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A new dream thread.
72jay Wrote:
This one sounds like the type of experience many have from whats called "sleep paralysis", it usually happens when you're waking up (but can happen when falling asleep) ... basically your body (and the part of your brain that controls movement) has fallen asleep, but the "thinking" part of the brain (and part that generates dreams) are still at least partially awake/active.

This to me explains what could be going on, it happens pretty much 3-4 times a week and isn't a pleasant experience at all.

DerJack Wrote:What she means to me in real life, or in general is tons of emotion. I was so happy to be holding her and hugging her up against me that I almost cried with joy, and at the same time sadness knowing we wouldn't end up together... if you know what I mean?

Also, as mentioned, lately the red hair is rather significant!

I *totally* know what you mean.

The color red, of course, has all sorts of meaning. I sort of "short changed" you on this detail in your dream because I was more focused on the apartments and people in your dream.

But what do you think about the significance of the red hair?

LateBloomer Wrote:Obviously you're very in touch with your dreams and I appreciate how you share them here. I'm here as much for YOU as I am for MY OWN benefit.

I learn from other people's dreams. Your dreams in particular seem to strike a chord with me because a lot of the themes are the same ones I've had/have.

Yep, I think allot of being in touch with my dreams came from that couple year period when I really took interest in dreams/dreaming

I'm glad you enjoy reading my dream-posts here Smile Its cool that there's others on this forum besides me who are interested in dreams..

LateBloomer Wrote:Just want us both to be happy and comfortable. Life goes by so damned fast.

Oh man thats so true ... LOL I'd like to know what happened to the last year ? After winter ended & it was spring...then the next thing I know, I'm putting up Christmas decorations/lights..and now the year is done :eek:

MidgetGem Wrote:
72jay Wrote:This one sounds like the type of experience many have from whats called "sleep paralysis", it usually happens when you're waking up (but can happen when falling asleep) ... basically your body (and the part of your brain that controls movement) has fallen asleep, but the "thinking" part of the brain (and part that generates dreams) are still at least partially awake/active.
This to me explains what could be going on, it happens pretty much 3-4 times a week and isn't a pleasant experience at all.
I've had the sleep paralysis thing happen a few times, but it was years ago, and as you say "not a pleasant experience at all", infact scary as hell :eek:

From what I've read (and I believe very much that its true), you can actually solve this one, but it takes time and patience. The first (and probably most difficult) thing to do is train yourself to recognize what is happening...when it starts. The second part (and again hard at the beginning) is to no matter how uncomfortable/scary it is, you need to just relax - don't fight it (mentally or physically).

* Before going to bed tell yourself that you will conquer the sleep paralysis thing.

* When you feel it coming on, relax and think to yourself "I'm still partly awake, and I'm dreaming!" (you must also believe its true), this one I know for a fact CAN be done ... It is very similar to learning to recognize you're asleep and dreaming (lucid dreams) - which I have done. Don't expect much the first night (or even first couple weeks), but little by little it will come to you if you keep practicing.

* Once you get good enough at this you can actually control some aspects of that semi-dream state you're in - to the point where you can tell that dark figure that you're not afraid/"this is a dream"/"you can't harm me" - I know that might seem imposable, but its NOT, it works in lucid dreams (sometimes with awesome results), and I've seen plenty of people post that it works just as well in sleep paralysis. You can turn something that is currently an unpleasant experience into something cool.

* The biggest thing is don't rush it, don't "try too hard", take your time and just go at it alittle bit at a time...the results will be well worth it.

Hopefully that'll help Smile
Best of luck on this one!
Don't forget to post any results here too...

72jay Wrote:
Yep, I think allot of being in touch with my dreams came from that couple year period when I really took interest in dreams/dreaming

I'm glad you enjoy reading my dream-posts here Smile Its cool that there's others on this forum besides me who are interested in dreams..

Oh man thats so true ... LOL I'd like to know what happened to the last year ? After winter ended & it was spring...then the next thing I know, I'm putting up Christmas decorations/lights..and now the year is done :eek:

I do enjoy your dreams, thanks for keeping the thread busy.


And speaking of busy. YEAH! What happened to 2011?


Everyone I talk to agrees it went by much faster than other years. Wow.

LateBloomer Wrote:Everyone I talk to agrees it went by much faster than other years. Wow.

I had this very conversation with a friend of mine today. We decided we have no idea where this year went! :biggrin:

I've been reading through this thread with interest but I've never posted in it until now, as I just wanted to say that I too have had those waking dreams before. I only get them once or twice a year, but its always the same, I'm aware that I'm in bed but I can't move or even open my eyes as my body is basically still asleep but my mind is waking. The last time this happened, I was only semi aware of what was happening and a nightmare intruded; I was aware of being in bed again and unable to move, and I heard someone in the room, then I felt a pressure on my chest and it felt so vivid and real that I could feel myself sinking into the mattress with the pressure on top of me. I managed to force myself awake but I must have been holding my breath as I was gasping for air when I woke. Not a pleasant waking dream.

I did have an odd dream last night, which I may aswell share since i'm in here (and give you more of a backlog to work with LB) :biggrin:

Nothing much happened in this dream, I was just sitting in front of a mirror, the type you get on old fashioned bedroom bureaus, staring at my reflection. As I watched, my eye colour began to fade. My eyes are blue but in the dream they began to fade to a very very pale, watery blue colour, almost transparent. But, just before I woke up, I remember thinking in the dream that I wasn't looking at my own reflection any longer and I didn't recognise the face looking back at me?
That was it really. Nothing else of note happened.

Those mountaintop eating cereal dreams just keeps appearing, As those dreams just have popped up once in a while, now i think I've dreamed them 3 times during one week, everyone of them stranger then the other.

I do not remember all, but here is one i certainly do remember: Im seing my self aroudn age of 50 I think, atleast i think it is suppose to resemble me. As I am only wearing a long robe made by rags of clothing, plastic, bark, hide and leather and looks like i've not shaved or cut my hair in 10 years and I'm walking what I suppose to be Europe... but all in ruins. I walk past broken stores, abandoned suburbs, ruined towns, burned houses and scattered churches and stay dogs is running everywhere, some of them not so friendly. As i walk through snow, rain, dryness, and any condition and climate and through countries, only living on a short supply of conserved goods and edible food i found on the way like rats, pigeons, berries and fruits. After a while am I starting to climb some mountains, as I get to the top, I just pop up that Blue antique chair i had in the first dream i had and started to eat cereal. The weird part is that as I get to the top, am i the center or my hometown, just like the first dream and many similar symbols appear with the eagles or birds flying around me and the sun/moon almost being near each other. the only thing different this time is that I am nude. Can this dream connect to my emotions somehow? As I've felt very depressed lately, as i don't like the holidays

Just checking in.


I'm home again.
Had a great New Years.

Will try to make some time soon to respond to the dreams.

I've had the sleep paralysis before, though it's thankfully extremely rare, and I handle them well.

The first time was back in 2004 and I was extremely tired and took a quick nap. I had a weird dream and then "woke up" in my bed (face down) to see a demon sitting on my back. The demon was completely black (even its eyes), maybe 4’ if it stood up, and looked like a giant baby (sorta) in body structure with 2 small black horns on the top of its head, completely hairless, and had a vicious look on its face. It sat on my back, its position facing my feet though it looked behind his shoulder to glare down at me, which I was somehow able to see even though I was face down on my pillow. I tried to wake myself up, and I glared back at the demon (even though we weren't facing each other physically). I got scared and wonder if I could die in my sleep this way. No one is known to have died from sleep paralysis, but I think, How do we know that no one has?

I was tempted to yield and beg, but I didn't, because I felt myself winning. I finally woke up, but I was freaked enough to go around turning lights on. Though I was worried about it happening again, I was also a bit proud of myself. I hear most people just experience helpless terror and many collapse afterwards begging for their gods to save them, and cast protection spells and charms against them, but I got myself out and defeated one by sheer cussed willpower.

After that, none have been as bad as that one (at least not in terms of terror, though the discomfort has been worse).

Pix Wrote:And here they are:

Quote:July 4, 2002

It was dusk. I heard the classic laughter of "the wicked witch." I knew her touch was death and I ran to get inside. As I ran to my door I looked behind me and saw a green-skinned witch on her broom flying close to me. I ran inside, but my door wouldn't close and the witch came in and I fell to the floor.

She had green skin (but no warts that I recall), eyes that were orange like pumpkins, yet also like the setting sun in a way, with a black iris that had twinkling stars within them. Her hair was like fine, mossy brown roots that fell in a tangle. She wore a black garment. Her smile was pretty. And I knew she was My Death.

Yet instead of fleeing, I was filled with an uncontrollable lust. Lust is too weak a word actually. The kind of lust that is worth braving a hundred thousand deaths. Staring at her, I stood up, and noticed how tall she was. I reached out and embraced my death kissing and fondling her and she returned my caresses. She then acquired a phallus and fucked me as if she were a man and it was one of the most incredible erotic experiences ever. Then she turned into a normal seeming woman and I was a man, and I fucked her. I cannot describe how wonderfully erotic this dream was.

What is haunting me is at the last part . We were both blissfully naked and relaxed in our normal forms afterwards until she pointed at something and I saw something significant. When I turned back, she was gone. And I now cannot recall what it was I looked at!

And this next one I'll share in my own words now as I don't think it would make sense in it's original form (as it refers to knowledge about me you don't have). So, in May of 2004, I dreamt I was ambushed by an evil fairy-tale witch while I was a kid back in an East Texas Bible Belt school (which is where I was first accused of being a witch myself, btw), and overcame her, taking her broom away and beating her off with it, and then I became an evil witch that replaced her.

I had a lot of fun flying on the broom during the moonlit night and during the day me and my evil sisters would hide as mist in trees until night came. In this dream, I DID try to negate some of my evil by choosing those who I thought deserved it, like finding guys who tried to rape me and turning them into rodents instead of just anyone.

Then this force (*) came and turned me into a "good witch" (by myself) and I used my powers to bring peace and justice to the world and even the United Nations held worship rites to me, but after I woke up I realized I had been the biggest self-righteous tyrant the world ever had (and I thought of Galadriel's words in LOTR: "In the place of a Dark Lord you would have a Queen! Not dark but beautiful and terrible as the Morn! Treacherous as the Seas! Stronger than the foundations of the Earth! All shall love me and despair!")

(*This sentient and enigmatic force used to appear frequently in my dreams and seemed to delight in placing me in strange and epic circumstances just to see how I'd react, and may very well have been the same ones offering rings & bracelets that granted wishes.)

Anyway, I thought you'd find those interesting. Confusedmile:

Hmm, wow, once again the imagery in your dreams just dazzles me. Lots of classic elements, I think.

I did find a very nice citation for witches, warlocks and sorcerers, with a reference to Jung (whom you might remember I greatly admire on the topic of dream interpretation). I've copied the relevant part below. And below that I'll try to add some of my own thoughts.

But first, it might be helpful to define the word anima. A common word for anima could be soul, but for Jung it's more complicated than that.

Bold emphasis is mine.

(in the psychology of C. G. Jung)
the inner personality that is turned toward the unconscious of the individual ( contrasted with persona).
the feminine principle, especially as present in men ( contrasted with animus).

Quote:Witch--Jung regarded witches as a projection of the male anima, that is of the primitive female aspect which survives in the male unconscious. Witches give this detestable shadow a physical form of which they are unable to divest themselves and at the same time assume a formidable power. For women, witches are female versions of the scapegoat to which they transfer the darker side of their impulses, but this transference is in fact secret involvement in the imagined nature of witches. Until the dark forces of the unconscious are brought out into the daylight of knowledge, feeling and action, the witch will continue to live within us. She is the fruit of repression, embodying 'the desires, fears and other tendencies within our psyche which are incompatible with our egos, either because they are too infantile or for some other reason'. Jung noted that 'the anima...is often personified as a witch or a priestess' since women have stronger links with the forces of darkness and the spirit world. The witch is the antithesis of the idealized image of womanhood.

Witches have been regarded from another angle as the deliberate perversion, under Christian influence, of priestesses, sibyls and female druidic wonder-workers. Unlike the initiates of Classical antiquity who joined the Visible to the Invisible and the human to the divine, they wore diabolical and hideous disguises, but the unconscious called up the fairy, of whom the witch, serving the Devil, came thereafter to be regarded simply as a caricature. As creatures of the unconscious, witches and fairies are ladies with a long history behind them, recorded in the psyche, and with a complicated development of personality transference which legend has shaped, clothed and brought to life as hostile characters.

To be honest Pix, I'm picking up on the same "coming out" vibe that I got from one of DerJack's dreams. I'll try to explain what I think and let's see what you think.

First Dream

Dusk--Lots of imagery about the "end" of the "day" (Day = light, life, knowing. Night = dark, death, unknown). Her touch of death, eyes like a setting sun, starry Iris, etc...

Run inside--Inside what? Probably your house (your sense of self). Why? To hide from the certain "death" of who you were during the "day".

Door wouldn't close--Obviously helpless to shut her out, you're submissive on the floor. The Door can also represent a "passage", as if you're passing from one realm to the next.

Uncontrollable lust--Literally dying for her love?

How tall she is--She's "bigger" than you; you're helpless; she's gonna win.

Second Dream

Similar theme, just younger self?

Ambushed by evil fairy-tale witch--Same sort of attack, on younger Pix, in Christian school.

Overcame her, taking her broom away--You fought back and stayed who were for a short time, but quickly became what you were resisting.

Fun flying on the broom during the moonlit night and during the day me and my evil sisters would hide as mist in trees until night came.--Wow! This one is jammed packed all by itself and I don't have the time to "unpack" all of it. But basically, I'm reading you finally enjoy who you are, first by yourself, in the darkness of night, but later "out" in broad daylight with your "sisters". But still you and your sisters were "misty", hiding in trees. Trees all by themselves are loaded with symbology, but I'm not gonna pursue that one right now.

I DID try to negate some of my evil by choosing those who I thought deserved it,--and finally a sense of "justice" (???). Perhaps not in a sense of "retribution", but more like an effort to "clean things up"?

Sorry it took so long to get around to these dreams but I knew it would be a project for me. I hope it was worth the wait and you got something out of it.


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