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Relationship Issues
So lets get to it
Ima guy, 17
Boyfriend is 22
been dating for around 5 months

Things started to go downhill a few months ago, my friend passed away from cancer.
So who dosnt want there boyfriend when somthing like that happends?
The day of when i heard about that, i texted him saying i need to see him tonight, he was going to his grandmas for the night
after a little fighting i finally get to see him, things went ok i guess

then everyday i was with him he made me feel like shit, ignoring me, pushing me away, making me ask for a kiss, or anything, and just made me feel like i was the only one trying to make the relationship work.

I started to notice how he changes when we are with anyone els, i mean anyone
he would just ignore me and make me feel like shit

After all that, we didnt have much alone time, since he lived with his sister (my best friend)
and the only time we had to ourselves would be in the shower, but oh wait he dosnt like to shower with me anymore.

So i was like k... i can handle that.
Everything went downhill when we moved his bed into the living room since we were having people stay over, its been in there for like a month....
his sister and her friend would sleep in there everynight aswell, so there go's mysexlife

ive asked him countless times to move the bed so we can be alone, his response. No i like sleeping in there
he dosnt even think about my feelings.....

Since we have been sleeping in there hes pushed me away at night.
i like to cuddle when i sleep, but he seems its fine to shove me away,

so after a few nights of that, he starts pushing me away then cuddling his friend(a girl) so im just like wtf im done with this bullshit Gratte

once i finally got the balls to text him about it, after him ditching me two nights in a row.
i told him we need to talk, things need to change

after an hour of bitching about why i dont want to talk over text.. he finally accepts it.

we have our talk and i tell him all the bullshit hes pulled, he said its all becuase we have been spending to much time together. bla bla bla

so we are now on a break.
im ok with that

butt he said he needed alone time with just himself, even from his sister and her friend

right after the talk i go home, sisters friend says there overnight....
today his friend go's over there again to stay over.....

oh sorry i forgot to mention that they have been saying more sexual things to eachother than we have this week, he says its just a "joke"

so saying you need a break from everyone then inviting basicly the main reason for these issues to sleep over for two nights... isnt that a bit overkill?

Also side stuff i forgot to add

he thinks its ok to break a promise because he said it when he was high..
he dosnt ask me to drive him anywhere just tells me
puts me down and makes fun of me occasionally

sorry for the shitty grammar and wall of text, i just need to rant

anyone wana shed some light on this ?

I think you should dump him, it's not worth being treated like that. You'll find someone else.

OrphanPip Wrote:I think you should dump him, it's not worth being treated like that. You'll find someone else.

Yeah i was contemplating that.
He said he just needs some space, so if nothing changes i will have too

its going to be very hard though since im best friends with his sister and his friend..
and i was at there house daily

Snow Wrote:Yeah i was contemplating that.
He said he just needs some space, so if nothing changes i will have too

its going to be very hard though since im best friends with his sister and his friend..
and i was at there house daily

You need to start building other friend's groups. Just to avoid getting hurt when they may all leave you at one. I don't say that they will for sure do that too you but it 's better to get some prepare and have someone else there when you need.

Ok don't take this the wrong way but you guys are both too young to be in this kind of relationship. It is probably best if you give each space and spend more time concentrating on having fun, thinking about your career, making new friends, and thinking about what you want to do with your life. Don't waste your time being in a relationship that's toxic.

Hello Snow,
First off please allow my Hug *hugz*.. I am so so sorry to hear that your boyfriend is being a nasty bastard towards you.. Just because his older he thinks he can treat you the younger one like shit and i can tell by your rant your really upset about it and you do love him... I would like to extend my condolences to you on your sudden loss of your friend... In tragic moments in life regardless whether your in a relationship or not everyone would want someone to give them a hug and tell them things that would make them feel better... Your boyfriend was bang out of order for not supporting you through this.. He should have not caused you to feel like you need to get into a fight just to get the message through your friend had died and you wanted a bloody hug.. He should have been man enough to turn to his nan and say I got to go my boyfriends just had a death and wants me there...
Whats this with making you ask for a kiss??? What the bleeding heck does he think he is??? Bloody prince charmin??? His nothing more than a mentalist who can play games to pull at your heart strings and push you away and bring you back on a click on his fingers... Boyfriends who ignore when company is around is a strong sign the relationship is crumbling... You should be united together in company with mutual friends and not ignored... He knows your hurting within and your flame inside you is burning low and your grieving the loss of a friend.. He should be the one checking on you all the time at least twice a day to ensure your alright and visiting you to offer support until your through the bad bits..
You say that he doesnt want to shower with you anymore... Why???? Your still you the same loveable guy that he fell in love/lust with... His sister and her friend sleeping in the room where you are is a big NO NO... If my ex boyfriend got his sister to sleep in the same room i would go mad after a few nights and if they slept in my bed I would go bloody belistic... Hunni your bed is your territory its YOUR SPACE... lf he wants to give up his space for his sister then fine but why the hell should you??? You have done the great thing of asking to relocate the bed and the fact he doesnt want to is a negative indication to me that he is trying to give you the cruel cold shoulder..
Couples can never spend enough time together... Every relationshiop has its ups and downs but you dont ever deal them out the way his dealt this out with you... His been cruel and mallicious playing with your strings and if he wants his break give him it and make it perminant... You will be able to heal inside and not let him be the one hurting you... Not even the satisfaction of having his little puppet... Karma is something that will catch up with him what his done to you he will find being returned like a letter written to the wrong address..
You stated he broke a promise while he was "high". Does he actually know what day of the bloody week it is??? Does he have no total self respect??? Sounds like his loosing the bloody plot on that stuff.... It may explain why his being like he is as eventually it does catch up with your mind.. I dont like the fact he is making fun of you because what is fun to him is pissing abuse babes and its got to stop... Its only fun when your laughing about it with him.. If your hurt inside over his comments and he can see it and wont stop then I suggest mister you just tell him to FOXTROT OSCAR his a nasty little substance which falls into a catergory every abusive queen falls into known as utter Bull!... No one should suffer the abuse his giving you and I am really angry to hear and read on about whats happenning where you are... lf i was there id tell him bloody straight to pack it in with his games and either tell you he loves you or tell you its over offically so you can be able to move onwards and upwards to brighter goals in life than a low life drug "£$%^& dimwit...

I have personal experience of friends who have been abused by their partners and it isnt nice....

I am really really sorry to hear about all whats going on

*big hugz* u got us lot here who will support you even if he wont!

Kindest regards

zeon xxxx

zeon Wrote:Kindest regards

zeon xxxx

Thankyou for your reply zeon, that was exactly what i needed :biggrin:
you deffs made me feel better

Since the break he hasnt texted me once.... and he asked if we could still text during the break :confused:

so if he pulls the same shit again im ending it,

worst part is his birthday is the day the breaks over....

Snow Wrote:Thankyou for your reply zeon, that was exactly what i needed :biggrin:
you deffs made me feel better

Since the break he hasnt texted me once.... and he asked if we could still text during the break :confused:

so if he pulls the same shit again im ending it,

worst part is his birthday is the day the breaks over....

Hello Snow,
You said his birthday is the day after the break... Bollocks to him dear you can text him and extend the break period by a week.. That way it runs right over his birthday and you dont need to feel bad about not being there on his birthday... His treated you like shit babes so dont give him the satisfaction of knowing your be there on his birthday.. lt it hurt both of you and you will feel a traitor to him but thats just his mind games and plus its cruel to be kind.. Its cruel on yourself you need to show him your not taking his crap anymore you want the same level of respect as he gets from you by not going to the birthday party if he holds one or going along to even see him.. Of course on the day just send a text saying "Happy birthday hope its a good one speak soon x"
Short sweet and crystal clean... Dont let him play games with you and if he says will you meet up later tell him you will meet in town for a drink as you are busy at the moment with bits and pieces and when you do meet him make sure its one drink and then leave but leave it until the end of the day not the beginning otherwise time may be more and more on his side.. If there is a bar that does 24 hour licencing like there is here id meet someone like your partner at 23.40 and after 20 minutes say right your birthday is over and im tired see you later.. He cannot accuse you of whats what and if he ever says a comeback The night you turned up for 20 minutes to my birthday you can relay to him that its called karma he hurt you with things he was saying and the way he was behaving and give an example to back up your evidence and support this on him and tell him it isnt nice and this was the only way of making him realise how much it hurt... It isnt being done out of spite its being done out of choice...

If there is anymore advice ya need lemmie know and ill give ya the best i can think of..

Kindest regards


p.s Hope ya feeling better today Smile

I think you should break up with him and find someone who treats you better...

This one line really bothered me..

puts me down and makes fun of me occasionally

That is not OK Snow...I am not sure talking to him will help that. Whatever you do decide to do please don't overlook this or accept this because emotional abuse can do alot of damage. Good luck to you

so tomorrow is when the break was suppose to end and i had plans with him, also his birthday

i text him asking if we are still on for tomrorow

-No sorry im going shopping with my grandma

k. and when were you going to tell me this?

-Uh when i had the chance i' at work and i found out today when i called her

-We need to talk agian


-I think you know what about

i dont :/

-Think about it

i cant think straight sooo that dosnt help



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