johno doe Wrote:I am a 20 year old guy and am very confused about my sexual orientation and would greatly appreciate any reply.
Well here is mine.
johno doe Wrote:I find my girlfriend extremely sexy and start getting an erection as soon as we kiss.
Pretty good sign your not gay to begin with, if you ask me
johno doe Wrote:But then she says that I don't look at her boobs.
Do you think you look at them? Perhaps, you are just discrete when you do, so she doesn't notice? Perhaps (no offence intended to her) her boobs just aren't all that impressive? Perhaps you just aren't a 'boobs man', I've had a number of straight male friends admit that.
johno doe Wrote:When I walk down the street I check out chicks asses but I also look at guys arms.
Do you find those arms sexy; or are you just comparing with your own or wishing yours were as impressive?
johno doe Wrote:- I went to an all boys high school and didn't have nearly enough interaction with girls (relevant?)
It might make you a little awkward around girls but that is about it, going to an all boys school does not make you gay (except in gay erotic fantasy-land).
johno doe Wrote:- I have always had a much closer relationship to my mother than my father although I love them both and they both love me
johno doe Wrote:- Often I've often had Freudian slips, especially whilst smoking weed that came out very gay eg "john you fucked me" instead of "John you fucked our assignment"
People often say stupid things, especially when given chemical help. I wouldn't read anything into it.
johno doe Wrote:- i often fail to catch the hot chick in the corner of my eye
Unless you rarely fail to catch hot guys in the corner of your eye, I'd simply suggest that you are not the most visually observant guy in the world.
johno doe Wrote:- I had my first girlfriend at 17
I had my first boyfriend at 27, I was still definitely gay before then.
johno doe Wrote:- when I was younger I found myself spending loads of money on my friends in the same way I now spend it on girls
I think you are probably a generous guy, its a good thing but it doesn't make you gay.
johno doe Wrote:- a couple my mates whom I've spent money on and smoked weed with think I'm gay
Generally I think you would know about yourself better than them.
johno doe Wrote:This is all very nice and gay but it just doesn't stack up to other things in my life:
To be honest it really doesn't sound gay to me.
johno doe Wrote:- I get an erection from watching heterosexual porn, lesbian porn and solo female porn but not from gay porn
- my fantasies only involve girls
Those are pretty good signs that you are straight.
johno doe Wrote:- I'm sure It's irrelevant but I hate clothes shopping, I play rugby (similar to grid iron), i'm very messy and I eat the fat on my steak (although I spose there are loads of gay dudes that do this
It is irrelevant there are plenty of gay guys that do all of the above and plenty of straight guys that don't.
johno doe Wrote:- when I'm with my girlfriend this issue seems silly and it feels obvious that I'm straight
That really sounds very straight to me.
johno doe Wrote:- I was in love (albeit young love) with my first girlfriend
-gay sex looks yuk to me.
Again pretty straight.
johno doe Wrote:the uncertainty is really getting to me and at the moment it is all that occupies my mind. I'm not going to lie, being gay would compromise parts of my life style, some of my friends, possibly my relationship with my parent and future plans such as having kids of my own. This is big and I am scared.
From what you have said I don't think there is anything to be worried about. Being gay is about being sexually and romantically attracted to guys and not girls, and that doesn't sound like the above.
However clearly this is really eating into you, you've gone and posted it on a website, I know from experience that it takes a lot to make you do that. To my mind there are two possibilities, either you really do have good reason to question your sexuality or you don't. If you do have good reason, then, frankly, I don't think that you have shared it with us. To put it bluntly, have you been entirely accurate in what you have wrote, have you deliberately left things out? If you haven't been honest then there is no more I can say and you should stop reading here, but I am going to assume that you
have been honest. I really don't think that you've got good reason to question your sexuality, you sound very straight to me.
You seem to be having recurrent unwanted thoughts questioning your sexuality. On the basis of a quick google of 'homosexual obsessive compulsive disorder', I would agree that it does sound similar to you.
My advice: RELAX. First it is normal at your age to experience occasional thoughts questioning your sexuality (I had them, but in the opposite direction as it were

). You may be getting them more than occasionally but don't think that just because you are getting these thoughts means that there must be a good reason for them. Try not to let them 'get to you' just remember how you feel about straight porn and gay porn and how you feel about when you are with your girlfriend, and then just get on with your day.
If despite this and giving your thoughts/feelings a little time you are still getting these thoughts and the are bad enough to stop you being able to get on with everyday life then I think that you might need to seek professional help.
Hope this helps