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A new dream thread.
LateBloomer Wrote:Hi Aester, very interesting that you haven't dreamt the "mountain dream" again. And thanks for sharing your new dream.

Do I think they're linked? I don't think so, because they're a little different.

For example, in the "mountain dream" you're alone and above it all. In the "hulk" dream, you're down in the city, amidst the whole population it seems.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have more difficulty with this dream, but I'd like you to consider one thing I mentioned in my very first post in this thread: the idea of the "shadow self".

That is to say, sometimes (some experts might say ALL THE TIME) we appear in our dreams as other characters. This sort of buys into the idea that the subconscious mind is pretty focused on ITSELF. In other words, YOU are your favorite subject when it comes to dreaming.

Also, there's the idea of "duality", where your "feminine half" may appear in your dream as a woman.

This is sort of what I'm thinking about my "bouquet dream" right now (if you happened to read that one). I suspect, that the woman who delivered the bouquet of pink roses to me was my "feminine self"...

I'm not sure at this point...

But along those same lines, you might want to consider that the green female monster that is chasing and shouting at you *MIGHT* be a slice of your subconscious "self". Some aspect of your own personality that is giving you a bad time.

What do you think?

''Some aspect of your own personality that is giving you a bad time'', I didn't fully understood It, so it seems that i have an innerly personality conflict about who I am or?

I am not sure at all, as the shadow self thing it might be as you say, cause I didn't spot anyones face, they were just kind of blurry like just a hologram. The only ones really existing there was my self and that hulk.

But why would my overdosed steroid junky hulk as my ''Feminine'' side chaise and shouting after me?

Aester Wrote:''Some aspect of your own personality that is giving you a bad time'', I didn't fully understood It, so it seems that i have an innerly personality conflict about who I am or?

I am not sure at all, as the shadow self thing it might be as you say, cause I didn't spot anyones face, they were just kind of blurry like just a hologram. The only ones really existing there was my self and that hulk.

But why would my overdosed steroid junky hulk as my ''Feminine'' side chaise and shouting after me?

Ha, GOOD questions!

But I'm not saying you have a "inner personality conflict"--not exactly.

What I'm trying to do is suggest that EVERYONE has two sides:

--Conscious (waking)/Subconscious (sleeping).

I'm not sure if you've read anything about Taoism, but you can search the internet if you're interested. This is the whole concept behind Yin and Yang and expressed in the following symbol

[Image: yin-yang-symbol.jpg]

Here, one half contains the seed of the other, and when the two forces are in balance, then we experience harmony.

This is the idea (there were others) that inspired Karl Jung to say we have have "dual" personalities: the concept of "duality". Normally they're balanced.

So what does all that have to do with your dream?...

I'm not sure at this point, but if I believe your dream is a way of your subconscious mind trying to tell you something by picking symbols and metaphors that MEAN SOMETHING TO YOU, then I have to consider that perhaps the "female hulk" in your dream is another side of you that is trying to make its way to your conscious mind.

Right now I don't have much more information to go with on your dream (just what you shared with me) so I'm just taking my best guess, hoping that something rings a bell for you. But in the meantime I'd also like to explain more about why the concept of "duality" is important in how I approach dream interpretation.

I hope some of that makes sense....but probably not very helpful, eh?


Haven't read taoism but sure shall read it. Those religions i know most of is Hinduism, Buddhism and Voodoo, don't know why but i really fancy the mysticism in those religions compare to others Smile

Just seems so strange aye

Im not sure who the people are in my dreams. I just know that im terrified of all of them. I asked for a visit because my mom told me that my family has a history of seeing the dead and im really into the paranormal stuff. So i decided to just try it out. I didnt really do anything i just asked for a visit and cleared my mind and just relaxed until i fell asleep. Then the dreams started happening. The dream i had a few nights ago was pretty unnerving. I fell asleep pretty early that night. Out of nowhere i hear this buzzing noise. At first i just ignored it but then it got louder. I could barely open my eyes. It felt like my eyes were being forced shut, but i forced them open. There was a black figure standing over me. Like all the other times before, i found i couldnt move. I tried to make a noise. I tried to call out for help. For some reason i always end up really afraid. I began to struggle and try to break free from whatever was holding me down. Then i got angry. I was tired of feeling scared and helpless. I began to scream inside my own head for whatever it was to let me go. For the first time my despair was replaced with anger. It was as if the pressure of the world was lifted off of me. I sat up without any resistance and the figure was gone.

SleepTalker Wrote:Im not sure who the people are in my dreams. I just know that im terrified of all of them. I asked for a visit because my mom told me that my family has a history of seeing the dead and im really into the paranormal stuff. So i decided to just try it out. I didnt really do anything i just asked for a visit and cleared my mind and just relaxed until i fell asleep. Then the dreams started happening. The dream i had a few nights ago was pretty unnerving. I fell asleep pretty early that night. Out of nowhere i hear this buzzing noise. At first i just ignored it but then it got louder. I could barely open my eyes. It felt like my eyes were being forced shut, but i forced them open. There was a black figure standing over me. Like all the other times before, i found i couldnt move. I tried to make a noise. I tried to call out for help. For some reason i always end up really afraid. I began to struggle and try to break free from whatever was holding me down. Then i got angry. I was tired of feeling scared and helpless. I began to scream inside my own head for whatever it was to let me go. For the first time my despair was replaced with anger. It was as if the pressure of the world was lifted off of me. I sat up without any resistance and the figure was gone.

Thanks for sharing the dream.

First of all, like I said, I don't approach dreams on a metaphysical or paranormal level. So I'm a little handicapped in that sense.

I guess, since you're looking at your dreams in that sort of capacity we might disagree on the significance of the characters but I don't want that possible disagreement to squelch any conversation you might want to have about your dreams. I'd like to read your thoughts on it.

But of course I'm curious why do you think these figures are always frightening to you? Why haven't you been visited by friendly figures?

And the contrast between the two you offered is pretty stark: One was female and dressed in white, the other was black and seemed to lack any specific gender.

You also seem to be paralyzed to some degree in each dream but not totally. And when your fear turns to anger you're free of it's power.

This is powerful stuff.
Just curious what you think.

LateBloomer Wrote:
72jay Wrote:<dream description>
Wow, awesome, thanks for sharing.


I think I've had two half-assed lucid dreams in my life. I say half-assed because I didn't feel fully lucid, just sort of like, "am I dreaming or not? I think I am." But no real sense of control.

What are your ideas about the significance of these dreams? I love the part where you fly through windows. That's some powerful stuff right there.


I've had those semi-lucid dreams too LOL still cool stuff Smile The lucid thing deff takes takes practice..

I'm not sure of the significance of those dreams but they started sometime after I put up that light LOL I think dreams just had something against the thing, maybe because it was something unusual? (I've had dreams pick on other lights/electrical things too...like lightswitches allot of times won't work - but I've heard that one if very common for people)
One thing I found is it is possible for that particular light to make _very quiet_ buzzing sounds - even when "off" since It's always powered to keep the batteries charged - (but it requires running a fairly heavy/& unusual type of electrical load on the house...not something that would have ever been running in the morning or at random times throughout the year, so I doubt that was it)

The flying thing .. for sure cool! that's something i've always loved doing in dreams (but it is also rare). So I know where that part of the dream came from Smile

72jay Wrote:
I've had those semi-lucid dreams too LOL still cool stuff Smile The lucid thing deff takes takes practice..

I'm not sure of the significance of those dreams but they started sometime after I put up that light LOL I think dreams just had something against the thing, maybe because it was something unusual? (I've had dreams pick on other lights/electrical things too...like lightswitches allot of times won't work - but I've heard that one if very common for people)
One thing I found is it is possible for that particular light to make _very quiet_ buzzing sounds - even when "off" since It's always powered to keep the batteries charged - (but it requires running a fairly heavy/& unusual type of electrical load on the house...not something that would have ever been running in the morning or at random times throughout the year, so I doubt that was it)

The flying thing .. for sure cool! that's something i've always loved doing in dreams (but it is also rare). So I know where that part of the dream came from Smile

I think I could get better at lucid dreaming if I had a more regular sleep schedule. I travel every month and often suffer from jet lag. This not only interferes with my dream recollection but probably my ability to have a lucid dream.

Interesting comment about the light switch not working. I've never had that one, but it's interesting to me.

Thanks for participating in the thread, I hope you share more in the future.


SleepTalker Wrote:Im not sure who the people are in my dreams. I just know that im terrified of all of them.

Interesting dreams

Wish there was a easy way to to explain some of the things I learned to do with dreams. but i can't LOL it took a fair bit of time/effort (but I also liked that stuff). Keeping a dream-log/journal helps, but what also helped allot for me was reading online dream newsgroups (which sadly aren't really that active anymore Sad )

I couldn't always do it, but when it worked It lead to stuff like:When there's something/someone that you're afraid of in a dream - especially if its after you, and you realize its a dream... you cam tell whoever/whatever it is that this is a dream you're not afraid (but you have to truly believe it too) suddenly that scarry/unfriendly thing either disappears and/or becomes your friend. weird feeling / all that fear is suddenly gone & replaced by a good/friendly feeling

SleepTalker Wrote:I asked for a visit because my mom told me that my family has a history of seeing the dead and im really into the paranormal stuff. So i decided to just try it out.

So do you believe in ghosts & stuff then too? I do atleast somewhat. I believe my parents house might be somewhat haunted (but not by any sort of bad/evil 'ghost' - if anything friendly/harmless)
I'm not the only one who's said things about houses being haunted ... multiple of the neighbors in that strip of houses have made comments about their house being haunted and hearing/seeing strange things...like footsteps when noone else is home. None of those houses is "old" they were built in the 1980's

LateBloomer Wrote:I think I could get better at lucid dreaming if I had a more regular sleep schedule. I travel every month and often suffer from jet lag. This not only interferes with my dream recollection but probably my ability to have a lucid dream.

Interesting comment about the light switch not working. I've never had that one, but it's interesting to me.

Thanks for participating in the thread, I hope you share more in the future.


Yep a regular sleep schedule for sure helps with both lucid dreaming and dream recollection..as does more than 8 hours of sleep per night LOL
There was one winter back when I really got into dreams (and had more time) that I'd get close to 10 hours/night in bed in weeknights! (not that I actually slept that long) I got good enough that I'd wake after every dream or 2, just to write them down Smile then fall right back asleep ... even with a few of those short wakeups every night I was still well rested in the morning. One thing I did find is with intense dreams esp those with really good "graphics"(what do you call the scenery in dreams??) / lucid dreams / non-lucid but where I had some control ... those would tend to make me kinda mentally tired the next morning -- sorta like that stuff takes extra 'processing power' LOL

I've had many " light switch not working" dreams - usually they "take place" at home, but also in all rooms of the house. From what I've read that's a very common dream for people.

72jay Wrote:
Yep a regular sleep schedule for sure helps with both lucid dreaming and dream recollection..as does more than 8 hours of sleep per night LOL
There was one winter back when I really got into dreams (and had more time) that I'd get close to 10 hours/night in bed in weeknights! (not that I actually slept that long) I got good enough that I'd wake after every dream or 2, just to write them down Smile then fall right back asleep ... even with a few of those short wakeups every night I was still well rested in the morning. One thing I did find is with intense dreams esp those with really good "graphics"(what do you call the scenery in dreams??) / lucid dreams / non-lucid but where I had some control ... those would tend to make me kinda mentally tired the next morning -- sorta like that stuff takes extra 'processing power' LOL

I've had many " light switch not working" dreams - usually they "take place" at home, but also in all rooms of the house. From what I've read that's a very common dream for people.

Hoping to have a good dream tonight. Had a good workout at the gym today, and a little wine with dinner. Although I'm aware alcohol interferes with REM I'm feeling pretty knackered right about now.

Wish me luck.

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