11-12-2007, 02:06 AM
Ok, so what's your favourite next-gen console ? Nintendo Wii ?? X-Box 360 ??? Sony PS3 ???? Share share
It's a hard call, but I'd have to say I think the Wii is the most innovative, with the X-Box 360 being the most well-established, and the PS3 having the most potential ...
... so it kinda depends on what you're looking for in my opinion ... if you want something the whole family will enjoy ? Go for the Wii ... if you want something you're going to be able to buy a whole LIBRARY of titles for in the short-term ? Pick the 360, and if you want something that's pretty much the best money can buy, and are patient enough to wait for the choicest titles to come out ?? Pick up a PS3 ...
... that's my two-penneth at any road ...
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!

It's a hard call, but I'd have to say I think the Wii is the most innovative, with the X-Box 360 being the most well-established, and the PS3 having the most potential ...
... so it kinda depends on what you're looking for in my opinion ... if you want something the whole family will enjoy ? Go for the Wii ... if you want something you're going to be able to buy a whole LIBRARY of titles for in the short-term ? Pick the 360, and if you want something that's pretty much the best money can buy, and are patient enough to wait for the choicest titles to come out ?? Pick up a PS3 ...
... that's my two-penneth at any road ...

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!