03-06-2011, 03:44 AM
So I met this guy online a while back and after chatting for a week or so we agreed to meet up for dinner. We had a good time he's very nice and sweet yet I didnt feel that we had much in common, that being our first date I thought to myself that I should be more patient and that next time we go out I'll try to get to know him better.
I just came back from the movies and we had some dinner earlier, needless to say I still feel that we dont have a "connection" or didnt "click". I mean we manage to talk about all kinds of stuff and there hasn't been any awkwardness so far, We are in a sense comfortable with each others presence.
To be fair about this I on the other hand, need a while to get used to people and learn more about them so that I can sort of become funny or talkative lol, I know that sounds weird but I mean, I just need to know them more so that I can be myself more and show more humor.
So here`s the question, how much do you emphasize "clicking" in the first few times you meet? Would you just know from the first time, or would you give it say another 4-5 chances?
And another thing is that we have agreed that we arent looking fro a one time thing, so so far our two encounters have been very platonic with some minor flirting, I would go further and try to be a bit more friendlier as in give him kiss good night or something, but Im worried to scare him away(Like I did last time with another guy :S)
So my second question is at what point do you guys think I should try to suggest to take things a bit further to let him know im interested and want to take things a bit further so that in a sense I can be more comfortable around him ?
(Sorry if my description isnt very coherent
dunno how to explain it better lol)
I just came back from the movies and we had some dinner earlier, needless to say I still feel that we dont have a "connection" or didnt "click". I mean we manage to talk about all kinds of stuff and there hasn't been any awkwardness so far, We are in a sense comfortable with each others presence.
To be fair about this I on the other hand, need a while to get used to people and learn more about them so that I can sort of become funny or talkative lol, I know that sounds weird but I mean, I just need to know them more so that I can be myself more and show more humor.
So here`s the question, how much do you emphasize "clicking" in the first few times you meet? Would you just know from the first time, or would you give it say another 4-5 chances?
And another thing is that we have agreed that we arent looking fro a one time thing, so so far our two encounters have been very platonic with some minor flirting, I would go further and try to be a bit more friendlier as in give him kiss good night or something, but Im worried to scare him away(Like I did last time with another guy :S)
So my second question is at what point do you guys think I should try to suggest to take things a bit further to let him know im interested and want to take things a bit further so that in a sense I can be more comfortable around him ?
(Sorry if my description isnt very coherent
