Well I have the exact opposite problem babe so I'm not sure QUITE how much help I can be, but as nobody's responded to this thread I'll try ...
Because my skin is dry, I use moisturisers to hydrate it ... as yours is oily, I've done a little research for you, and have found the following, which I shall quote verbatim :-
"Keep it as clean as possible by using a good quality facial wash twice a day, a facial scrub two or three time a week and an oil-free moisturiser that will leave the skin matt, once a day.
"A clay mask used weekly, can also make a big difference. As the clay dries it absorbs the excess oil from the pores, along with dirt and dead skin cells. This helps to keep the pores clean. Over a period of time a clay mask will help to reduce the appearance of open pores as the blockages that make them appear larger are removed.
"Take care not to over stimulate oily skin with harsh products or those that will over dry the skin. Avoid soap as it will disturb the skin's natural protective layer and make the problem worse."
Since I obtained that information from a site that
sells the products it bangs on about, I think it's safe to assume that the above would represent an overkill scenario for most men ... however you might like to start off with maybe a facial scrub once a day ? My best mate has oily skin, and he scrubs his face when we're in the shower after the gym - he swears by it ...

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!