Physical attractions/mannerisms/habits?
Also I am not really attracted to the male face and I still find myself hitting on girls on occasion even if they don't get me turned on the way they used to.
Since I'm admitting this much I might as well also admit that I suspect part of my declining interest in girls is due to my inability to respect myself as a man.
I really don't want to offend anyone in saying this, this is just something I'm dealing with. Anyway I don't see myself as a leader or dominant in any way, especially not sexually. I feel as though being dominated is my station. I can't see myself performing well and I feel more and more detached from my dick daily.
I'm more likely to take something up the ass then pull on it right now. I'm have no clue what the hell is up with me or what I'm becoming. Thoughts?
First of all, there are no mannerisms or habits that clearly define a gay man, none what-so-ever.
There is more to being homosexual than sex...there is also love, I know it's hard to believe, but a lot of gay men actually look for you think you could share the rest of your life with a man?
Also, it is not a gay thing to be anal's a NATURAL thing. Men can be aroused by the stimulation of their prostrate and even have an orgasm from stimulation their prostrate by intserting various things up their bum, some men describe a prostrate orgasm as the most intense orgasm they have ever had.
There is only one person that knows if you are gay....YOU.
Like Dfiant says, there are no characteristics, mannerisms, nothing at all whatsoever that can define anyone as a gay man. The only one who knows about your sexuality, or whether your gay or not, is you and you alone.
And like he's also mentioned, there are a lot of gay men who are looking for love. Usually when people hear the term gay, they most of the times assume that they are most likely in it only for sex, or are just pervy. But like some of my other LGBT friends, what most of them want more than sex is just to love and be loved. To be taken for who they are as a person, not used as a sex buddy.
Some of the manliest men i know are gay and more of the most effeminate people i know are guys its difficult to generalize.
Besides your sexual attractions, how do you feel about your gender?
well to be honest i only am attracted to the dick and not the mannerisms or face. idk.
other than physically i think we're okay. we're the coolest of the two genders to hang out with and the easiest to understand but idk... its just not too defined for me yet.
dfiant Wrote:First of all, there are no mannerisms or habits that clearly define a gay man, none what-so-ever.
There is more to being homosexual than sex...there is also love, I know it's hard to believe, but a lot of gay men actually look for you think you could share the rest of your life with a man?
Also, it is not a gay thing to be anal's a NATURAL thing. Men can be aroused by the stimulation of their prostrate and even have an orgasm from stimulation their prostrate by intserting various things up their bum, some men describe a prostrate orgasm as the most intense orgasm they have ever had.
There is only one person that knows if you are gay....YOU. 
dfiant, not to be a bore but the organ is called a PROS TATE, not pros TRATE which is an adjective... prostrate is how you might be if you felt that everything was against you... I know this could be a typo...
prostrate adj 1 lying face downwards in an attitude of abject submission, humility or adoration. 2 lying flat. 3 distraught with illness, grief, exhaustion, etc. verb ( prostrated, prostrating) 1 to throw (oneself) face down in submission or adoration. 2 said of exhaustion, illness, grief, etc: to overwhelm someone physically or emotionally. prostration noun.
ETYMOLOGY: 14c: from Latin prosternere, prostratum to throw forwards.
prostate noun ( in full prostate gland) anatomy in male mammals: a muscular gland around the base of the bladder, controlled by sex hormones, which produces an alkaline fluid that activates sperm during ejaculation. adj ( also prostatic) relating or belonging to the prostate gland.
ETYMOLOGY: 17c: from Greek prostates one that stands in front.
prostate, prostrate
These words are often confused with each other. says the Chambers English Dictionary online... (good tool)
For some people to accept they can find love for the same sex, they often have to accept they are attracted to the same sex first. Talking to others, watching movies, reading books or magazines might all help.
To figure out who you are more attracted to, well, from porn to imagining what you would do with a guy versus a girl, etc. might help. Personally, the idea of sex with a girl was okay to me and perhaps even slightly more appealing than anal because I was scared), but when I compared playing with chests (a man's pecs versus breasts) and oral, I found I definitely was more attracted to guys. And I eventually realized I am gay, but was in denial.
I know that when I was a young kid I was just so obsessed with the cock that it was all that I ever wanted to see, I must have been like 11 or 12 when I first noticed that I was aroused by looking at cock and from there on there was no turning back. I of course never talked about it because everyone around me liked girls so I had to be in my pretend world of the straight world because of course I wanted to fit in. It wouldn't be for another 10 years until I would come out after being with females and realizing that I would rather cuddle in bed with a guy than cuddle with a female.
I think that it takes time in what you are attracted to and that only you can find out what makes you gay and why you are attracted to whoever you are. I just knew at 22 that I was and that I had to come out and I did. I started to date guys and found that there was more than just the cock that I was attracted to when I was a kid. There was the personality, the looks, the attitude, how he treated other people, how he treated me and of course he always has to have a nice ass, totally am a butt guy 100% lol
I was like that at one point (see my post on the "do you kiss guys?" thread). Not to alarm you, but perhaps you are actually gay and now just realizing you gravitate more in that direction? I was more straight-ish in my early teen years too, but as I grew more confident in my same-sex attraction, I foundmyself becoming more attracted to men's faces (and lips and....everything). Maybe you just haven't reached that epiphany point just yet. I did, eventually. It's okay; just let go. You'll land feet-first, I promise.