i like a bit older but not to older .im 25 i like 20 o like 33 . peple mite say your boyfrind is to old joseph an him to old for me . becase its not asame to old and younge.but my frinds iis older like 53,.
i personally like how mature the older types of men are.
And then i also like the people my age.
It's confusing.
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Joined: Jun 2009
I'm a : Single Gay Man
hmmm, current partner is 20, others have been older or younger, It is not that confusing Tommy Ray, those who have been out awhile can bring stuff to the table that others can't. As far as why. I just go with people I am similar to, whether old or young, Jim
Hi! I am new to this forum and my name is John. I'm a 56 year old guy living in New Jersey, USA. I wanted to relate an older/younger relationship issue that involves me and a very young guy of 21 years. I want to start by saying that I was NOT seeking someone this young! What happened is that I was frequently shopping at a food store with a self checkout because I can get out of the store faster. There was this young, very polite and helpful guy that was giving help to the customers with the new self-checkout. He helped me with a few problems that I had and I thanked him. He seemed overly friendly to me and since I am a friendly person I did'nt think much of it. Then one day he said 'it's good to see you.' I said 'it's good to see you' back to him and thought to myself what a nice guy! Then, one Friday in late July he said "I'm sorry I did'nt see you, but I'm working this weekend." He had other store employees around so I could'nt think of what to say. As I left the store I just said 'take care' and wondered why he went out of his way to invite me back by telling me, almost a perfect stranger, when he was working next. I felt bad that I did'nt say more to him so the following week I came back to formally introduce myself. He then told me to come back the next day which was a Saturday and that I could spend some time with him on his break. I thought that I had nothing to lose so I did. As I got to know him a little better I found him to be one of the nicest guys that I have ever met. Now aside from the fact that we are far apart in age-what he says next has me really confused. He said that he had to check to see if he had any text messages from his girlfriend! I then asked him if I should go now. He just said stay if you want. I just did'nt know why he was willing to spend his half hour break with me. I relaxed a little and we talked about some common interests that we had such as traveling and nature. Then he suddenly said to me: Do you have your own house? I said yes. Are you married? I said no. Are you single? I said yes. Then he said you're better off not being married-I'm never getting married! Near the end of his break I said am I staying too long? He then said 'Don't worry, I'll let you know if you're staying too long.' I then asked him if I could stop by and see him again and he said 'stop by as often as you like.' I stopped by about a half a dozen times over about a week and a half mostly visiting him near the checkout area-being careful not to get him in trouble with management.' He seemed to be happy having me visit him. I wanted to give him my phone number and he said that he did'nt have time to talk on the phone but asked me if I had facebook. I said that I did'nt . Now he is just about to come back home from a 2 week vacation in Florida and then will start the next semester of college but will still work 3 or 4 days a week. Now I find myself really liking him a lot and missing him for the last 2 weeks. I really did not plan on this happening and at my age I should be able to sort things out on my own but I am finding myself really confused about this guy! He says that he does'nt have enough time for his friends-so I cannot picture him needing anymore friends. One day when I stopped to see him and the store was quiet it looked as though he was about to give me a hug-but it turned into a hand shake. I'll most likely see him in the next few days and I'm excited but also nervous. I'm not sure where I'm going with this new and awkward relationship but I feel like I want to be with him. I'm sorry to elaborate on this, but I have been losing sleep about everything that has happened and I was hoping for some advice! Thanks ! John
First of all I would say dont get hung up on the age thing. Maybe you should just cautiously see where this is going. It doesnt seem very clear what he intends, which is why I say be cautious.
JohnG72 - go for it i say, your both happy in each others company and your not breaking any laws - the only people who will cast doubt on the relationship are sad people who want everyones lives to be a miserable and norrow minded as thier own - if you were a celebribty you would be getting a pat on the back for dating someone younger
Thanks juk, marshlander, and matty7! I really appreciate your input! This guy is so kind, caring, and such a beautiful person on the inside as well as on the outside that I think it is well worth it for me to keep seeing him and maybe just let him move forward at his own pace if that makes any sense! Thanks again! John