I slept with girls in high school. I rode motorcycle when I was high school and made out with girls on it.
And now, I am a big GAY! nothing can change it.
same thread twice :l just spamming now >.>
I hope this thread gets deleted, its very sick.
While Captain 1950 might be a troll, and a fake, if his question is genuine, then he'll need to own up to the fact that HE spawned such a son as he has. I don't think it's fair for one minute to equate "not-interested-in-cars" with gay. Maybe Captain's concern is genuine for his son, but maybe, if he's the good father he'd like to be, it would be more helpful to give him something that he really needs, obviously the Beetle he wants and that seems to suffice him.
I never laughed so loud as to some of the answers given here... (there's some very good sense of humour on this site!!! : biggrin)
The "hot-piece of ass" that he married is no way to give an son an immediate love of women, far from it, especially if he's going to refer to his partner or new wife as that "hot piece of ass" (I personally find that despicable).
It's normal for a child (and a 58-year-old ought to know that) to want to break away from family tradition or what his parents did before him. It's when adolescence starts that children find they have to construct their personalities as being separate identities from their parents'. I know I wouldn't like to ressemble this Captain in any way, but for the sake of being practical, let's say he needs to get a better understanding of human nature all across the spectrum.
I think the OP is a troll, seriously just because your son doesn't match your view of the stereotypical REAL MAN doesn't mean he's gay.
You're... gosh, this is so frustrating! How narrow-minded and ignorant can you be?
Captain 1950 sounds like you were gay hiding behind the car that you had, yet that is just my opinion. Maybe he doesn't think that by having a Town Car is gonna get him anywhere and maybe he wants to be more green towards the planet and not have some car that is almost as big as a boat, let him choose what he wants to be and leave your cars in the garage where they should stay. Yet maybe you think by giving cars away will buy the love.