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A new dream thread.
Kiid Wrote:Actually I haven't seen any of my friends for a couple of weeks untill yesterday. None of these people do weed that I know of. I do it sometimes but it's not something I do every day


I'm sitting to the right and there was nothing on the back. Or noting that I remember and I don't know where we were going


He is holding on under the cart. So I don't see him or the face.
My perception of him even now is that he dosen't care for me much.


Chur. Got it right so far mostly. I guess so but the I think it looked more like one of the huge hedge mazes. But I'm not in the maze. And then it grabs me in its paw and bites me. And also my two other brothers and the one on the cart were on the hill and my oldest said 'look it's eating josh' O.o


Both were on the cart. The horse I think was the same as the picture


Haha well it was a crazy dream I had to go sleep in my mums bed after I woke up from it.

Sorry for taking so long to respond, just going one dream at a time right now.


In regards to your dream about your friends and weed, it just sounds like you haven't seen them for a little while and maybe you're kind of craving a little "social interaction" with them. Some sharing, maybe? Not sure actually.

But the polar bear dream leaves me a little more uneasy. Basically, we got you "riding along" or "going for a ride" with your brother. He's on the left; you on the right. (Left is usually considered "sinister" ['sinistra' is Italian for left]; right is usually considered good [Christ sits at the right hand of the Father/Right hand man, etc...]).

So obviously I have some worries about your brother in this dream, not to mention later when you're being eaten your other brothers just observe but one makes a casual remark.

The bear in general is considered a "lunar" symbol. That is to say, it goes through "phases" like the moon (wax/wane, hibernation/active). It's moody and seasonal. I'm a bit at a loss to explain the significance of the polar variety (why not a typical grizzly bear? I have no idea). But the color white of course has some very powerful symbology associated with it (purity, absence of color, heat, light, etc...) Could probably explore that a little more if you're interested.

And the hedges forming a maze (labyrinth?) is interesting, but you're OUTSIDE of the maze, not inside. If you were inside, that would be pretty easy to decode (you're just trying to find your way, etc...) But what is the significance of being OUTSIDE of a maze? I'm not sure! Maybe you have just exited the maze? Maybe you were about to enter but the bear stopped you and bit you in two pieces (again, are we touching on Jungs "duality" with the two pieces here? I'm not sure).

Let me know you're reactions to any of this and if you'd like to explore something in particular I could try to do that with you as long as you understand I just do this in my free time for fun.


I'll try to get to Pix next...

Pix Wrote:And here's an interesting dream I recorded in a dream journal 2/3/04, though this one features my real Dad, and also a "little brother" (I was an only child), who appears in other dreams sometimes as a little brother and other times as my son (I've even had the irrational certainty that I need to bear children because I'm meant to give birth to him):

I was 12 and with my dad in the store. I was pretty much into the head space I was in at 12, too. I wanted--needed--things and my dad would gripe and complain. This included my suggesting we get more and better food. This made me feel bad, but I was equally mad at how he would get a case of beer (half a case if strapped--but that was usually at another store in which he got nothing except alcohol and tobacco), as if THAT were important. But I didn't have the words back then, and besides, I was a bit scared of my dad.

In the dream, I felt something from him that I never sensed in him in real life--guilt, sorrow, self-loathing and anger. I sensed anger in him in real life, but in the dream, he seemed more angry at himself than everyone and everything else around him. A cop followed us around, seeming to ignore me, and made loud condemnations of his choices, of his life, etc. Apparently, only he could see and hear this cop, though I could in the dream.

We came to a box barrel display. Inside were a bunch of rings, but we could only take one. A woman's voice, feeling VERY daimonic (that is, unknown and not-human), said we could both take a ring and make ONE wish. Showing my more mature sensibilities all of a sudden, I asked, "What's the price?" No answer. I was tempted, but scared. I told him not to do it and reminded him that there's always a catch. He agreed and we left.

The cop followed us all the way to the register, and then just wasn't there anymore. Dad got into an argument with the cashier over something, but I don't recall exactly what. I think it had something to do with returning or replacing something.

We left the store and it was night. At this point, I was older, more like 15. (In real life, I virtually never saw him at this age--and no more than a few minutes.) The stars were beautiful. A "knowing" came down to us, a telepathic communications, that offered my dad 2 bracelets and said, "OK, THREE wishes for each of you."

I warned him, "They want us to take them too badly. What's in it for them?" No answer from them, but my dad took the bracelets--a gold and silver one. He took the gold one and handed me the silver one.

Temptation got to me, but I decided on a plan. I said, "I wish to understand the reasons and motivations for giving us these wishes." If I didn't like the answer, I was going to use my next wish to wish I never made any of these wishes, and that they found someone else instead of us. I don't recall the answer I got, but I did get one [As the other wishes turned out to be temporary then I can assume in retrospect that I DID understand for awhile]. It had to do with achieving wisdom--more for them than for us--and I wasn't comforted by it, but not scared enough to wish it all away, either.

We got to his car (a real junker) and my dad cursed as he got his keys out and then said, "I wish my car was a fire engine red Chevrolet Corvette." [In real life Dad had a red T-bird he loved, and pretty much snapped when Mom won it in the divorce and I'm pretty sure it was him who sabotaged the brakes that nearly killed Mom and me.] And it was. I'm not sure what got into me at that moment, but I snatched the keys from his hands, jumped in the car while he gaped at the car and me both, and screeched out of there. I went joyriding for several blocks before I felt guilty about leaving dad and went back to pick him up. Natch, he was cussing up a storm when I came back.

But once he was in the driver seat, he took off too in the same way I had. We actually had some fun over some car ride until the car reverted back to its normal junk form, causing my dad to cuss a lot more.

Then a scene showed up in which I was not involved in. I suddenly had a "little brother" who was like 7-10. He was picked up by that cop that followed dad around in the store. The cop killed him and then dressed it up to look like a stupid gangland slaying. The memory of this would leave me until after I woke up.

Oddly enough, the murder scene was in the same store where this started, though on the opposite side if that matters. There were other cops around. My dad was suddenly a cop himself and showed up and was majorly upset as you'd expect.

He mentioned to me how he wanted to take the both of us to Disneyland. He then went, "I wish my son [no name I recall] were still alive and we were all at Disneyland." And so we were. Recalling how the car reverted back to its normal form, I added, "I wish that he remains alive," in order to make it permanent.

We really did have a lot of fun at Disneyland. My dad was actually pleasant and fun to be around. And I liked my brother, too. But suddenly it was over. Disneyland vanished, and we were back at the store--on the other side near where the wishing rings were--and the boy was skeletal and in a buggy being pushed by dad.

The other cops came running up and wanted to know what happened, including the condemning (and killing) cop. My dad threw his badge at all of them and yelled, "Keep it!" He stormed out and I didn't see him anymore in the dream.

I decided to use my last wish so I could be done with it. "I wish I could fly by thinking about it, and that I would float gently to the ground just before my wish is over." And so it was.

I flew outside so I could go up high. It was dusk instead of night. (I would say dawn, except the activity was more appropriate to dusk.) I flew and saw some of my old friends from when I was 16, just before I had ran away from home. I wanted to show them my flying so they'd believe me when I told them about the wishes. But as I flew all around them, they didn't see me. I grabbed one on the shoulders and yelled, "Can't you see me!?" She stopped and asked the others if they heard me calling. They looked around and said, no. I tried to push her back, but I went through her like she were jello, and she didn't feel anything at all.

So I flew around by myself for awhile before I felt myself floating down, and then I woke up.

Wow, this dream is epic. It's HUGE and packed with all sorts of stuff. I'm not sure I can address all of it in one sitting but here's the big stuff I'm gonna start with.

Little Brother: As I said before, Jung taught that shadow figures of ourselves will often appear in our dreams. Usually if there's a stranger in your dream it's some *ASPECT* of your subconscious trying to express itself. Perhaps, following Jung again, this is either your "male half" or maybe even the son you think your dad wanted (I have no idea if he did or not, or even what you think about that, but I'm just putting it out there).

The Anonymous Cop: He's a stranger, so perhaps another Shadow Figure, but he seems to have a role--that of Authority. He's there to kind of "enforce" some rules or standards. Maybe this is a role you would have liked to performed, or maybe like Giles he's another surrogate father figure?

The Rings: in our culture rings symbolize commitment. Eternal commitment. And you and your father are both very suspicious of accepting the rings and the deal for one wish. You both agree to pass this opportunity.

The Bracelets: these have the same form as the rings (circular) and therefore evoke a similar feeling but they don't have the same significance as putting rings on your fingers. These, especially because they're made from precious metals seems to suggest a "treasure".

But your dad takes the Gold bracelet and gives you the Silver bracelet. Gold is obviously more precious than silver, but it's also the male and active symbol representing the sun and warmth. Silver on the other hand is female, passive and represents the moon and coolness.

Joyriding: It seems when you're selfish and reckless you experience guilt and go back to try and fix it, but when your dad is guilty of the same behavior it's kind of fun. (???)

Cop killing little brother: Wow, so now we have two shadow figures interacting and I could be getting in over my head on this one....Perhaps the Authority Figure of the cop is your dad's shadow figure? I'm not sure. But again, the little brother could be an *aspect* of yourself that you think was killed off by "authority" or your dad...or....who knows?

Dad wishing son were alive: This is the part that made me think perhaps you might feel that your dad wanted a son. And of course you wish the boy alive forever for obvious reasons. This particular character in your dream is working overtime with all the different roles he needs to play.

End of the dream: Your dream finishes at dusk (which is a beautiful symbol of the end of the day, a closing, it's very elegant). Also very elegant is your wish to fly (escape?) but to also be recognized or at least acknowledged by your friends. But they don't seem tuned in to any of it. So you simply fly around a little more--by yourself--and gently bring yourself back to Earth. It's a nice finish to a very stressful dream.

How'd I do?

Little Brother:

I have considered that maybe I sensed my dad preferred a boy, but I don't think so for multiple reasons. The main reason is that I'm often very protective and loving of this boy, whether he is my little brother or son, and Dad often isn't featured in these dreams. I think the boy does represent some inner attribute, but I'm not sure what. I believe this is the only dream where the boy died (though I often have to protect him from danger in other dreams), and the killing MAY represent my relationship with my dad making it difficult to get close to males (I can and do, but I'm very cautious at first and no doubt push many away without meaning to).

The Anonymous Cop:

The cop was unpleasant and also I didn't interact with him at all, only Dad did. In real life I never detected any feelings of self-loathing or guilt in Dad, though when I visited him briefly when I was 21 I offered to go shooting with him and he seemed afraid of that idea, as if he thought I might try killing him (and Mom did take a shotgun to him when I was a child, though she was either too drunk or ignorant to turn the safety off), which might mean he does feel guilt for how he treated me when I was growing up (which he should). Alternately, the cop could be MY condemnation of how he treated me as a child that not only poisoned my relationship with him but other males as well and perhaps my own animus.

The Rings:
The Bracelets:

I'm not sure what to add to your observation.


A possible inspiration for this was a friend of my then lover just bought a corvette and though cars don't interest me I suddenly wanted one...but I feared to become visible back then so I always tried to stay under the radar (which driving around in a Corvette is counterproductive).

Cop killing little brother:

Yeah, I don't know either.

Dad wishing son were alive:

I don't know.

End of the dream:

More likely I'd like to be understood by my friends (just like I try to understand them). But the power of flight was a frequent dream power for me, though in the last few years I'm only able to levitate short distances rather than fully fly (unless I become lucid).

I suppose it might mean the power of escape. I believe the reason I wrote so many fics as a small child about children (such as myself) escaping carnivorous child-eating hags and vampires (which I had frequent nightmares about, and which I often escaped with the power of flight) was my trying to deal with the scary, unpredictable, and sometimes violent adult world around me. I did a lot of reading ever since I was 5 and have always loved libraries and felt them as a sanctuary.

Hmm...you know, I had 2 adult dreams of fairy tale witches which I bet you'd love to hear about. I'll see if I can find the details in my old dream journal (I'm pretty sure I recorded both of them) and if I can I'll share about them here. Confusedmile:

Good stuff.


Obviously only YOU can provide the answers to YOUR dreams. I can't tell you what they mean to YOU. But one more thing that entered my head after reading your response is the possibility that perhaps the little brother/son is another aspect of your FATHER!

Maybe you feel like you need to protect the child in HIM. And if you are truly the Anonymous Cop (the Authority Figure) in your dream, then that would be YOU laying down the law and perhaps even killing the boy. But here again, not being literal and saying: YOU KILLED YOUR DAD!

I'm saying, maybe you'd like to kill the child inside of him so that the MAN will live???

One thing is for sure, those two figures (the brother/son and the cop) are both working overtime in your dreams and it's possible they can be interpreted on several different levels depending on the context of the dream...

Thanks again for sharing.

So last night I had an INCREDIBLE dream.

For a while now I've been continually worrying about whether to call myself gay or bi (Anthroposexual, is my word), well not worrying but dwelling on from time to time, constantly trying to remind myself of girls I've felt strong feelings for, basically trying to avoid the concept that everyone had been right my whole life... that I'm gay.... I've only just recently found complete peace with the idea that I'm quite likely gay, and so this dream I had last night only reinforced the good feelings I get about guys... (holy sentence!)

It's funny because I've just graduated college, and in this dream I was just starting out, moving into the dorms... totally not the ones that I actually lived in. The dorms had suites or something like that, and I was openly gay. My roommate came in and I got introduced, and he seemed pretty jocky, straight and a pretty cool guy. Later on we met the suitemates who both seemed pretty cool too, one of which was totally sexy with a really toned body the other was slim and really cute. I got the feeling that the toned guy was straight as well, and wasn't certain about his room-mate. And so the first day went past, and I found myself hanging in the room by myself when the slim suite-mate came in. He asked about my first day and what-not and eventually I came out to him. He admitted that he had been turned on by guys before, mostly only in porn and sooner or later we ended up cuddling, him lying in my arms, spooning. Sooner or later bits of clothes got stripped off, and we had a good fuck 'n suck, and in fact I think I even swallowed his cum, which I think is fairly gross. Later the other guys got back and we were clothed and sitting together on his couch, and somehow the other guys picked up on what had happened and were totally cool with us. Dream went on for unknown amount of time, and somehow we got the other two guys involved in a little sucking.... it was great, and even though my memory is still a bit fuzzy about the details, the vague memories I have are great!!


-Der Jack
"Lately it occurs to me, what a long strange trip it's been"

DerJack Wrote:So last night I had an INCREDIBLE dream.

For a while now I've been continually worrying about whether to call myself gay or bi (Anthroposexual, is my word), well not worrying but dwelling on from time to time, constantly trying to remind myself of girls I've felt strong feelings for, basically trying to avoid the concept that everyone had been right my whole life... that I'm gay.... I've only just recently found complete peace with the idea that I'm quite likely gay, and so this dream I had last night only reinforced the good feelings I get about guys... (holy sentence!)

It's funny because I've just graduated college, and in this dream I was just starting out, moving into the dorms... totally not the ones that I actually lived in. The dorms had suites or something like that, and I was openly gay. My roommate came in and I got introduced, and he seemed pretty jocky, straight and a pretty cool guy. Later on we met the suitemates who both seemed pretty cool too, one of which was totally sexy with a really toned body the other was slim and really cute. I got the feeling that the toned guy was straight as well, and wasn't certain about his room-mate. And so the first day went past, and I found myself hanging in the room by myself when the slim suite-mate came in. He asked about my first day and what-not and eventually I came out to him. He admitted that he had been turned on by guys before, mostly only in porn and sooner or later we ended up cuddling, him lying in my arms, spooning. Sooner or later bits of clothes got stripped off, and we had a good fuck 'n suck, and in fact I think I even swallowed his cum, which I think is fairly gross. Later the other guys got back and we were clothed and sitting together on his couch, and somehow the other guys picked up on what had happened and were totally cool with us. Dream went on for unknown amount of time, and somehow we got the other two guys involved in a little sucking.... it was great, and even though my memory is still a bit fuzzy about the details, the vague memories I have are great!!


-Der Jack
"Lately it occurs to me, what a long strange trip it's been"

Thanks for sharing your dream.

The guys in your dream, are they people from real life, or just anonymous figures in your dreams?

I think it's significant that your dream feels like you're just "starting out". A new beginning, so to speak. Often times, when we dream of our houses--or homes--(in this case, your dorm, as a living space) it represents our "inner self".

In other words, let's say you dream of your house and it's nice and tidy on the outside but a real mess on the inside, that might be a metaphor for how you feel about yourself in real life (nice appearance on the outside, but totally screwed up inside).

This dream might just be an expression of how you feel starting out as a gay man as part of a small community (e.g., suitemates: might be able to explore more what they mean if you can provide more info about them).

Maybe you can elaborate more about these guys (are they real people?) and what else was interesting about your dorm/suite and the different rooms.

No, they weren't people I actually knew, and like I said, my memory is VERY vague. I'm one of those people who remembers a dream once every two months or so, so yeah.

But I did remember shortly after I posted this, that about a week ago or two I was reading a sweet erotic story on nifty based on a freshman going to college with similar circumstances. Maybe the descriptions of these guys were an inspiration.

One way or another, I really like your interpretation and hope you're right, as I recall things were tidy on the inside, and I never saw the outside.

-Der Jack
"Lately it occurs to me, what a long strange trip it's been"

DerJack Wrote:No, they weren't people I actually knew, and like I said, my memory is VERY vague. I'm one of those people who remembers a dream once every two months or so, so yeah.

But I did remember shortly after I posted this, that about a week ago or two I was reading a sweet erotic story on nifty based on a freshman going to college with similar circumstances. Maybe the descriptions of these guys were an inspiration.

One way or another, I really like your interpretation and hope you're right, as I recall things were tidy on the inside, and I never saw the outside.

-Der Jack
"Lately it occurs to me, what a long strange trip it's been"

Just a couple thoughts...

I mentioned in another post (responding to Pix) that often times anonymous people in our dreams are some aspect of our personality expressing itself through our unconscious mind.

The guys *might* represent something about yourself....or might not. They might have been inspired by that sexy story you read and just be an expression of a fantasy.

But I wanted to clarify my comment about the condition of your "dream house". It was just an example to show how the condition of the structure *might* reflect how you feel about YOURSELF. I wasn't trying to say that we should always notice if our living space is clean or not.

Let me try another...

Suppose you dream of the house you grew up in. You're faced with a choice of going upstairs into a bright warm bedroom with a big window and a lovely view of a garden.


You can go downstairs, into a dark, dank basement with no windows and it's cold and uncomfortable.

What's really at question here is how you FEEL about your choice. Do you feel warm positive and optimistic? Or do you feel low, dark and cold?

This is why I was fishing for a little more info about the guys in your dream and how your dorm-suite was set up....

But it's ok, if your recollection of the dream is still kind of vague. I just thought maybe we could explore it a little more if you had more info.

The biggest point I was trying to make is that in your dream, since you're a freshman and just starting out in a new "school" with new "friends" all of that seems to suggest that inside yourself you feel the same way....

New things to learn.
New ways to live.
New friends to make.

Even though in real life you already graduated college, subconsciously you feel like you're starting something new. And that's a pretty cool dream to have.

All the best,

Its been awhile since I've read this thread/forum, since I haven't been spending as much time on GS lately...

Wow there's been some great dreams & replies poseted here in the past week or so!

Here's one of mine from a couple weeks ago:

I'm leaving work (or maybe college) for the day, so I'm walking towards my car in the parking lot. As I get closer I notice there's a group of a few guys standing nearby talking & one of them is sorta leaning against my car. I think he's goodlooking/cute, and kinda hate the fact I'm gonna have to ask them to move so I can get out.

I arrive at the car. He says hi & we start talking, turns out he's an old friend I hadn't seen in a long time (and who I don't remember), he was waiting there to say hello/get to know me again, so we could be friends (maybe more).
We talk briefly before I wake up

* Have no clue where that came from, but it was a cool dream.
* In real life I don't have any friends who look like the dreamed guy.
* I don't remember the very end part of the dream - what we said/etc

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