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Conflicting Morals.
It has been the past 2 years where I have been really coming to terms with my sexuality. Before hand, I was very much a good catholic boy, that was less open-minded and whatnot (b/c I was trying to suppress myself). Since I have been more true about myself, I have bought into a lot of the stigma's attached to being gay, such as atheistic influence and stereotypes. It has created a great cognitive dissonance within me, and I feel more like myself, but less than myself at the same time if that makes any sense. I AM a christian, but I hardly ever go to church anymore, because I don't feel right being there/not accepted. I have done extensive research on the Bible in terms of what it says about homosexuality, and it actually really doesn't condemn it at all. I used to think that certain things were wrong and now am more open-minded about it. I'm all confused as to this sort of thing. Any help/tips/advice etc?Disoriented

I would love to offer advice, but this is one journey you must make for yourself.

As an atheist to a believer, it sounds like you're heading in the right direction Wink

Good luck. These realisations are rarely painless.

Having encountered hostile Christians who knew I was gay, I know that the Bible does condemn homosexuality (granted, in the countless interpretations of Christianity I've heard some positive spin on like Romans 1 that I hope catches on). Of course large sections of the Bible are ignored today (though Christians like to pretend otherwise) so most of them don't support slavery anymore, as just one example. There's no reason why intolerance against gays can't be ignored like so much else in the Bible and I believe that in the next hundred years the vast majority of Christians will consign such intolerance to the dustbin as they've done for other parts of the Bible.

Until then there are already several gay friendly Christian groups. Here's one for Catholics:



But all in all if you're uncomfortable with your church then maybe you should question your faith. You don't have to become an atheist or agnostic, either. If religious worship is important to you, I'd suggest looking into your local Unitarian Universalist church as they're officially friendly and accepting of gays (though who knows what individual churches might be like) and they honor the Christian scriptures just as they do the holy texts of other religions.

Pix Wrote:... large sections of the Bible are ignored today ... There's no reason why intolerance against gays can't be ignored like so much else in the Bible ... If religious worship is important to you, I'd suggest looking into ... church as they're officially friendly and accepting of gays ...

i agree with Pex.

intolerance is just hate, and pointed towards a peoples whose symbol is love/acceptance; a rainbow. just move on.

Why is it so important to be a part of a church and be involved in church activities to be a good catholic/christian? Isn't being cotholic/christian more about the way you approach your life and those around you, respect and living your life with the morals and ethics of your community?

A church is a physical,material building that is built for the sole purpose of worshipping your god, would your god really think any less of you if you worshipped him in your own home, work place or in the street as you walk to the shops?

So what makes you honestly think that you are still not a 'good cotholic boy'?

My advice, stop researching the bible, it wasn't written by god or in gods word, it was written by man and has be interpretted in so many ways that over the millenia the words have become tainted.

I'm an agnost, but I believe from what I have seen, god is within YOU, not within the pages of a book or inside the walls of a building.

To be honest... I was once was a catholic Christian (Just of freewill, my father, mother or anyone I knew was catholic, some was protestants like my father, but its almost same on my opinion), I went to church ever Sunday, self baptized my self and is confirmed. I helped out many times with charity and was a good boy, yet only bad things happened to me during that time, BAD things (Bullied, betrayed, robbed, beaten bloody, threatened...) ... As the time passed i abandoned my faith cause no matter I did was going to help me, i felt if there was a god he would save me from my agony but no... There was no god for me, if there was he would had abandoned me and was no god of me.

You decide how to live and what you believe is right. Just remember 'God' is the purest and is the ultimate power of good, what is the harm of being homosexual if the other enjoys it? Jesus didn't hate and so doesn't god, but so does people that will say, everyone has they're own image of what is accepted and not, and so does the persons behind the bible and the religion as well, same with laws. Hate will always exist, no matter religion, and people will make everything possible still to be able to hate. If homosexuality is a sin, why does it exist? I can see the point with other sins as stealing and killing but what is the harm of loving another man? Why was it created, as any other kind of sodomy? Everything has to have a purpose. Isn't love still love? Isn't love good? Isn't love what religion is about? Love your next? Peace and harmony?

Don't follow rules... Follow love...

livingproof Wrote:I AM a christian, but I hardly ever go to church anymore, because I don't feel right being there/not accepted. I have done extensive research on the Bible in terms of what it says about homosexuality, and it actually really doesn't condemn it at all. I used to think that certain things were wrong and now am more open-minded about it. I'm all confused as to this sort of thing. Any help/tips/advice etc?Disoriented

I've read the bible cover to cover and I've pretty much come to the same conclusion as you - the bible doesn't condemn homosexuality, certainly not in the New Testament, as far as Jesus is concerned. It is St Paul who condemns it because he doesn't want the church to fail.

The way I look at it these days is that it's just a book, written by some people who were maybe inspired by God at the time.

Hello there,
I dont beleive the bible in alot of context but respect you for your religion.... I would say live for yourself and be who you need to be there are loads of gay christians on earth so dont feel your alone... They seem happy individuals and to be honest as long as your happy thats all everyone would want

Kindest regards

zeon x

I have to say that in my opinion there is no such thing as a non-self-hating gay Roman Catholic. (OK maybe that is a little strong). I don't see how you can disagree so fundamentally with the church on a issue where it does not see doubt or complexity, and still be a Roman Catholic in more than name. If you want to resolve your cognitive dissonance then I have to agree that you should find yourself a new church, or resign yourself to being a 'lapsed' Catholic.

Sorry to be blunt.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Life is what happens while you are busy making other plans.

Hi livingproof

First let me say that Marshlander is correct in saying this is journey you must take alone.
I agree with him completely.

By no means am I trying to sway your mind , I always respect a persons opinions, faith and point of views.

That being said I noticed in your post that you made several references to the bible.
I was just wondering if you were aware that the bible of today has been canonised.
I am aware that most Christians believe that the bible we hold today has not been changed in 2000 year.
A bit hard to believe, after all man is fallible, and we have witnessed one major change when the Dead Sea scrolls were uncovered and translated.

Now please keep in mind that ancient Hebrew was written without vows and the language has been lost. No one knows how to pronounce it.

The bible we have in our hands today was put together by vote The Roman Catholic Church was in charge of this operation with the help of other branches of Christian sects they comprised the perfect weapon to control the masses by manipulation.
Consider this why did Pope Innocent the third ban possession of the bible to anyone that was not a priest?
To quote John Dalberg: “Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely”

I will leave you with a few scriptures from Jesus that hopefully calm your mind.

Matthew 18:20

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

Jesus did not mention a church, he is with you always.

John 13:34

.” A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”

Mathew 25-40

“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

I am pretty sure that ousting someone is part of this , not to mention the denial of handing out Gods blessing and taking away the greatest gift God gave us , Free will.

I hope this somehow brings you comfort.

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