I wouldn't bother with CURIOUS, lots of softish sex scenes but which are unwarranted and practically no script, so it's not enough to pull it out into a long feature film. Boring.
Did enjoy Prom Queen: The Mark Hall Story A real life story about a young Canadian graduation student who wants to bring his boyfriend to Prom Night.
Can't beat the films of Merchant and Ivory. Those Edwardian gentlemen are so cute. Also liked Pr*** up your ears about the gay playwriter Joe Orton.
Has anyone seen a film called Hell Bent, it's ment to be the worlds first gay horror film.:eek:
Shelter - the most impressive film. Love it very much - the first film for the first date -)))
i don't know why it was not mentioned that often - i don't know person in real who seen it and didn't like -)
My favourites are:
from UK: Priest. Linus Roach is so sexy.
from USA: Brokeback Mountain and As good as it gets. Who would have thought that Jack Nicholson could make you feel so good about being gay. Funnily enough this film always makes me well up!
I found a good French film on Youtube: The Man I Love (T.M.I.L.) Lovely scenery, cute guys, sad ending.
i wont to watch a gayfilm
I find a lot of gay films depressing as they aim for popular subjects that are well known in the community but ones that at the same time are very depressing.
So on that note i think the best one yet is Breakfast with Scott, its not the usual subject but its a sweet film that i enjoyed.