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A new dream thread.
jaxc Wrote:I had a dream that i was in some dingey room on a operating table with some guy cutting me open while i was awake but under enough anethesia to dull the pain.....there's nothing wrong with me is there:eekSad though i do remember that dream scaring the hell out of me when i woke up)

Might need a little more info on this dream. If you can remember anything else about it please share it.

It does sound pretty scary. I'm wondering who the guy is? Maybe he's YOU. A shadow figure of yourself? Are you trying to open yourself up?


I might need to take a break from this forum for a week or two. Things are getting very at work and in my personal life. You know, the holidays are approaching and things just start getting wacky. I'll check in when I can and offer what thoughts I have, but I have to apologize now because I won't be able to give this forum as much time as I'd like.

Best to everyone.

LateBloomer Wrote:I'm also having a tough time with this one too. Additionally, I'm sorry (in a way) that you still had the mountain top chair dream again. Apparently whatever is triggering that dream is still a factor in your life.

The cheese/goldfish dream, to me, seems like an act of ritual initiation, but that's just me. I wondering how it felt to you in the dream?

As for the color magenta, when I get back home (I'm traveling for work right now) I'll look it up in my books and see if I can find any significance or connotation to that color...

...now that I'm thinking about it a little...those are some warm colors, but purple has blue in it which is cool. Purple is also the color of royalty. And of course lavender is totally gay.


I felt rebelious in the dream thats all i remember from now about it. As for the color still confuses me. 'And of course lavender is totally gay', it wasn't quite lavender abit more red'ish in it.

Aester Wrote:I felt rebelious in the dream thats all i remember from now about it. As for the color still confuses me. 'And of course lavender is totally gay', it wasn't quite lavender abit more red'ish in it.

Thinking about the mixing of colors...

Maybe this is an expression of mixed feelings.

You know, we talk about being blue (depressed), or in a "white" rage, "green" with envy, etc....

I'm late my friend, I have to run...please continue to share your dreams here.


just had a dream that scared the shit out of me.

we were in a parking lot to i think homedepot. we had weapons, guns, chains, staffs. it was me, my friends, and my gf. i remember it was me, as i was wearing the shirt that i wore yesterday. i remember the blood stains on it. people were singling people out and killing/maiming them. it reminded me of the Holocaust. i was with my friend, and struck him with a chain. i kept striking him until he lay on the ground. then i proceeded to pistol whip him until his flesh on his chest was falling off. then the police pulled up. but it didn't look like the police. it was just a black car with 2 undercover cops in it. i acted like my victim was my best friend. he did the same we even bumped fists, and had a bro hug. cause he knew i would shoot him if he didn't. the undercover cops placed me in handcuffs and put me in the blood soaked back seat with 2 other violent criminals covered in blood. i remember they didn't search me, so i still had my pistol in my pants waist band. i thought of shooting both of the undercover cops. then all of a sudden we were in a hotel room. airborn was with me. the two cops went to get food, but i was still locked in the room. i remember looking around the room and seeing allot of other peoples clothing and personal belongings left. i knew they had been killed and discarded. i saw the blood stains on the sheets. this scared me. when the 2 cops came back, my dog Toby was running down the hallway. he came in the room also. i don't remember them carrying any food, but it was on the counter when they shut the door. this is when they searched me and found my gun. i kept pleading with them that i did nothing wrong. i kept asking what would happen when i got released. would i get my gun back?? they didn't know. i told them that i could give them phone numbers to "bad guys" you know, drug dealers and thieves. that perked their interest. that's about the time i woke up. scared out of my mind as this is the only dream that i know i was violent, trying to kill a person.

someone please tell me what it can mean. kinda freaked out over it right now...

wakeboarder Wrote:just had a dream that scared the shit out of me.

we were in a parking lot to i think homedepot. we had weapons, guns, chains, staffs. it was me, my friends, and my gf. i remember it was me, as i was wearing the shirt that i wore yesterday. i remember the blood stains on it. people were singling people out and killing/maiming them. it reminded me of the Holocaust. i was with my friend, and struck him with a chain. i kept striking him until he lay on the ground. then i proceeded to pistol whip him until his flesh on his chest was falling off. then the police pulled up. but it didn't look like the police. it was just a black car with 2 undercover cops in it. i acted like my victim was my best friend. he did the same we even bumped fists, and had a bro hug. cause he knew i would shoot him if he didn't. the undercover cops placed me in handcuffs and put me in the blood soaked back seat with 2 other violent criminals covered in blood. i remember they didn't search me, so i still had my pistol in my pants waist band. i thought of shooting both of the undercover cops. then all of a sudden we were in a hotel room. airborn was with me. the two cops went to get food, but i was still locked in the room. i remember looking around the room and seeing allot of other peoples clothing and personal belongings left. i knew they had been killed and discarded. i saw the blood stains on the sheets. this scared me. when the 2 cops came back, my dog Toby was running down the hallway. he came in the room also. i don't remember them carrying any food, but it was on the counter when they shut the door. this is when they searched me and found my gun. i kept pleading with them that i did nothing wrong. i kept asking what would happen when i got released. would i get my gun back?? they didn't know. i told them that i could give them phone numbers to "bad guys" you know, drug dealers and thieves. that perked their interest. that's about the time i woke up. scared out of my mind as this is the only dream that i know i was violent, trying to kill a person.

someone please tell me what it can mean. kinda freaked out over it right now...

Thanks for sharing your dream. I'm pretty busy tonight and all day tomorrow. I'll be able to spend more time on your dream later in the week.

Maybe in the meantime you can provide a little more info.

As I said at the beginning of the thread, I don't take dreams literally. Just because you dreamt about committing violence on your friend doesn't mean you have any "real" or "conscious" desire to hurt him.

But I wonder if you can share a little bit about anything that's been going on in you life with respect to authority or punishment. It sounds like you were trying to cut a deal in the dream.

Is there anything going on at work or at home or with your friends where you feel like you might have crossed a line; done something that should be punished; did you try to get away with something?

Think about it a little and I'll try to provide more feedback after Monday.

If you've got the time I'd be curious what you thought of Giles being my dad a lot in my dreams. Sometimes even when my real dad shows up Giles is STILL my dad. Why is that? :confused:

And because I figure you'll ask, I'll go ahead and volunteer that yes, I'd rather he was my dad, though I'd tease him as he's far too teasable (like fake him out into thinking I'd stole one of his dread tomes to ransack for occult party games at a sleepover), but I totally admire the character.

My real dad is almost the opposite. The only thing I can think of that they have in common is that they're white males. My real dad is an alcoholic redneck who'd despise someone bookish, precise, and proper like him. Though in my dreams my dad typically ignores him (and me since I'm Giles daughter instead of his).

Pix Wrote:If you've got the time I'd be curious what you thought of Giles being my dad a lot in my dreams. Sometimes even when my real dad shows up Giles is STILL my dad. Why is that? :confused:

And because I figure you'll ask, I'll go ahead and volunteer that yes, I'd rather he was my dad, though I'd tease him as he's far too teasable (like fake him out into thinking I'd stole one of his dread tomes to ransack for occult party games at a sleepover), but I totally admire the character.

My real dad is almost the opposite. The only thing I can think of that they have in common is that they're white males. My real dad is an alcoholic redneck who'd despise someone bookish, precise, and proper like him. Though in my dreams my dad typically ignores him (and me since I'm Giles daughter instead of his).

Hmm, wow. Well, thanks for the link because I had no idea who this guy is. I guess it's enough to know that you consider him the "opposite" of your dad (bookish and proper, etc), but more importantly that your "real" dad IGNORES you and your "dream dad."

Do you think your real dad has the capacity to be bookish and proper, but instead is just casual and informal. Like he doesn't really try to impress you...in fact, he ignores you.

Could be you're just dreaming about how nice it would be to have a dad who is more inquisitive and interested in your life.

I don't know...anything ring a bell so far?

The fact this seems to be a recurring theme for you suggests it's really an issue your mind is working on. Maybe you can describe one dream in particular.

I had three recent dreams. I though were odd with people I know and all of these dreams had people offering me weed. First one was two guys I met at my work. The next was my little brother giving me lots of weed. And the thrid one was of a girl I went to school with who had a tin for her first time and wanted me to roll it up for her.

I was thought it was odd.

Oh and when I was littel I got eaten by and huge poler bear. O.o

This is how that dream goes:
On horse and carrage my older brother (Who I don't always get on well with) was driving. The horse and cart would have looked something like this http://www.theglasgowstory.com/images/TGSE01453_m.jpg
There was a man underneath the carrage. I didn't see him excluding his arm and the knife that he stabed into the back of my calfs (this was not the sceary bit I was not frightend at all here) I also had got sores on the back of my calfs from gumboots I was wearing that day. Then I show my brother in the dream and he didn't care too much. Then we were at a grassy park with big hedges all around and a grassy that my brother were on. And then a HUGE poler grabs me and bites me in half and I wake up just a little bit frighten.

Also I'v had a lucid dream. I put my head through a lap post just cos I felt like it and I could see through it And I could jump as high as I liked. Might try for another lucid dream tonight Big Grin

Kiid Wrote:I had three recent dreams. I though were odd with people I know and all of these dreams had people offering me weed. First one was two guys I met at my work. The next was my little brother giving me lots of weed. And the thrid one was of a girl I went to school with who had a tin for her first time and wanted me to roll it up for her.

I was thought it was odd.

Yup, it's pretty odd, but aren't all dreams odd?


What's going on in real life with your friends and weed? Are you socializing enough? Are you staying in too much or going out too much? I think a little background here might be helpful.

Kiid Wrote:Oh and when I was littel I got eaten by and huge poler bear. O.o

This is how that dream goes:
On horse and carrage my older brother (Who I don't always get on well with) was driving. The horse and cart would have looked something like this http://www.theglasgowstory.com/images/TGSE01453_m.jpg
There was a man underneath the carrage. I didn't see him excluding his arm and the knife that he stabed into the back of my calfs (this was not the sceary bit I was not frightend at all here) I also had got sores on the back of my calfs from gumboots I was wearing that day. Then I show my brother in the dream and he didn't care too much. Then we were at a grassy park with big hedges all around and a grassy that my brother were on. And then a HUGE poler grabs me and bites me in half and I wake up just a little bit frighten.

Also I'v had a lucid dream. I put my head through a lap post just cos I felt like it and I could see through it And I could jump as high as I liked. Might try for another lucid dream tonight Big Grin

Just some questions first about this dream, in order to get the picture right in my head.

Your brother is driving the horse and cart. Where are you seated? Next to him? To the left or right? Any idea what you're hauling in the cart, or where you're going?

And the strange man below, he's walking next to you as you ride in the cart? I don't understand what you mean my "excluding" his arm? Do you mean it's hidden? And then he stabs you in the calf? But in real life you had sores from gum boots?

Then you show your injury to your brother in the dream but he doesn't care.

The dream finishes in a grassy park with hedges (are they tall, so as to provide privacy or shelter?) and a polar bear bites you in half....

Have I got most of that right?

By the way, what color was the horse? Did either of you try to ride on the horse's back? Can you describe the horse a little better?

The polar bear is pretty interesting. I've often dreamt of bears myself, but they are always black or brown bears, never polar bears. And in fact, looking at bear symbology it's all based on the typical "grizzly" bear archetype.

Right now I'm kinda interested in the fact that your brother was driving the horse and you got bitten in half by a white bear.

LateBloomer Wrote:Hmm, wow. Well, thanks for the link because I had no idea who this guy is. I guess it's enough to know that you consider him the "opposite" of your dad (bookish and proper, etc), but more importantly that your "real" dad IGNORES you and your "dream dad."

Do you think your real dad has the capacity to be bookish and proper, but instead is just casual and informal. Like he doesn't really try to impress you...in fact, he ignores you.

Could be you're just dreaming about how nice it would be to have a dad who is more inquisitive and interested in your life.

I don't know...anything ring a bell so far?

The fact this seems to be a recurring theme for you suggests it's really an issue your mind is working on. Maybe you can describe one dream in particular.

I think my dad is too much of a dysfunctional alcoholic to be bookish and proper and I can't even imagine him trying (well I can, but it feels like imagining flying elephants). And I have tried to reconnect (I'm not sure that word applies since it implies I was once connected to them in the first place, as opposed to being forced to live with them...) with both Mom & Dad to almost no avail. It makes me a little sad but I shrug it off.

Anyway, a dream I had about 3 years ago was when I was back in the Bible Belt school I went to back then in East Texas (when I lived in East Texas it was with my Granny, not with Mom or Dad). Criminals masquerading as terrorists (but were actually extortionists) had taken over our school, putting up bombs to scare off authorities and essentially keeping us all hostage. I was 14 again, but I retained all my adult skills. This doesn't always happen. Like I'm proficient in the use of both guns and martial arts now, but if I find myself young in my dreams and try to use these skills, it won't work: my blows are ineffectual, the gun won't fire or if it does it won't do anything. But this time I retained my skills & confidence that I didn't have back then and it was interesting. More so, I was 14 again which meant I was prepubescent (I had delayed puberty) yet I had my adult strength (which came in useful more than once). Oddly, the advantages of youth came in handy, too, as my size not only caused people to underestimate me but gave me advantages at dodging, hiding, and stealth. I had the best of both worlds.

Real Life Note: When I went to this school I was living with my Granny while the 'rents divorced on the outskirts of Houston, though later that year the courts forced me to live with Mom again over my passionate objections so that Mom could get child support (which she spent on her addictions instead of me). Yet both Mom and Dad were in this dream. Dad abandoned me leaving me to the criminals though for some reason I didn't care. And Mom was WITH one of the criminals because she wanted to share in the money they were demanding for our release.

Though I forget the details I managed to neutralize the criminal Mom was with which enraged her and she tried killing me for ruining her chance at wealth and even hoping the plan could be salvaged after I was dead. I ran (at this point I momentarily lost my adult skills and confidence) but Mom ended up getting killed by a murderous tree (a tree that tried killing me, too, but I got real still and the tree "lost" me and focused on Mom instead and I got away while it was killing Mom).

I got back to the school and police and parents were there, the criminals defeated, and I ran to Giles who was my dad and he hugged me which gave me comfort. I told him all about the tree and my mom and he was sounding very proper and British (to contrast with all the Texan accents, including mine) as he was saying how dreadful it all sounded and he was glad I was ok and he took me home (Granny, whom I lived with when I went to that school wasn't in the dream at all).

Giles is often critical of Texas, too. For example, I recall in one where he marveled at Texan ecology, which he referred to as a "demonic manifestation heralding an apocalypse," and I told him, "Naw, it's always been like that," though I told him about the Tejas massacre and how i think it cursed the state.

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