I would, I have, and I do...
big guys are beautiful; for me I'm more attracted to someone who looks strong and bulky. I would take a blushing chubby over a self-obsessed twink a thousand times over.
I would have to mark no. I don't find it disgusting, it just is not what attracts me. Looks, personality, and mentality are the three most important things to me, but not in that order. A big guy with a sharp mind is about the same to me as a supermodel guy with the mind of a clay brick. I'm not looking for super thin or super attractive or super intelligent...It's just the way that I'm wired I guess. I can't force myself to be physically attracted to someone, no matter how smart or kind they are. And I couldnt bring myself to be attracted to someone with a horrible personality and a great body. Maybe I'm picky, and maybe I'll get some flak for it...but I'm just being honest. :/
Idk, I'm very self concious abt my weight...........so, idk. Bt, I think depends...cuz, I like this guy n he doesn't have abs, he's avg.
Personally doubtfull but possible. If the guy had a perfect personality then maybe. But I've never been attracted to a 'Fat Person'
it depends...if i like him, why not?
My ex was a little bigger, i woudlnt see why it would matter as long as you are attracted to them...
i would. i have dated plenty of fat men before
I'm happy now, cause apparently a lot of guys aren't overly bothered with the weight thing. Now I can have all the milk, cookies and ice cream that I want! Yippeeeee!!!!!