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A new dream thread.
And here's an interesting dream I recorded in a dream journal 2/3/04, though this one features my real Dad, and also a "little brother" (I was an only child), who appears in other dreams sometimes as a little brother and other times as my son (I've even had the irrational certainty that I need to bear children because I'm meant to give birth to him):

I was 12 and with my dad in the store. I was pretty much into the head space I was in at 12, too. I wanted--needed--things and my dad would gripe and complain. This included my suggesting we get more and better food. This made me feel bad, but I was equally mad at how he would get a case of beer (half a case if strapped--but that was usually at another store in which he got nothing except alcohol and tobacco), as if THAT were important. But I didn't have the words back then, and besides, I was a bit scared of my dad.

In the dream, I felt something from him that I never sensed in him in real life--guilt, sorrow, self-loathing and anger. I sensed anger in him in real life, but in the dream, he seemed more angry at himself than everyone and everything else around him. A cop followed us around, seeming to ignore me, and made loud condemnations of his choices, of his life, etc. Apparently, only he could see and hear this cop, though I could in the dream.

We came to a box barrel display. Inside were a bunch of rings, but we could only take one. A woman's voice, feeling VERY daimonic (that is, unknown and not-human), said we could both take a ring and make ONE wish. Showing my more mature sensibilities all of a sudden, I asked, "What's the price?" No answer. I was tempted, but scared. I told him not to do it and reminded him that there's always a catch. He agreed and we left.

The cop followed us all the way to the register, and then just wasn't there anymore. Dad got into an argument with the cashier over something, but I don't recall exactly what. I think it had something to do with returning or replacing something.

We left the store and it was night. At this point, I was older, more like 15. (In real life, I virtually never saw him at this age--and no more than a few minutes.) The stars were beautiful. A "knowing" came down to us, a telepathic communications, that offered my dad 2 bracelets and said, "OK, THREE wishes for each of you."

I warned him, "They want us to take them too badly. What's in it for them?" No answer from them, but my dad took the bracelets--a gold and silver one. He took the gold one and handed me the silver one.

Temptation got to me, but I decided on a plan. I said, "I wish to understand the reasons and motivations for giving us these wishes." If I didn't like the answer, I was going to use my next wish to wish I never made any of these wishes, and that they found someone else instead of us. I don't recall the answer I got, but I did get one [As the other wishes turned out to be temporary then I can assume in retrospect that I DID understand for awhile]. It had to do with achieving wisdom--more for them than for us--and I wasn't comforted by it, but not scared enough to wish it all away, either.

We got to his car (a real junker) and my dad cursed as he got his keys out and then said, "I wish my car was a fire engine red Chevrolet Corvette." [In real life Dad had a red T-bird he loved, and pretty much snapped when Mom won it in the divorce and I'm pretty sure it was him who sabotaged the brakes that nearly killed Mom and me.] And it was. I'm not sure what got into me at that moment, but I snatched the keys from his hands, jumped in the car while he gaped at the car and me both, and screeched out of there. I went joyriding for several blocks before I felt guilty about leaving dad and went back to pick him up. Natch, he was cussing up a storm when I came back.

But once he was in the driver seat, he took off too in the same way I had. We actually had some fun over some car ride until the car reverted back to its normal junk form, causing my dad to cuss a lot more.

Then a scene showed up in which I was not involved in. I suddenly had a "little brother" who was like 7-10. He was picked up by that cop that followed dad around in the store. The cop killed him and then dressed it up to look like a stupid gangland slaying. The memory of this would leave me until after I woke up.

Oddly enough, the murder scene was in the same store where this started, though on the opposite side if that matters. There were other cops around. My dad was suddenly a cop himself and showed up and was majorly upset as you'd expect.

He mentioned to me how he wanted to take the both of us to Disneyland. He then went, "I wish my son [no name I recall] were still alive and we were all at Disneyland." And so we were. Recalling how the car reverted back to its normal form, I added, "I wish that he remains alive," in order to make it permanent.

We really did have a lot of fun at Disneyland. My dad was actually pleasant and fun to be around. And I liked my brother, too. But suddenly it was over. Disneyland vanished, and we were back at the store--on the other side near where the wishing rings were--and the boy was skeletal and in a buggy being pushed by dad.

The other cops came running up and wanted to know what happened, including the condemning (and killing) cop. My dad threw his badge at all of them and yelled, "Keep it!" He stormed out and I didn't see him anymore in the dream.

I decided to use my last wish so I could be done with it. "I wish I could fly by thinking about it, and that I would float gently to the ground just before my wish is over." And so it was.

I flew outside so I could go up high. It was dusk instead of night. (I would say dawn, except the activity was more appropriate to dusk.) I flew and saw some of my old friends from when I was 16, just before I had ran away from home. I wanted to show them my flying so they'd believe me when I told them about the wishes. But as I flew all around them, they didn't see me. I grabbed one on the shoulders and yelled, "Can't you see me!?" She stopped and asked the others if they heard me calling. They looked around and said, no. I tried to push her back, but I went through her like she were jello, and she didn't feel anything at all.

So I flew around by myself for awhile before I felt myself floating down, and then I woke up.

i had a dream that i had hotdog flavored poptarts:confused:

Pix Wrote:I think my dad is too much of a dysfunctional alcoholic to be bookish and proper and I can't even imagine him trying (well I can, but it feels like imagining flying elephants). And I have tried to reconnect (I'm not sure that word applies since it implies I was once connected to them in the first place, as opposed to being forced to live with them...) with both Mom & Dad to almost no avail. It makes me a little sad but I shrug it off.

Anyway, a dream I had about 3 years ago was when I was back in the Bible Belt school I went to back then in East Texas (when I lived in East Texas it was with my Granny, not with Mom or Dad). Criminals masquerading as terrorists (but were actually extortionists) had taken over our school, putting up bombs to scare off authorities and essentially keeping us all hostage. I was 14 again, but I retained all my adult skills. This doesn't always happen. Like I'm proficient in the use of both guns and martial arts now, but if I find myself young in my dreams and try to use these skills, it won't work: my blows are ineffectual, the gun won't fire or if it does it won't do anything. But this time I retained my skills & confidence that I didn't have back then and it was interesting. More so, I was 14 again which meant I was prepubescent (I had delayed puberty) yet I had my adult strength (which came in useful more than once). Oddly, the advantages of youth came in handy, too, as my size not only caused people to underestimate me but gave me advantages at dodging, hiding, and stealth. I had the best of both worlds.

Real Life Note: When I went to this school I was living with my Granny while the 'rents divorced on the outskirts of Houston, though later that year the courts forced me to live with Mom again over my passionate objections so that Mom could get child support (which she spent on her addictions instead of me). Yet both Mom and Dad were in this dream. Dad abandoned me leaving me to the criminals though for some reason I didn't care. And Mom was WITH one of the criminals because she wanted to share in the money they were demanding for our release.

Though I forget the details I managed to neutralize the criminal Mom was with which enraged her and she tried killing me for ruining her chance at wealth and even hoping the plan could be salvaged after I was dead. I ran (at this point I momentarily lost my adult skills and confidence) but Mom ended up getting killed by a murderous tree (a tree that tried killing me, too, but I got real still and the tree "lost" me and focused on Mom instead and I got away while it was killing Mom).

I got back to the school and police and parents were there, the criminals defeated, and I ran to Giles who was my dad and he hugged me which gave me comfort. I told him all about the tree and my mom and he was sounding very proper and British (to contrast with all the Texan accents, including mine) as he was saying how dreadful it all sounded and he was glad I was ok and he took me home (Granny, whom I lived with when I went to that school wasn't in the dream at all).

Giles is often critical of Texas, too. For example, I recall in one where he marveled at Texan ecology, which he referred to as a "demonic manifestation heralding an apocalypse," and I told him, "Naw, it's always been like that," though I told him about the Tejas massacre and how i think it cursed the state.

Wow, holy cow, heavy stuff Pix.

Obviously you have felt in the past (and expressed in your dreams) that you've been "assaulted" on all sides. Your "adult" skills are defending the diminutive little "girl" of your past.

Again, not looking at things literally, but metaphorically, your mothers death just symbolizes something "coming to an end", a "finishing". Please don't get freaked out about dreaming about death, as disturbing at it seems, you can't take it literally.

The killing tree is very interesting. How did it kill? With its branches or trunk?

Giles as a father-figure in your dreams just seems to me as a complete fantasy; a wishful fantasy, maybe. I don't know, because I'm really not familiar with what he does or what it means to you. You could probably explain that one if you thought about it a little bit.

I wonder, now that you've sat down and written out your dream if you have any more clarity?

LateBloomer Wrote:Yup, it's pretty odd, but aren't all dreams odd?


What's going on in real life with your friends and weed? Are you socializing enough? Are you staying in too much or going out too much? I think a little background here might be helpful.

Actually I haven't seen any of my friends for a couple of weeks untill yesterday. None of these people do weed that I know of. I do it sometimes but it's not something I do every day

Just some questions first about this dream, in order to get the picture right in my head.

Your brother is driving the horse and cart. Where are you seated? Next to him? To the left or right? Any idea what you're hauling in the cart, or where you're going?

I'm sitting to the right and there was nothing on the back. Or noting that I remember and I don't know where we were going


And the strange man below, he's walking next to you as you ride in the cart? I don't understand what you mean my "excluding" his arm? Do you mean it's hidden? And then he stabs you in the calf? But in real life you had sores from gum boots?

Then you show your injury to your brother in the dream but he doesn't care.

He is holding on under the cart. So I don't see him or the face.
My perception of him even now is that he dosen't care for me much.
The dream finishes in a grassy park with hedges (are they tall, so as to provide privacy or shelter?) and a polar bear bites you in half....

Have I got most of that right?

Chur. Got it right so far mostly. I guess so but the I think it looked more like one of the huge hedge mazes. But I'm not in the maze. And then it grabs me in its paw and bites me. And also my two other brothers and the one on the cart were on the hill and my oldest said 'look it's eating josh' O.o

Quote:By the way, what color was the horse? Did either of you try to ride on the horse's back? Can you describe the horse a little better?
Both were on the cart. The horse I think was the same as the picture

Quote:The polar bear is pretty interesting. I've often dreamt of bears myself, but they are always black or brown bears, never polar bears. And in fact, looking at bear symbology it's all based on the typical "grizzly" bear archetype.

Right now I'm kinda interested in the fact that your brother was driving the horse and you got bitten in half by a white bear.

Haha well it was a crazy dream I had to go sleep in my mums bed after I woke up from it.

Pix, that second dream is beautiful, but SO dense. I'm gonna need a little more time to digest that one.

Especially the rings and bracelets.

One thing I wanna mention again is the possibility of a "shadow figure" in dreams. This idea comes from Jung who taught about our "dual nature" (masculine/feminine, good/evil, etc...)

Consider the possibility your young brother is your male self.

More later.

LateBloomer Wrote:The killing tree is very interesting. How did it kill? With its branches or trunk?

It was like the whomping willow in Harry Potter, only instead of clubbing with its limbs, it impaled (the limbs ended in points). If you've never seen it then you can see it here starting at about 1:15:

Again, the tree in my dreams impaled rather than clubbed, but other than that it was like the tree in Harry Potter.

Freaky tree!

I sometimes have dreams and that are going fine and boom I get a freaky feeling and I wakeup. But I cannot move. use to be frightening now it just gets annoying and I get mad. or just go back to sleep to have it happen again later.

LateBloomer Wrote:Thanks for sharing your dream. I'm pretty busy tonight and all day tomorrow. I'll be able to spend more time on your dream later in the week.

Maybe in the meantime you can provide a little more info.

As I said at the beginning of the thread, I don't take dreams literally. Just because you dreamt about committing violence on your friend doesn't mean you have any "real" or "conscious" desire to hurt him.

But I wonder if you can share a little bit about anything that's been going on in you life with respect to authority or punishment. It sounds like you were trying to cut a deal in the dream.

Is there anything going on at work or at home or with your friends where you feel like you might have crossed a line; done something that should be punished; did you try to get away with something?

Think about it a little and I'll try to provide more feedback after Monday.

nothing really out of the normal. the only difference is we are having financial problems right now. money is really tight. about a week before the dream i started having bad heartburn (get this when i get really stressed), and at times i have debilitating anxiety attacks. my dreams have been really vivid. most of them have been calm, but some have been a little disturbing. (like one was really short. i was maiming someone i had tied down to the table) they are starting to get to me. im in the process of setting up a meeting with a therapist to try and figure all the crap out that is going on in my life right now....

wakeboarder Wrote:nothing really out of the normal. the only difference is we are having financial problems right now. money is really tight. about a week before the dream i started having bad heartburn (get this when i get really stressed), and at times i have debilitating anxiety attacks. my dreams have been really vivid. most of them have been calm, but some have been a little disturbing. (like one was really short. i was maiming someone i had tied down to the table) they are starting to get to me. im in the process of setting up a meeting with a therapist to try and figure all the crap out that is going on in my life right now....

I wish I could help you with this stuff, but it sounds like you have a lot on your mind right now and all that anxiety is expressing itself through your dreams obviously.

I don't really understand why you seem to be committing all the violence in your dreams when it really seems like you're more of a victim.

Really, I think there are some similarities to your dream and Pix up above.

If you feel up to it, I'd be interested to hear what your therapist says about these dreams if the topic comes up.

Hope you get some relief soon.

I want to make full responses to Pix and Kiid but don't quite have the time tonight. Hopefully tomorrow.


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