:redface: thanks hun

So I was kinda right then - your way of approaching friendships
is to take your time and not just let any Tom, Dick or Harry into your most intimate confidence, and there's obviously
nothing wrong with that
at all - it's wearing your heart on your sleeve but with a level-headed approach, fair play :biggrin:.
Obviously, as I say, the
downside to that is that when you
do feel (which should of course be a
very rare occurrence if indeed it happens at all) that you've been let down by the people you consider to be your true friends, then the pain
of that disappointment weighs that much heavier on your brow than it might for somebody else ...
... but as I've also already said, I really don't see anything wrong with your approach - it's pragmatic, and reduces the likelihood of you being taken for a ride early on in a friendship, which is a good thing ... it's just a great shame that you've had to see this friendship slip away but, as I say, it's
their loss - you're obviously destined for greater things !!
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!