I think that it might make things simpler if when you try to work out how you feel about girls (sexually speaking) you don't think about Mandy. You clearly have strong feelings for her (even if its not clear what sort of feelings they are and are not) which obviously complicate the issue when you think about her.

Anonymous Wrote:Finish it with Mandy, you are obviously gay, that is why nothing is happening with her. It is not fair on her to continue.

IMO Anonymous is just wrong, you are not obviously gay. Although as you have admitted yourself that remains a definite possibility. That said I think you have to think about the future of your relationship with Mandy. What do you want from it, are you getting it, if not do you think you will in the future? What does Mandy want from it, if she getting it, do you think she will in the future? I have don't know the answers to those questions, but it may be that you are carrying on a relationship for no real reason, on the other hand maybe you are both enjoying it and should carry on, at least for now. I also think the question of your relationship with Mandy is separate from the question of how you feel about girls in general.

P.S. Also you are only 15 I think it would be no bad idea for you to hold off having sex until you are a little older, perhaps a little wiser, and less confused about what it is you really want.

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.

Jake Wrote:I resent that.

[COLOR="purple"]Sorry Jake.

I thought the joke I was trying to make was obvious:[/COLOR]

Jake Wrote:Padlocks and public places FTW!

***are you sure you really wanna take Jakes advice Rofl

princealbertofb Wrote:Smoking and drinking are definitely not the sex performer's friends.

Speak for yourself, my doodle works just fine thank-you

Jake Wrote:Speak for yourself, my doodle works just fine thank-you
That's not very polite, specially since you are addressing someone who has made it well known on here he neither drinks alcohol nor smokes:

marshlander Wrote:That's not very polite, specially since you are addressing someone who has made it well known on here he neither drinks alcohol nor smokes:



I hate being impolite.

I like to think my wit brings humour, not uncourtteousnes.

Maybe that's just it. If we don't know, it's usually best to be cautious. Cool

hey Robertson, i did the stuff your talkin about with a girl from school when i was 14, she just asked me on face book if i was gay in a chat, she brought up the fact that we were doin it in a polite way and asked if she was just an experiment, i felt embarrased as hell as i had to explain that i new i liked lads but i did it cos i wasnt totally sure then and i wanted to be like all my mates infront of them - only you and time can tell if your gay,bi, or straight matey, goin floppy is no real indication cos the pressure of wanting to do it prob caused that, but realise that if you both do it and then you decide ur deffo gay later then you will have some explianing to do like have Confusedmile:

seems to be a slight misunderstanding, a tried with mady during the day i was drinking at night, i dont smoke it disgusts me, and a like guys and girls so not gay :l i hope that clears it all up an thanks soo much for the help i think i just feel preassured aswell beacuse i am a year younger than all my friends and i hang about with even older firends as well and then theres some people in the year below me who have and i know its only a few but its the kind of stigma surrounding it if you get me like oh my god hes done it so everyone must, i was speaking to lesley and claire and george about it today/last night obviously only lesley knowing the full extent of the story and the general concensus seemed to be talk to her tell her i dont feel the same way and the fact that im 15 and i dont want anything serious, so im going into town with her today so well talk then (yn) wish me luck


Good luck.

Giving in to something because you are under pressure rarely makes the act worthwhile. Don't let them bring you down Wink

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