A lot of people in here gave really good advice IMO. But no medication can stop you from drinking because if you want to drink and have the medication, the simple cure to that is would be to stop taking the med and back to drinking.
I finally had enough courage to stand up to my addiction (pain killers like oxycodone etc.) and get help because I was going no where but DOWN!
I'm 33 and I first started using pain pills around 16 because I loved the way they made me feel. Nothing in the world gave me that feeling of well being than a few percocets. It wasn't until when I was in a car accident about a year ago that I was getting Oxycodones and Vicodins prescribed. My script would consists of 120 oxys and 120 vikes and for a while I was the happiest person in the world until I tried to stop. Then I became out of control with them, or rather they took control of me. I was popping 25 pills a day because they stopped working the way they used to.
Trying to stop on my own was not fun at all. Withdrawals will drive you insane and then I realzied that I needed more help than I thought I did. It took me a lot of time to actually reach out for help but I had no choice because I was sick of taking 25 oxy's a day, then running out of my script and buying them off the streets.
I know that alcohol and narcotics (pain pills) aren't the same thing but yet they are as they are both mind altering substances. I'm in no way of saying that you have other issues causeing you to use, but it was with my situation.
I am on a medication called Suboxone and i take 3 of them deaily, it works great for me bit along with that i have to go to outpatiend and the people who staff the place are great. Instead of bottling up everything, I am learning how to express them and deal with the feelings.
Oh I'm sorry i have to go to bed and can't finish but i want to add more tomorrow ogo d lck
if was it drinking alchol the docter help an and give you some medesine.it need to be medesin. i hope you are ok.
I think circlelot about summed up the reality of your issue. You have to think about the pros and cons of your actions and consequences. I don't have a problem with alcohol, my problem is with pain killers but their both substances that alter your mind.
I think seeing that you think or know you have a drinking problem, you should do whatever it takes to stay clean. It's not easy either because youi have to first of all find a new group of friends that aren't going to trigger you to drink.
I'm still in the process of trying to tell some people to not bother me and keep their drugs away. Alcohol has ruined so many lifes as does drugs, be it illegal or prescription.
I am still in outpatient and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. You are with people who are facing the same problems as you. I also think your mind is playing tricks on you in the means of saying that you want to lower the amount you drink. It won't work. It's just like what I was trying to do with the pain pills: Instead of taking 10 to 15 pills a day I was going to do 4 pills a day!
Wish it worked that way but it doesn't. And yeah you might be able to get medication but if your doctor is anything like mine, the only way I was to get Suboxone was to go to rehab!
I know some people say that taking a medication is only changing one addiction to another, in a way it is, but I'd opt for the safer drug and right now Suboxone is working for me and maybe somethng like Antibuse would work for you good luck!