Oh and sorry the pictures didn't post -.- fail
I love my N64!
The favorite games for it are Zelda : The Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Bomberman Hero and Harvest Moon.
The N64 rules! Definitely one of my favorite consoles (if not my #1 favorite console ever) ever. I had a really impressive library of games. I had Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye and others.
Unfortunately sometime around 2004 or 2005, I sell my consoles for money. I really regret that now. I kept a few games for it though (in case I ever get an N64 again)... now I feel really stupid that I didn't keep the memory cards. I downloaded an N64 emulator, it just doesn't cut it. I even have a controller for the computer. I need the physical console to play games.
N64 is the shit. Ocarina, Mario 64, Star Fox 64, Goldeneye... many good times.
I can't believe I forgot about Mario 64! That game lasted me quite a while with the amount of levels. Mario Party 2 was another one that I really liked, I can't find it though...
@CB Yeah, I have an emulator too but it really is not the same, it's way more fun playing the games on an actual console.
@HA Oh really? :tongue:
I had a Mario Party game... actually it was my brother's. It was pretty damn fun and entertaining. I remember playing it with my brother and my cousin. Good times!
I loved the N64 my favorites were Legend Of Zelda, South Park Rally, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, Mario, and a few others I can't recall