hello, im so confused.. need help and advice. i am a 31 year old male. identify as straight. I do not know what has happened to me lately but all I watch am so horny for is gay porn and male cock. ive been kinda fighting this for years. i go through phases where i am so horny, and submissive for gay sex, but i never act on it out of fear i would change sexuality and be addicted to gay sex and men. the more i fight it, the more it appears i want it so badly. is this normal? i always like girls and feel attracted to them. but lately after exploring gay porn, gay chats, gay phone sex, thats all im hungry for. i dont know what to do. i need help and advice and a buddy to straighten me out 
Well despite what all of us would like to believe, that sexuality is solid, if you are gay you are gay, if you are straight you are straight, forever and for always.
But I think that sexuality is fluid, and it changes over time depending on what we have been exposed to, and many other factors. And as we know in this more enlightened age repressing sexual desire is not healthy. So I say keep exploring, sexuality is very confusing but by exploring and experimenting with it you can figure it out, what you like and don't like and when you like it and when you don't.
I wish you the best of luck! I know from personal experience that once you finally are no longer sexually confused it is a great relief!
drewnyc7 Wrote:hello, im so confused.. need help and advice. i am a 31 year old male. identify as straight. I do not know what has happened to me lately but all I watch am so horny for is gay porn and male cock. ive been kinda fighting this for years. i go through phases where i am so horny, and submissive for gay sex, but i never act on it out of fear i would change sexuality and be addicted to gay sex and men. the more i fight it, the more it appears i want it so badly. is this normal? i always like girls and feel attracted to them. but lately after exploring gay porn, gay chats, gay phone sex, thats all im hungry for. i dont know what to do. i need help and advice and a buddy to straighten me out  
I was like this for years , i got married twice , I had secret gay thoughts , but i realised no matter how hard i tried they would always be there and i couldnt make them go away . I could have sex with women , no problem and enjoy it , but i wouldnt get that rush of emotions when i saw a pretty woman , but with guys i would . No one chooses to be gay , and you cant block out your sexual identity forever, it catches up with you in the end . I would always jack off thinking about guys , never women . Sounds to me like you are either gay or Bi , but only you know for sure . I didnt want to be gay ..no way , but after years and years of fighting it i accepted it myself . Only then can you move on with your life . Maybe you would benefit from getting some councelling . There are many confidential help lines that can help . Good luck . Hope you make the right decisions for yourself
Sorry to hear you are feeling confused ... but are you really sure this is the best place to find someone to "straighten you out"?
Seriously, if this is all in your head at the moment, that's where it'll stay until you find out what your reactions and feelings would be like in a real situation. I wish you the best for becoming more at ease with yourself, whoever you turn out to be.
drewnyc7 Wrote:all I watch am so horny for is gay porn and male cock.
i want it so badly.
after exploring gay porn, gay chats, gay phone sex, thats all im hungry for. That sounds like somebody who knows what they want, not someone who is confused, which leaves me wondering why you want a buddy to straighten you out.
No matter how much talking you do , no one will be able to make you straight if your not , sounds like you know already but don't want to accept it. Nothing wrong with that , i did that to so I know, just dont waste half your life fighting who you are inside because all it will do is cause you turmoil inside and make you unhappy knowing somthing is missing .
idk, i meant to straighten me out as a joke btw.. ive never felt like this. i get crazy horny for the thought of gay sex, jerk off a lot to gay porn.. get hot orgasms to gay porn but not as much to females anymore.. i dont understand.. im 31,,,.. is this a phase?? what should i do??
I went through phases of jacking off to straight porn. While I was still in denial I'd hold on to those phases for fear that I might be gay when I was jacking off to gay porn. I told myself that the gay stuff was just a phase.
Eventually I realised that the way I felt was completely different. That with straight porn the feeling was actually dulled as if I was just going through the motions without really getting much out of it.
Since I accepted myself, at age 34, I've been much happier. I became even happier when I came out, at 35, when I found how accepting all my friends were.
I hope this helps you to discover yourself more.
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drewnyc7 Wrote:idk, i meant to straighten me out as a joke btw.. ive never felt like this. i get crazy horny for the thought of gay sex, jerk off a lot to gay porn.. get hot orgasms to gay porn but not as much to females anymore.. i dont understand.. im 31,,,.. is this a phase?? what should i do?? Drewny,
Probably more than 90% of the guys on this forum thought they were straight at some time in the past. But I doubt very much if you'll find many guys, if any, either here or elsewhere, who used to be gay but now realize that they were in denial about their true sexuality and really prefer women now.
I think you need to allow yourself to enjoy whatever it is that you enjoy sexually. Personally I doubt if you are just going through a phase. That certainly has not been the case for the rest of us here.
The question is not "What should I do?" The question is "What do you want to do?"
peterinmalaga Wrote:Drewny,
Probably more than 90% of the guys on this forum thought they were straight at some time in the past. But I doubt very much if you'll find many guys, if any, either here or elsewhere, who used to be gay but now realize that they were in denial about their true sexuality and really prefer women now.
I think you need to allow yourself to enjoy whatever it is that you enjoy sexually. Personally I doubt if you are just going through a phase. That certainly has not been the case for the rest of us here.
The question is not "What should I do?" The question is "What do you want to do?"
I agree totally with Peter, never ever feel guilty or ashamed of your feelings and desires , accept it as part of you and that it's ok to feel this way . Once you start accepting it yourself you are going to feel a lot better about the situation