03-06-2008, 02:52 AM
princealbertofb Wrote:I presume your parents are of your partner's age of maybe even younger? You don't tell us much about who they are as people. Do they listen? Do they speak against gays? Are they very religious. It would be easier to help you if we knew a bit more about you and them...
Nail, Hammer, BANG!

Yeah, provide us with a bit more background and we'll hit you up for advice. Course, in these circumstances, there is no right or wrong answer. I found it easier to tell my mum in a letter. I don't like confrontation and my mum respected that and so wrote me a letter back, explaining that she understood etc. and then we were able to talk face to face, once I knew that there would be no big confrontation.
I personally prefer to 'test the waters' first. Maybe bring up 'Oh such and such a person told me they were gay the other day' just to see what the reactions might be. If they then discuss and their attitude seems quite positive maybe you could say something like 'How would you feel if i WERE?' and put emphesis on the hypothetical 'WERE' - again, if the attitude is fairly positive then maybe you could think about coming clean. Otherwise, I'd leave it for a bit - maybe just bringing up the topic might make them begin to think more about it - maybe alarm bells will ring - if you then give them time to think about it, it might sink in and not be so much of a shock when you actually break it to them.
Just a few ideas... however crap they may be :biggrin: