well, if your friend has all the answers, then ask him to explain himself. Why is being bisexual an addiction? He'll either trumpet his high-and-mighty mindset (in which case you probably won't be able to change him), or his explanation will fall apart and he'll realize that his argument doesn't hold much water.
Either way, people who talk like that often have a superiority complex that will eventually get the better of them, so don't sweat it too much.
OrphanPip Wrote:Tell him to take his head out of his ass and get a clue.
This works for me.
So does simply ignoring the comment. It's not even worth your time to consider responding.
I don't hate you at all. I feel a little sad that you think being gay is sinful (because it seems like you'd despise who you are for a reason that's not valid to me) but I know many gays, raised in a religion that holds gays in contempt, wrestle with such feelings and I believe that these religions are partially responsible for gay suicides (and certainly bullying that also drives gays to suicide, if not killing them outright in hate crimes). Since I'm not a Christian (the religion has never made sense to me, despite years being raised in the East Texas Bible Belt) I can't understand it and don't like how I see people suffering because of what seems to me to be a silly superstition. (And hearing things like "sex is only for procreation and everything else is perversion" is as silly to me as saying "noses are only for breathing, and enjoying sweet smells are sick & wrong.")
Religions like Christianity use to endorse many other practices that most have since left behind and forgotten about, like supporting slavery and the stoning of disobedient children and making women cover their heads and even bans on eating shellfish, but very few Christians still pay attention to these parts of the Bible or feel self-loathing for eating at Red Lobster. I trust, and hope very much, that one day the Biblical parts against gays will also fall into disfavor, and I see signs of that happening already. I want it to happen because too many gays feel God hates them or hate themselves over it today (not to mention the alienation that easily comes about by hets loved by someone gay who endorse such beliefs). I understand that to you such beliefs are real and valid but to me it just looks like unnecessary suffering and I want it to stop.
As for learning to give oral sex at age 4 I did find that disturbing because it sounds to me like an adult taught you that and I take a very dim view on such things. But I'm not going to hold a child's reaction against him or her.
I have to agree with Pix, if I were to find a child of four or even older had given oral sex then I would have to report it, because that's so wrong it's child abuse. But SavedGay, I don't believe that there is a "besetting sin" in loving a person of the same sex. Love is such a wondrous thing it comes in all forms.
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I'm a : Bi Man in a Monogamous Straight Relationship
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Just give him that "are you serious" stare. and hopefully he'll understand what he just said was silly.
If that doesnt work... just tell him to some extent everyone is bisexual.
hahahahahahahahahahahaha thats hilarious
It's funny how some people can deny other things existing just because they haven't experienced it or know nothing about it from their personal lives... Some people have denied the Shoah and the killing of millions in the gas chambers. Others are not so blind.
Animal sexuality is very complex, and humans' is off the charts in that respect too. Our biggest sex organ being our brains, it's no wonder that we can't encompass and understand what makes all of humanity tick. I suppose it is also because of that diversity and complexity that it is still so taboo and something we find it hard to discuss openly. Obviously, the whole point of sex is to procreate, at the start, but the point of love is what? to procreate? No. It's just part of human bonding and socialising. All sorts of practices go into love, some have nothing sexual about them. Think of platonic relationships, for instance. Think of parents' love for their offspring.
I can understand how some people may construe homosexuality as a 'perversion' from the obvious reproductive functions of sex, but that would be forgetting all the social interaction and the love content. If we were just sex machines and the only object was to create other little selves, then sticking our sex organs in holes that weren't going to procreate would be and is pointless. But that's not the story. The story here is about interaction between people, about bonding, about being happy and feeling good.
Masturbation can make you feel good, but it's mostly a solitary act, although, it is an act that many can share, be they homosexual, straight, bisexual or anything else.
Again, masturbation might seem to be completely pointless on the reproductive scale, except that it makes sure that your sperm is renewed and fertile, and that it keeps your tubes and ducts in good working order.
The Bible seems to say things about human reproductive behaviour but surely doesn't encompass everything and certainly does not deal with the complexities of sexuality. For example, I don't think there is a passage in the Bible (prove me wrong) that mentions anything about sexually transmitted diseases, even though the Bible mentions diseases quite a lot, at a time when they couldn't be easily cured.
Sin appears to be like a disease, sometimes it's a physical disease, mostly it is a mental one, and even just thinking about certain things is associated with sin: envy for instance, coveting someone else's partner or wife. The teachings of the Bible tried (try?) to regulate some forms of human behaviour, so that we can get on with our lives as societies... but in truth, it does not always accept that behaviours and mores are different in other cultures. What does the Bible say, for example, of cannibalism, which was sometimes practised by some tribes and peoples?
I'm not sure you will find a passage in the Bible that mentions fellatio (again, prove me wrong) even though like hustling which is one of the oldest professions in the world, it must be one of the oldest types of sexual behaviour in the world. I / We assume that the Bible says it's bad because Onanism is said to be a sin, but again, what Onanism means is debatable.
There is a lot in the Bible that doesn't make any sense to us in the 21st century. Some of its teachings however are mainly to do with how we can interact with each other as societies and those teachings still hold. Compassion, caring, solidarity, the iniquity of greed, are all notions that we have to deal with daily today.
I think people whose food for thought is only the Bible should remember that a little bit of everything in your diet is what's supposed to be good for you. Not just one food.
Sorry about that, ChicagoStyle, that's my way... I think, I type, I correct, I think again... If it's too much for you to read, you are allowed to skip my posts.... aren't you?
chicagostyle Wrote:prince you type too much
How do you think I got to first, then second position in the posters' 'competition'???  mile: