yeah, i ballsed out of it, it was a sad film and she was being soo nice to me i just couldnt say anything, it would kill me to break her heart and tell her i dont feel the same
OK, Jake, no offense was really taken, but these are just scientific facts, proven ones that sex and alcohol and sex and smoking aren't the best combinations to get the most out of sex... that's all. *hops off soap box*
You gotta be honest with her mate!! Put yourself in her position, you would wana know wouldnt you???
unless, of course, u do still have feelings for her, if so, then good luck to you
wat i realised was as soon as i kissed my first guy, I knew EXACTLY wat i preferred and glad I finally done
bigphils Wrote:You gotta be honest with her mate!! Put yourself in her position, you would wana know wouldnt you???
unless, of course, u do still have feelings for her, if so, then good luck to you
wat i realised was as soon as i kissed my first guy, I knew EXACTLY wat i preferred and glad I finally done
I think that even though the truth may be knocking at your door when you first experience something like that, you can still think that this is not for you... I know I did. And finally came back to it, many years later with greater success and much more happiness... Thanks, sweetheart!
yeah i know this thread has kind of diverged off track slightly but we will stick with it, i finally did it today ( dumped mandy ) and it went well, i suppose like last night i was texting her saying we need to talk and i needed to get my head around things, and like really early this morning she chaps for me and im in the shower( it was like 12 and she knows fine well i sleep till 2 so it was a good thing i woke early) anyway we were talking and you know how you say things to make them feel better so i goes i have been a pure dick to you, and then to my horror the replys i know and iv just took it :O:o i was soo close to sayein excuse me iv done absolutly everyhting for you, but i refraind anyway she cried byt that point i was too angry to insult myself and i just sat there, after like 10 mins a said to her i think you should leave so we can get our head round this.... was in a real downer for a few hours but the friends have cheered me up
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Joined: Oct 2002
I'm a : Gay Man in a Monogamous Gay Relationship
Starsign:  Taurus
Hey R,
Just had a wee read through your thread...
Congratulations on following your instinct and going with your heart! I think you have done the right thing. There's no point in prolonging the missery if things aren't working out or it doesn't feel right for you anymore!
Andy xox
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right another update, after another druken night, although to be perfectly honest i was sober, kaitlin said to me she has alwais thought i was gay and she would still love me the same if i was, right im not even that close to her aniway but i maintained that i wanst gay, and the next night at work i was texting claire and i asked her if she thot i acted gay and i explained becaise kaitlin said that and she sain not gay but camp, but thats you and you no what you are so fcuk it!, and then she texted me saind are you gay, or bi just beacuse you asked that, now i wasnt going to lie to her so i said yes and she was and she actually cried and i got a text saying "Do you know i love you mre now you have told me  i am so proud of you! And you know im sort of crying now and i dont no why! i have always wanted to ask you but didnt want you to hate me. And like seriously you are fucking brave and well done to you  Im soo fucking cheezy man" before anyone comments cheezy means happy nothing else, but how much of a feel good text was that, and yeah aparently i do act really camp:\ but i dotn even think so compared to alot of people, anyway everybodys happy now, but they seem to think now im bi im a slut, its quite funny
Happier days to follow, I hope.
Girl, Claire is a bit of a tool.
Jake Wrote:Girl, Claire is a bit of a tool. jake you didnt even give her a chance, just because you thought her name was neddy( shes the complete opposite from a ned though) you immedietly judged and shes really the soundest person i have ever met