“Countless millions will protest against the New World Order, and will die fighting it.†- HG Wells, The New World Order
do you think there will be a civil war?i hope not
the left seems to want change for the sake of change
Transcend the left/right paradigm, it's an artificial construct that does nothing but hinder doing what's best for humans.
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Do I think there will be a civil war?
Do I think there will be/is a New World Order?
Do i think that this "war" will be started be the"Left"?
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
The NWO isn't a sole idea of the Left. (and some, Left AND Right, actually prefer more a Free World Order instead, but these people are usually too ethical to lie, or make false promises, or sell political favors and as a result typically don't gain positions of authority).
And generally speaking, the US government's growing alienation from the UN isn't because they're against some NWO, but because the UN opposes the NWO if it means having the US (and US alone) above international law (and at the top, that is, THE superpower to which the rest of the world answers to). That is to say, the US government isn't against a NWO, they're in competition for their version of it.
As for "will there be a civil war" (ie, armed resistance in support of nationalization vs internationalization) I strongly doubt it (beyond the usual nutters). As long as the economy is fairly stable then people are generally content no matter who is in power. Areas that suffer significantly under the NWO are more likely to turn on each other (or immigrate) than organize against global (or even national) power. And though extreme abuses (such as rape by UN "peace keepers") have plagued some regions of the world, these same abuses went on under their own governments as well (sometimes even worse) so that's just SSDD.
Btw, there are a great many ideas of what the NWO actually means. Just out of curiosity, what does it mean to you?
We came close with the Occupy Wall Street folk. Unfortunately they got a late start in the season, it got cold and they cancelled. Maybe in spring when the weather turns warm they will hit the streets again.
I expect that this Christmas will have a bad return on the financial news once its over with. Fewer people are spending that much....
There is a New World Order. Its called global Economics - and we see how well that is working out....
No need for a civil war, it will collapse due to its own inner greed.
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Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:...
There is a New World Order. Its called global Economics - and we see how well that is working out....
No need for a civil war, it will collapse due to its own inner greed.
Global Economics is hardly a "new" world order, mind.
Seems like the only "World" order we've had.
Money always equals power, no matter where in the world you are.:frown:
Sad really that economic powers play such a large role in politics these days instead of the people...
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
liberals seem to want no borders -like anyone can just cross in to usa or anywhere
the conservatives dont want this
i see tons of cars people problems here with not enough rooms apts traffic lights
i say we let in too many even legal immigrants maybe but maybe im stupid and wrong