Todd man, I'm tellin ya man...there is NO better lover/partner than those good 'ol mits you're throwing around for sport!! lol
The above reason is, PRECISELY why I don't take men seriously; Relationships, I do COMPLETELY, but it's just not rational to do so with's sad, and a little ironic that people who rely on these dating ads, websites, and postings try to intellectualize away the Gay Debris that blows in and out of their like it's no longer proper etiquette to have a positive attitude about meeting someone new, and the potential for developing something meaningful, and asserting that from the gate.
but instead, you get the sweet, sweet relief of knowing that you should only be prepared for the "best sex of your life"?! lmao
If I had a PENNY for EVERYTIME I heard a guy blow that wad....lmao omfg...smh....
cloud999 Wrote:Have you had much luck? I've had better luck with Scruff in terms of chatting with a couple guys - one from elsewhere but whose hometown is where I live, and one new to the area. yet to meet either and with both, I think it'd be just as friends if we did meet. But have actually exchanged non-sexual chats with both  In general, I live in an area where there is just not selection, so no... but I do think it's definitely possible to strike up friendships without resorting to sex. Just be honest, and ignore the guy if it becomes obvious that's all he wants.
OsirisGuy23 Wrote:The above reason is, PRECISELY why I don't take men seriously; Relationships, I do COMPLETELY, but it's just not rational to do so with guys.... Are you saying you don't think a relationship is possible with a guy? :confused:
Im going through the same problem except they ask me out on dates THEN try to get something from me. It fucking hurts and ive pretty much given up on the hope of a good guy out there.
Posts: 2,770
Threads: 17
Joined: May 2011
I'm a : Bi Man in a Monogamous Straight Relationship
Starsign:  Gemini
This is the only day I will use this emoticon... Halloween has a weird effect on me :x
anyhow, I'm a guy and I aint a pig :x
I'm sorry most of the guys you've met feel that way, and I understand where your coming from. It can be quite iritating most of the time.
WOW! Amazing how this thread turned into a PITY PARTY! Guys, not sure how long you have all been "out" or been exposed to the gay community (events, bars, etc) and gay internet sites but.....REALLY? Why are so many of you surprised and indignant? On top of that, most of you that posted are in your early 20's! You have decades of life ahead of you and instead of just living your life with passion and conviction, you're on here thumping your chests bemoaning the fact that "Mr. Right" isn't in your life right now! Trust me, by teh time you find "the one" you will have fallen in and out of love 2 or 3 times!
Look, i completly understand your frustration with dating and guys wanting to hookup all the time, but guess what - single young gay men aren't any different than single str8 men in their 20's. They jsut want to have "fun" and get laid. Yes, it's immature. Yes, it's frustrating, but it IS what it IS! Why let it bother you? Do you think you're any less a person for NOT having a guy in your life?
Did you ever think that having fun, meeting guys, making out, flirting, etc. DOES NOT MAKE YOU A SLUT? Look, most young men don't KNOW how to go about starting a relationship so they go with what they know (or see others their age doing) and that's flirting and making out! Just think, what if that cute guy who wanted to make out with you WAS THE ONE, but because you linked "making out" with fucking, you missed!
GUYS! YOU NEED TO RELAX AND HAVE FUN MEETING GUYS! You do NOT have to have sex, but you CAN have fun. Trust me!
There is an old country song with the lyrics looking for love in all the wrong places....
Reading your post that came to mind.
It is my understanding that Grinder (whatever) is to this generation that bathhouses were to early generations - a place to pick up men for sex.
If you are looking for a relationship, then try personal ads and relationship orientated sites.
Snow Wrote:Ok so ive been single for around a year.
so far heres the order it went in
i joined grindr (a dating phone app) met a guy in my town who knew my ex, and was dating his friend,
long story short he kept saying that he wanted to sleep with me, it got creepy, he sent me naked pictures etc
Then his boyfriend started messaging me saying the same thing.
the first one i met got mad at me and blocked me because i wouldn't sleep with him.
At my friends birthday party i met one of her old best friends that is Extremely gay, and very flamboyant. Blah blah blah he tried to makeout with me i said no.
Now last night i was at one of my good friends party, i met this guy named Sean, we said hi and thats all.
Later on when i was going home i said goodby to the party host, and gave her a kiss, he was standing next to me and said " I thought we were going to makeout before you left"..
i just stood there, like did he actually say that? i said one sentence to him
cant i meet a gay guy without them wanting to hook up the first time meeting them?
like sure after i get to know them a bit better maybe. but honestly.....
You say "guys are pigs," I say "men are dogs." The sooner we accept our limitations and deal with the realities of male sexuality, the sooner we can be happy.
I want an have a smooth running relaxed home life. I will not tolerate this screaming queen bull sh*t that many gays stupidly practice.
My mentor told me two things. First, "it is just sex," and second, when men have to get off, we have to get off. My partner and I have the Friday night rule. If you are not home by 10:00 Saturday morning, I will make one call to the morgue, and you had better be there! Sometimes it is painful at 4:00am on Saturday morning when he is not home, but when he is 50 I want him to have the kind of memories I am locking away.
I do not believe there is a guy in the world who has not run into his type of cutie when he is involved in a monogamist relationship. Eventually, that will lead to resentment. These bodies are only good until about age 30 or 35, and after that gay sex changes. You are not the hottest or the youngest in the bar anymore. My mentor said it is weird because all of a sudden one day you can not pick up guys that you were turning down!
I like to be a bottom, not exclusively. My mentor and his partner are in their late 40s. I am told I have a bubble butt, and it might be so because guys just see me and have to f*ck me. My mentor and his partner really like to let me have it. But, you know what? When they are done they feel 20! I am glad I can give them that. It is like any good friendship - give and take. My partner enjoys our mentors sexually as well. What these friends have done for us, as we strive to make our relationship work, is truly dedicated friendship. Like they say, I might as well use it, because one day I will lose it anyway.
Perhaps you need to let loose, and experiment with a new crowd. Join a gay hiking club or something like that. Don't take sex so seriously. Look for day to day things that will last in a partnership. But, remember when you are hot-to-trot, you have to get off. You can not hold off on a natural thing like man on man sex.
When the right guy comes along, you will know it. You will give the right things and get what you need back. It will not be forced. I think the hardest part is not to be too critical of someone in the early stages. And, don't make the fatal mistake of trying to do a year of relationship building in a month. No one is really relaxed and putting their best foot forward during pick-up or relationship building.
Heya Snow, sorry to hear you had a bad experience on Grindr,
From my limited experience of the scene, I'd agree with a lot of the guys above. There are a lot of guys out there gay or straight who are just looking for a good time, but I also think it's surprising (as evident here) the amount of guys who have kept their morals intact to some extent.
Not all guys are pigs, but men deal with their problems or needs in a very direct way, and apps like Grindr are the perfect amplifier to these kind of feelings. I've been on sites before where people have said disgusting things to me straight off-bat, it's all the joys of internet anonymity.
BobinTampa made a good point too - it's curious that younger people are more hung-up about sex, and maybe that is down to ideals or inexperience. I struggled with the idea of open relationships and casual sex as well, but in truth the older you get the more you can contextualise and identify the differences between love/dedication, and just plain old satisfaction.
I said to a friend the other night - perfection is for teenagers, egotists, and disney cartoons.
WesHollywood Wrote:I want an have a smooth running relaxed home life. I will not tolerate this screaming queen bull sh*t that many gays stupidly practice. all good but maybe you try just a little harder than you should. and let say job stress puts you over the top. good chance you become the "screaming queen".
WesHollywood Wrote:When the right guy comes along, you will know it. You will give the right things and get what you need back. It will not be forced. I think the hardest part is not to be too critical of someone in the early stages. And, don't make the fatal mistake of trying to do a year of relationship building in a month. No one is really relaxed and putting their best foot forward during pick-up or relationship building. -the relationship building thing you said is great, it would be difficult to say it better.
-"When the right guy comes along" just sounds like your not ready for a someone becoming your end game.