conechvn Wrote:Wow. What happened to you tonight babe? I just went to work like 6 hours and you got an evolution in your thought.
Well, if you feel like it 's right to give away, then give it away. Just be safe. Don't suck or bareback just because he tells you that you are the only one. Also, since you are bottom, use a lot of lube. It 's going to hurt like hell.
Plus, if you can not find the right candidate, I can fly there to have you take it away :eek:
A lot can happen in six hours.
I just talked to one of my friends who was giving me
way too much information about his sex life and I just wondered how he could see sex as something so casual, so I ended up doing some thinking/reflection.
I haven't made up my mind on my position yet. ~_~
LOL! Con! You're unbelievable! :p
Mr. Lonely Wrote:OMG what is the big deal TUX society tells us to have swex as much as possable to prove you are a man BULL FEATHERS I lost my virginity to a woman because I was told that is the way it is supposed to be one of the worst times in my life I might add I was 18. my first male sex was at 25 and it was the closest thing to heaven i can think of.
Do not give into the Idea that because you are gay you have to be a slut
there is MORE to being gay than JUST SEX
Hang in there kiddo you are just fine
I don't wanna have sex as much as possible or be a slut, I just want to... well, I don't know. Stop seeing sex as such a big deal? Am I really giving in to the masses? >_>
I know there is more to being gay and being in a relationship than sex, trust me. Unfortunately, I'm one of the few who think so... at least at my age. I just don't know
why I'm thinking like that, it just seems unnecessary to think so. I feel like I'm being delusional, I'll most likely never have a normal lifestyle if I stay where I'm at now (sadly, I'll most likely stay here for the majority of my life) so why "wait"? Wait on what? I want to meet someone and get into a serious, monogamous, long-term relationship but I doubt that'll ever happen because everyone who I know that's gay around me is just interested in sex, last night just solidified that for me. Even when I'm being friendly, kind and accepting. I don't even have high standards or anything; I love people for them, they don't need to try to work hard to impress me or anything but why be so honest and romantic if all we're gonna do is have sex? Ah, I think if I think too much about this I'll just end up deciding to become a slut. >_<
conechvn Wrote:I wish your comment can be true.
But from my own observation all young gay guys are just rushing for something physical. Everyone that I met just wanted a hot body, a cute face and a big penis.
Probably, it will be different as we get older but I think youngster should loose themselves a little bit and be safe. So by the time we are over 35, have a life partner, we should be able to say "been there, done that, get over it" not "I wonder how it feels to be a slut and I am thinking about cheating on my partner for some casual sex"
And now I read your post.

I wanna tell you that you're just meeting the wrong guys and that you shouldn't let a few guys represent the mindset of the entire gay community but... I'm doing the same thing. I'm being such a hypocrite. I don't want to wait till I'm 35 though, why can't I find someone who thinks like me that's around my age? ;__;
Gosh... I need to do some more thinking. >_>