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A new dream thread.
72jay Wrote:
and in the dream I didn't mind being delayed by that guy. Cool As I mentioned I don't remember the end part just before I woke up but I may have had "thoughts" (what do you call dream 'thoughts'? LOL) along the line of he'd be a nice boyfriend <I know I thought that after waking up Smile ... why-o-why do dreams have to generate such great guys??? >

Just me, myself & I ... and my pathetic life LOL

If I remember right, you're not dating in real life and have never been in a relationship.

But in your dream, if this guy is truly you, then you're thinking he's a pretty good guy and would make a good boyfriend.

And the only thing in your way is him (you)!

What do you think about that?

DerJack Wrote:Latebloomer, you're going to have a filed day with this one. I honestly woke up like two hours earlier than usually simply so that I could remember all of the pristine detaisl and attached emotions.

Thanks for sharing another dream. But you're right, I'm gonna need to "stew" on this one a little bit.


I enjoyed the "warm/tender" feel of your dream. I hope I have something worthwhile to add.

DerJack Wrote:Latebloomer, you're going to have a filed day with this one. I honestly woke up like two hours earlier than usually simply so that I could remember all of the pristine detaisl and attached emotions.

The first half of the dream consisted of me going to a friends house to play some games, I think Xbox, but I dunno. We smoked a little and had a good time (I remember very little of this half, it may not even have occurred for very long). Anyways, as I was going to leave the house (apartment it actually seemed at this point, double level and long with extending walkways and stairways connecting off the back, really odd situation in the front). As I came out someone passing by on the street shouted my name and I turned to look, there was a short girl with mousy hair walking with an older woman and gentleman looking at me. Instantly my eyes recognized her, but it took time for me to recognize why I knew her, then i realized that she was someone I had fallen for once before, but we had never gotten together. I realized as we exchanged "How are you's" and "Good fine about you's" that I had fallen for her hard, and the main reason I had not recognized her was because her hair was dyed red. Her parents, as they appeared to be at this point in time mentioned something about continuing to walk downtown (which was nearby). Before they could though I had to give her a hug. I walked over and picked her up by the small of her back and pressed her into my body, feeling, smelling and adoring her. I actually continued 'waddling' around with her in my arms like this, on the verge of tears, and feeling very close to her.

At this point I recalled that she was semi mentally unstable and that that was one of the key reasons we never ended up together, but at the moment I didn't care a bit. The majority of the time of the dream was spent in this embrace, which was WONDERFUL (I love when my dreams treat me with such good real feelings). Eventually I set her back down on the pavement and she crossed to join her parents. As they began to walk on, her mom walked over to me and mentioned something about (it gets kinda fuzzy here) but something about someone in similar situations calling the other person everytime they were in town, to which I got a big grin on my face and responded that my number was still in her phone, or so I thought. I'd like to mention here that the whole dream had kind of an odd Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind feel to it.

After they walked down the street I went to leave, only to realize that my bike was at the front of the house-partment, not at the back and so I went back in, went to grab something that I had thought I had forgotten inside (which it turns out I had not) and proceeded out the front door. For some reason the front didn't have porches of any sort, just stairs going straight down from the door, and a like one foot wide ledge protruding out over the second story. Somehow my bike was here, making it difficult to grab. I tried a couple times by shuffling along the ledge, until I heard someone begin to open the door (making the maneuver seem ridiculous and dangerous) which is when it hit me that I'm tall, and that I could in fact stand on a small hill in the yard and grab my bike down from the ledge, so I did. I then began to ride down the street,or rather back up the hill on top of which I lived (my most recent apartment that I've now moved out of).

That's where the dream ended.... although when I awoke (this is kind of funny, but plausibly significant) I had the lyrics of the Spice Girls song If You Wanna be My Lover, specifically the "Make it last forever, friendship never ends" bit. I should also mention that the girl in my dream is not a real person per se, but she is a figment of my subconscious that my brain tells me has occurred in dreams before, likely being a close representation of a girl I did have a crush on, though is just a great friend and I have accepted that way.

And one last thing I might mention, when I went to bed last night I was thinking a lot about someone I just met who I really like and how he's really far away, and how great it would be to see him walking off the tarmac into the strong embrace of my arms.

I think that about covers it all. Take your time, I know you've been travelling, so relax and enjoy the travels, but I do look forward to your interpretations.


Ok, I just had another read of your dream. I'm still stewing on it, but I have one question so far.

Your friend, is he a real life friend? Or a dream friend? And is he straight or gay?


Oooh, and once again you ask for the details that I don't recall... I want to say at least one of the guys was a real friend, but I dunno, and no, I do not believe they were gay.

LateBloomer Wrote:If I remember right, you're not dating in real life and have never been in a relationship.
I've still never been on a date...
LateBloomer Wrote:But in your dream, if this guy is truly you, then you're thinking he's a pretty good guy and would make a good boyfriend.

And the only thing in your way is him (you)!

What do you think about that?
I think I need to clone myself :eek: or even better find a way to extract characters out of dreams & make them real Cool LOL ...

... but In reality I don't think there's anything I can do - I know I'm overly shy and no good in social situations, plus there's where I live...
I've gotten slightly better with shyness over the years, and Even though I believe in "never say'never'", I pretty much figure I'll be single forever.

72jay Wrote:Yep/correct
I've still never been on a date...

I think I need to clone myself :eek: or even better find a way to extract characters out of dreams & make them real Cool LOL ...

... but In reality I don't think there's anything I can do - I know I'm overly shy and no good in social situations, plus there's where I live...
I've gotten slightly better with shyness over the years, and Even though I believe in "never say'never'", I pretty much figure I'll be single forever.

Friend, one late bloomer to another: I understand about shyness. And I used to feel the same way as you.

Just let it happen, however it happens.

DerJack Wrote:Oooh, and once again you ask for the details that I don't recall... I want to say at least one of the guys was a real friend, but I dunno, and no, I do not believe they were gay.

Noted, thanks.
Give me another day.

LateBloomer Wrote:Friend, one late bloomer to another: I understand about shyness. And I used to feel the same way as you.

Just let it happen, however it happens.
I keep hoping Smile
It probably would just take the right person/situation...

A partial dream from yesterday...
<don't remember the first part/why I was in this area, but there was some specific reason>
<I'd done / bought / whatever it was that I was there for>
<I'm also with a family member - brother, dad - don't remember, & they were never visible in the dream>
...We're walking towards the car & ofcourse looking at the houses & their yards as I go by. we come to one house where they're re landscapeing the yard to make it look better, so I stop & look it over. While there, the lead-contractor guy who's company is doing the project shows up. We talk to him for a bit, then his son shows up. While whoever I'm with is talking with the father, the son (who's kinda blond-ish & close to my age) comes over to me...he steps up fairly close, looks me right in the eyes & smiles (a great smile too LOL), I look him in the eyes & smile back <we both know the other is interested....>

at that point I work up Sad

The whole dream was cool (and had good "graphics" throughout (what do you call the ''stuff'/'video' you see in a dream anyway??)) .. but that last bit was the best part.

Looking at houses/yards as they go by:
I tend to do that anyway - in real life - & in dreams I've always liked to look around at the stuff there - even if I don't "know" its a dream.

Pausing & looking over a yard being re-landscaped:
Yep in real life I probably would do that too.

The guy:
Not anyone I know in real life
Maybe as you (LateBloomer) mentioned with the previous dream, a part of me...
Maybe something just generated by the dream knowing I'd consider him cute/goodlooking...

DerJack Wrote:Latebloomer, you're going to have a filed day with this one. I honestly woke up like two hours earlier than usually simply so that I could remember all of the pristine detaisl and attached emotions.

The first half of the dream consisted of me going to a friends house to play some games, I think Xbox, but I dunno. We smoked a little and had a good time (I remember very little of this half, it may not even have occurred for very long). Anyways, as I was going to leave the house (apartment it actually seemed at this point, double level and long with extending walkways and stairways connecting off the back, really odd situation in the front). As I came out someone passing by on the street shouted my name and I turned to look, there was a short girl with mousy hair walking with an older woman and gentleman looking at me. Instantly my eyes recognized her, but it took time for me to recognize why I knew her, then i realized that she was someone I had fallen for once before, but we had never gotten together. I realized as we exchanged "How are you's" and "Good fine about you's" that I had fallen for her hard, and the main reason I had not recognized her was because her hair was dyed red. Her parents, as they appeared to be at this point in time mentioned something about continuing to walk downtown (which was nearby). Before they could though I had to give her a hug. I walked over and picked her up by the small of her back and pressed her into my body, feeling, smelling and adoring her. I actually continued 'waddling' around with her in my arms like this, on the verge of tears, and feeling very close to her.

At this point I recalled that she was semi mentally unstable and that that was one of the key reasons we never ended up together, but at the moment I didn't care a bit.
The majority of the time of the dream was spent in this embrace, which was WONDERFUL (I love when my dreams treat me with such good real feelings). Eventually I set her back down on the pavement and she crossed to join her parents. As they began to walk on, her mom walked over to me and mentioned something about (it gets kinda fuzzy here) but something about someone in similar situations calling the other person everytime they were in town, to which I got a big grin on my face and responded that my number was still in her phone, or so I thought. I'd like to mention here that the whole dream had kind of an odd Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind feel to it.

After they walked down the street I went to leave, only to realize that my bike was at the front of the house-partment, not at the back and so I went back in, went to grab something that I had thought I had forgotten inside (which it turns out I had not) and proceeded out the front door. For some reason the front didn't have porches of any sort, just stairs going straight down from the door, and a like one foot wide ledge protruding out over the second story. Somehow my bike was here, making it difficult to grab. I tried a couple times by shuffling along the ledge, until I heard someone begin to open the door (making the maneuver seem ridiculous and dangerous) which is when it hit me that I'm tall, and that I could in fact stand on a small hill in the yard and grab my bike down from the ledge, so I did. I then began to ride down the street,or rather back up the hill on top of which I lived (my most recent apartment that I've now moved out of).

That's where the dream ended.... although when I awoke (this is kind of funny, but plausibly significant) I had the lyrics of the Spice Girls song If You Wanna be My Lover, specifically the "Make it last forever, friendship never ends" bit. I should also mention that the girl in my dream is not a real person per se, but she is a figment of my subconscious that my brain tells me has occurred in dreams before, likely being a close representation of a girl I did have a crush on, though is just a great friend and I have accepted that way.

And one last thing I might mention, when I went to bed last night I was thinking a lot about someone I just met who I really like and how he's really far away, and how great it would be to see him walking off the tarmac into the strong embrace of my arms.

I think that about covers it all. Take your time, I know you've been travelling, so relax and enjoy the travels, but I do look forward to your interpretations.



So, I've been reflecting on your dream for some time now, and to be perfectly honest, right from the start I thought this might be a "coming out" dream, but I didn't want to jump on my first impression.

As I think about it, and after having read some of your posts about recently coming out to your parents, I think I might be in the ballpark, so to speak.

If I have the timeline right, you experienced this dream BEFORE you came out to your parents. Which makes me think your subconscious mind was working on resolving this issue before you were conscious of it.

I'm NOT convinced of that, but it's plausible.

Why do I think you're "coming out" in the dream? Mostly due to the parts in bold. There is a lot of coming out, going back in, and coming out again. Also back to an old apartment of yours that you've already moved "out" of, etc.

I mentioned in previous posts that houses/dorms/apartments often represent our "inner self".

You said you weren't sure if the friend in your dream was a "real person" or not. He could have been your "shadow figure", ostensibly straight, maybe gay, sort of vague.

Actually, I think you had two shadow figures in this dream:

1) Your vague straight friend whose apartment you "visit" and then "come out" of.
2) The unstable girl with her hair died red. (Which would make her parents, your parents).

So, I've got you coming out, to greet yourself and meet your parents, when everyone heads downtown (seems important for some reason, not the least of which is you're together), but then you return your "friend's" apartment briefly, only to come out one more time and head back to another place you used to "live" but had moved "out" of that place too....

I dunno. This dream seems to have several layers to it. I'm wondering if you feel like your coming out has been kinda "tentative". That is to say, has it taken several different steps to come out? Maybe experienced some "false starts" so to speak?

Wondering what you think about all that.
Thanks again for sharing.

72jay Wrote:I keep hoping Smile
It probably would just take the right person/situation...


Yup, it seems that's all it takes, and a willingness to let your life be disrupted; a willingness to let go of the control you enjoy over your own life.


72jay Wrote:A partial dream from yesterday...
<don't remember the first part/why I was in this area, but there was some specific reason>
<I'd done / bought / whatever it was that I was there for>
<I'm also with a family member - brother, dad - don't remember, & they were never visible in the dream>
...We're walking towards the car & ofcourse looking at the houses & their yards as I go by. we come to one house where they're re landscapeing the yard to make it look better, so I stop & look it over. While there, the lead-contractor guy who's company is doing the project shows up. We talk to him for a bit, then his son shows up. While whoever I'm with is talking with the father, the son (who's kinda blond-ish & close to my age) comes over to me...he steps up fairly close, looks me right in the eyes & smiles (a great smile too LOL), I look him in the eyes & smile back <we both know the other is interested....>

at that point I work up Sad

The whole dream was cool (and had good "graphics" throughout (what do you call the ''stuff'/'video' you see in a dream anyway??)) .. but that last bit was the best part.

Looking at houses/yards as they go by:
I tend to do that anyway - in real life - & in dreams I've always liked to look around at the stuff there - even if I don't "know" its a dream.

Pausing & looking over a yard being re-landscaped:
Yep in real life I probably would do that too.

The guy:
Not anyone I know in real life
Maybe as you (LateBloomer) mentioned with the previous dream, a part of me...
Maybe something just generated by the dream knowing I'd consider him cute/goodlooking...


I'm really starting to pick up on a very *passive* vibe in your dreams.

--You always seem to be LEAVING for somewhere.

--Often walking *towards* the car (but never driving away--last time you were blocked).

--Now, just looking at other people's houses but never going INSIDE.

--Admiring (?) maybe, the work being done on the outside, but never working on your own house.

--When meeting someone attractive, the dream is *abruptly* ended, not allowed to continue.

Make no mistake, your mind CHOSE to end the dream right there. It could have continued in ANY conceivable way at that point, but YOU ended it--not consciously, but subconsciously.

I hope I don't sound critical because I'm NOT; I'm mostly SYMPATHETIC because you're starting to remind me of myself--my younger self. I used to sabotage EVERYTHING by never participating; always watching.

I used to think love and sex were for other people, not me.

Any of that make sense?

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