Sorry to hear about your accident. Relieved that you are okay though. Hope the insurance will fight on your behalf for a decent settlement. If they have offered you only 900 to write the car off you would be able to turn down their offer in the UK and ask for more.
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Snow Wrote:thanks guys :]
and yeah the dog is fine just a little shaken up like me 
worst part is i know the family that hit me
and my ex girlfriend was in the other car :/
Sorry i didn't reply to this sooner, i thought i had posted....but evidently I had not.:redface:
So obviously i'm sorry to hear about such news.:frown:
You don't think they'd be complete A-holes and blame it on you do you?:frown:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
Please dont take this the wrong way but the other guy may of ran the light but the accident was still your fault. Two words: defensive driving. Other people realy dont know how to drive so you must anticipate what the other idiots are doing while driving. In the future when the light turns green look both ways to make sure cross traffic is going to stop before you proceed into the intersection. You always have to be aware of what other drivers are doing. It sucks but if you dont drive defensively then stuff like this happens. On the same note Im very sorry to hear this happened to you and your car. Glad to hear you didnt get hurt or worst. Ive been in two crashes myself and know how much it sucks. Judging from the pictures the car still looks drivable if you get a head light/turn signal. You may be able to salvage it so you still have something to drive.
I'm sorry to hear about that, Snow. It's so unfair considering that it wasn't even your fault. Do you have insurance that'll cover the damages?
At least you're okay though, like someone said before... the car's replaceable, you're not.
Well, sorry to hear about that. The good thing is that everything is ok but the car. Thing could be worse. Last month, I got hit by a car too. I was riding my bike and when I passed a T intersection,a chick had her phone on her hand hit me. The bike was out of shape a little bit, I got some scars but did not break any bone. I could have sued the chick for a check but I did not. Still regret about that lol.
Sorry to hear about that Snow. Thankfully you are alright. Safe and sound. That's what matters.