09-28-2011, 02:35 AM
I grew up around smokers so I have a high tolerance for it.
That said I think it stinks (and the smell gets in everything and I used to burn a lot of incense when I lived with smokers), I get angry when a smoker burns any of my furniture, I hate how many just throw their butts on the ground (especially if its still lit), and I'm just baffled that so many people would waste their money on it. I can understand smoking pot (though that made me cough horribly back when I did that as a teen) but how does tobacco even compare? I tried smoking and hated it each time (and the time with a cigar was even worse, though I smoked it wrong because no one told me how to smoke it). But what I hate the most is its a fire hazard, and I've seen some very irresponsible people throwing lit cigarettes out of car windows before as well as watching my dad fall asleep with a lit cigarette in his hands.
One enlightening bit to me was when an ex of mine moved out I was worried that I wouldn't have enough money to get by...but found that without her addictions like smoking I ended up having MORE at the end of the month than I did when she added her income to mine.
Up until now all my long term serious lovers had been smokers but now that I'm in a serious relationship with a nonsmoker I hope I never have to go back to living with a smoker.
That said I think it stinks (and the smell gets in everything and I used to burn a lot of incense when I lived with smokers), I get angry when a smoker burns any of my furniture, I hate how many just throw their butts on the ground (especially if its still lit), and I'm just baffled that so many people would waste their money on it. I can understand smoking pot (though that made me cough horribly back when I did that as a teen) but how does tobacco even compare? I tried smoking and hated it each time (and the time with a cigar was even worse, though I smoked it wrong because no one told me how to smoke it). But what I hate the most is its a fire hazard, and I've seen some very irresponsible people throwing lit cigarettes out of car windows before as well as watching my dad fall asleep with a lit cigarette in his hands.
One enlightening bit to me was when an ex of mine moved out I was worried that I wouldn't have enough money to get by...but found that without her addictions like smoking I ended up having MORE at the end of the month than I did when she added her income to mine.
Up until now all my long term serious lovers had been smokers but now that I'm in a serious relationship with a nonsmoker I hope I never have to go back to living with a smoker.