Hmm as much as I'd like to recall and write about a dream I've had.. I can't, I dont seem to or tend to dream at all, but do suffer from broken sleep, waking up during the night and upon drifting back into sleep finding myself almost "attacked" by this skinny.. drawn out.. bald.. black figure, always attempting to strangle me or pin me down and laugh at me what this means I don't know but there has been times I've gotten up out of bed and not dared to sleep and found small bruises on my neck, arms and such. Often afterwards I feel really dazed, out of sync and out of touch with the smallest things around me.
Holy wah, all that you said makes some great sense LateBloomer, see all the burgundy below
So, I've been reflecting on your dream for some time now, and to be perfectly honest, right from the start I thought this might be a "coming out" dream, but I didn't want to jump on my first impression.
As I think about it, and after having read some of your posts about recently coming out to your parents, I think I might be in the ballpark, so to speak.
If I have the timeline right, you experienced this dream BEFORE you came out to your parents. Which makes me think your subconscious mind was working on resolving this issue before you were conscious of it.
Correct, and also I don't know about my subconscious, but my conscious mind HAD in fact been thinking on this for a while, specifically this recent holiday season
I'm NOT convinced of that, but it's plausible.
Why do I think you're "coming out" in the dream? Mostly due to the parts in bold. There is a lot of coming out, going back in, and coming out again. Also back to an old apartment of yours that you've already moved "out" of, etc.
I mentioned in previous posts that houses/dorms/apartments often represent our "inner self".
You said you weren't sure if the friend in your dream was a "real person" or not. He could have been your "shadow figure", ostensibly straight, maybe gay, sort of vague.
Actually, I think you had two shadow figures in this dream:
1) Your vague straight friend whose apartment you "visit" and then "come out" of.
2) The unstable girl with her hair died red. (Which would make her parents, your parents).
I connect the girl with the red hair more directly to someone I've been thinking about an awful lot, who also happens to have red hair, I was thinking that might be a possible connection there....
So, I've got you coming out, to greet yourself and meet your parents, when everyone heads downtown (seems important for some reason, not the least of which is you're together), but then you return your "friend's" apartment briefly, only to come out one more time and head back to another place you used to "live" but had moved "out" of that place too....
I dunno. This dream seems to have several layers to it. I'm wondering if you feel like your coming out has been kinda "tentative". That is to say, has it taken several different steps to come out? Maybe experienced some "false starts" so to speak?
And DEFINITELY, there have been a number of random almost coming out moments, including the fact that I've been out to a lot of my friends for a while, and been coming out more and more to myself to be honest....
Wondering what you think about all that.
Thanks again for sharing.
Thank you for the interpretation, I enjoyed it greatly!
DerJack Wrote:Holy wah, all that you said makes some great sense LateBloomer, see all the burgundy below
So, I've been reflecting on your dream for some time now, and to be perfectly honest, right from the start I thought this might be a "coming out" dream, but I didn't want to jump on my first impression.
As I think about it, and after having read some of your posts about recently coming out to your parents, I think I might be in the ballpark, so to speak.
If I have the timeline right, you experienced this dream BEFORE you came out to your parents. Which makes me think your subconscious mind was working on resolving this issue before you were conscious of it.
Correct, and also I don't know about my subconscious, but my conscious mind HAD in fact been thinking on this for a while, specifically this recent holiday season
I'm NOT convinced of that, but it's plausible.
Why do I think you're "coming out" in the dream? Mostly due to the parts in bold. There is a lot of coming out, going back in, and coming out again. Also back to an old apartment of yours that you've already moved "out" of, etc.
I mentioned in previous posts that houses/dorms/apartments often represent our "inner self".
You said you weren't sure if the friend in your dream was a "real person" or not. He could have been your "shadow figure", ostensibly straight, maybe gay, sort of vague.
Actually, I think you had two shadow figures in this dream:
1) Your vague straight friend whose apartment you "visit" and then "come out" of.
2) The unstable girl with her hair died red. (Which would make her parents, your parents).
I connect the girl with the red hair more directly to someone I've been thinking about an awful lot, who also happens to have red hair, I was thinking that might be a possible connection there....
So, I've got you coming out, to greet yourself and meet your parents, when everyone heads downtown (seems important for some reason, not the least of which is you're together), but then you return your "friend's" apartment briefly, only to come out one more time and head back to another place you used to "live" but had moved "out" of that place too....
I dunno. This dream seems to have several layers to it. I'm wondering if you feel like your coming out has been kinda "tentative". That is to say, has it taken several different steps to come out? Maybe experienced some "false starts" so to speak?
And DEFINITELY, there have been a number of random almost coming out moments, including the fact that I've been out to a lot of my friends for a while, and been coming out more and more to myself to be honest....
Wondering what you think about all that.
Thanks again for sharing.

Thank you for the interpretation, I enjoyed it greatly!
I'm glad most of it struck a chord with you.
I guess I missed the girl with red hair because I don't really understand what she means to you in real life, BUT it's less important that I understand and MORE important that YOU understand what she means.
MidgetGem Wrote:Hmm as much as I'd like to recall and write about a dream I've had.. I can't, I dont seem to or tend to dream at all, but do suffer from broken sleep, waking up during the night and upon drifting back into sleep finding myself almost "attacked" by this skinny.. drawn out.. bald.. black figure, always attempting to strangle me or pin me down and laugh at me what this means I don't know but there has been times I've gotten up out of bed and not dared to sleep and found small bruises on my neck, arms and such. Often afterwards I feel really dazed, out of sync and out of touch with the smallest things around me.
What?! You just shared a dream, right now!
Right off the bat, I gotta say, my approach is NOT metaphysical. I don't necessarily believe dreams are ghosts or spirits or the dead communicating to us in our dreams.
And thinking about waking up with bruises, well, they might have formed after you suffered some injury during the day and your waking hours. After all, a bruise never forms immediately after you hurt yourself.
So, I'm not going to suggest that there is some evil spirit trying to do you harm. You may have hurt yourself (accidentally) during the day, OR, perhaps your sleep is fitful enough that you're actually banging your arms or other body parts against the wall, or headboard or some other piece of furniture while you sleep.
Having said all of that, I'm going to wait to address the skinny bald black figure until I get home. I want to research "baldness"...
Obviously, this figure seems very sinister, but I'm not sure what's going on in your life to cook up this sort of dream. If you can think of anything else please feel free to share.
Hmm I guess in some way you could call it a dream but im still partially awake, and well there isn't much going on in my life that could have this sort of effect, some of what you say does make sense as I do tend to roll all over the bed when sleeping though never falling out, and not banging myself off furniture simply cause there is none either side of my bed.. the main thing that bothers me is the figure i mention, its hard to describe with being partially awake drifting in and out of consciousness - neither dream nor nightmare as once asleep there is no dream, memory of a dream or such.
LateBloomer Wrote:Yup, it seems that's all it takes, and a willingness to let your life be disrupted; a willingness to let go of the control you enjoy over your own life. maybe the day will come when that happens
Quote:I'm really starting to pick up on a very *passive* vibe in your dreams.
Quote:--You always seem to be LEAVING for somewhere.
--Often walking *towards* the car (but never driving away--last time you were blocked).
Yeah, there's been a few of those lately 
Just wanna make a few ~very general~ comments on these .. from many dreams experience
Quote:--Now, just looking at other people's houses but never going INSIDE.
I've been in many houses in dreams .. most of the time they are unoccupied, and many were unfinished/under construction (a note on the 'under construction' .. I know where that came from: a number of years ago a family member of mine was looking for a new house. Me & him wandered through many 'under construction' houses (always fun to do, weather in real life or in a dream)
Quote:--Admiring (?) maybe, the work being done on the outside, but never working on your own house.
There's been plenty of times when I'm at "home" doing some form of 'work' in dreams
Quote:--When meeting someone attractive, the dream is *abruptly* ended, not allowed to continue.
Sadly thats pretty common ... but there have been a few dreams where I actually got to kiss a guy <that is by far one of the most awesome dream feelings .. and usually for a couple days after I can clearly picture/feel it just by thinking/remembering. There is no way I can even explain that feeling though>
Quote:Make no mistake, your mind CHOSE to end the dream right there. It could have continued in ANY conceivable way at that point, but YOU ended it--not consciously, but subconsciously.
I hate that little subconscious thingie that ends dreams.
Back in that period when I got more sleep & was more into dreams, I was able to not wakeup / extend a dream by a short while, a few times, and a couple times re-enter a dream after falling back asleep (I loved that)
Quote:I hope I don't sound critical because I'm NOT; I'm mostly SYMPATHETIC because you're starting to remind me of myself--my younger self. I used to sabotage EVERYTHING by never participating; always watching.
I used to think love and sex were for other people, not me.
Any of that make sense?
yep makes some sense, I'm exactly the type who would be "just watching, not participating"
MidgetGem Wrote:Hmm I guess in some way you could call it a dream but im still partially awake, and well there isn't much going on in my life that could have this sort of effect, some of what you say does make sense as I do tend to roll all over the bed when sleeping though never falling out, and not banging myself off furniture simply cause there is none either side of my bed.. the main thing that bothers me is the figure i mention, its hard to describe with being partially awake drifting in and out of consciousness - neither dream nor nightmare as once asleep there is no dream, memory of a dream or such.
I sincerely hope you're not hurting yourself during your sleep/dream state. I suppose a video camera would tell the whole story there, but you'd probably have to record your entire sleep session for days/weeks/months....who knows?
Just feel free to bounce any ideas here in this thread. I just need to be honest and tell you up front I'll have a hard time subscribing to any metaphysical (ghostly) interpretation, but YOU'RE MORE THAN WELCOME to contribute any idea you'd like.
MidgetGem Wrote:I dont seem to or tend to dream at all, but do suffer from broken sleep, waking up during the night and upon drifting back into sleep finding myself almost "attacked" by this skinny.. drawn out.. bald.. black figure, always attempting to strangle me or pin me down
MidgetGem Wrote:its hard to describe with being partially awake drifting in and out of consciousness - neither dream nor nightmare as once asleep there is no dream, memory of a dream or such.
This one sounds like the type of experience many have from whats called "sleep paralysis", it usually happens when you're waking up (but can happen when falling asleep) ... basically your body (and the part of your brain that controls movement) has fallen asleep, but the "thinking" part of the brain (and part that generates dreams) are still at least partially awake/active.
LateBloomer Wrote:I guess I missed the girl with red hair because I don't really understand what she means to you in real life, BUT it's less important that I understand and MORE important that YOU understand what she means.
What she means to me in real life, or in general is tons of emotion. I was so happy to be holding her and hugging her up against me that I almost cried with joy, and at the same time sadness knowing we wouldn't end up together... if you know what I mean?
Also, as mentioned, lately the red hair is rather significant!