01-05-2012, 11:36 AM
My current partner is a complicated story. She says technically she's always known she was bi, but before me she'd only fooled around with a girl while in high school and a couple more in college, never going that far and never lasting that long, and the rest was with guys. But she got real burnt out on guys and after her husband died she was too busy to date, and when she did the guy always burned her pretty fast discouraging her from trying much. She first saw me in a kickboxing class with my blasian girlfriend and she said she instantly knew we were lovers, but other than that she didn't think much of it and I didn't even notice her at all back then.
Then, living on my own and single again, I used my connections via babysitting and working children's birthday parties to pass fliers and contact info for those who wanted to pay someone to take their girls to see the Hannah Montana movie rather than having to watch it (over and over again) themselves for $20 a pop (a good price since I was technically babysitting for a little over 2 hours, and I was experienced at it, and on busier days I had a friend help which I paid for out of my own profits without passing the costs onto the parents & grandparents), among more complicated details on covering gas and transportation. She had an 11-year-old daughter who LOVED HM, while she hated it, so she paid me several times to take her, and her daughter really liked me (I happened to be a Hannah fan myself, plus I just seem to get along with kids).
As my HM gig was ending, the swine flu hit my area (many kids, including the 11-year-old girl, were coming down with it), and the local hospital had to put up a tent to hold all the people there sick with it. Though I wasn't aware of it at the time I actually caught it myself, though it was just like a bad cold for me that made me cranky and stay in bed with a horrible headache. Meanwhile the little girl and her brother had it at the same time as I did, though it was worse for them (throwing up, which I didn't do).
Then after I recovered I got a call from the 11-year-old that her mother was really sick, they were almost out of food, and a lot more things that just weren't that coherent (after she'd tried calling others to no avail she found my number on her mom's phone and tried me in desperation). So I said I'd come on over so I could see what was going on and what I could do about it and took over some food and movies for the kids and took care of their mom who was incredibly, epically sick (it was so bad that I tried to get her to go to the hospital, but she refused). So I did a lot of cleaning up, helped her, fixed the meals and took care of the kids, even sleeping over in a sleeping bag. Because the girl's birthday was right around the corner (and her mom was too sick to handle it) I arranged for her to have a Hannah Montana theme birthday and even paid for some of it myself. The boy was so impressed that he got me to promise to do a Transformers theme party for him starting in the beginning of August (and I did).
Their mom was really impressed with me and that I didn't ask for any money (I said, not realizing I'd already been sick and recovered from swine flu, that if I got sick she take care of me as I did her, and that's all I asked) and she invited me to see the Harry Potter (HPatHBP) movie with them that July, and being interested in my unusual educational background and being from Texas she then wanted me to watch the Alamo with her on dvd and tell her what I thought of it. I was surprised when she came onto me during this time (and this was when she told me she'd been in the same kickboxing class at the fitness center we both belonged to and she'd known we were lesbians), but I figured it was nothing more than a fling, especially as she shared she'd only had a few minor flings with women in her life, and I tried to keep it hidden from the kids.
Then my landlord tried selling the house I rented out from under me and she came up with the plan to put her own house on the market and we could move in together some place better (we were both in a pretty bad neighborhood, and I actually didn't realize how bad it was until I left it and returned some time later) by combining our incomes. As I say, it was complicated, I made sure the kids were ok with it, and we moved in together in Halloween of 2009 in a really nice place (unfortunately, also thick with bigots and homophobes, though we didn't realize that right away, and because I wasn't sure it would work out--and because I have no credit rating from doing most of my biz in the grey market anyway--I didn't get my name on the lease which is how we slipped past the fundie bigot's gaydar so that that my partner got a lease before she could evict us as she'd later try to do). It's been a real drama but we've only gotten closer, and her house finally sold and we moved to a better place still shortly before I arrived here at GS.
Then, living on my own and single again, I used my connections via babysitting and working children's birthday parties to pass fliers and contact info for those who wanted to pay someone to take their girls to see the Hannah Montana movie rather than having to watch it (over and over again) themselves for $20 a pop (a good price since I was technically babysitting for a little over 2 hours, and I was experienced at it, and on busier days I had a friend help which I paid for out of my own profits without passing the costs onto the parents & grandparents), among more complicated details on covering gas and transportation. She had an 11-year-old daughter who LOVED HM, while she hated it, so she paid me several times to take her, and her daughter really liked me (I happened to be a Hannah fan myself, plus I just seem to get along with kids).
As my HM gig was ending, the swine flu hit my area (many kids, including the 11-year-old girl, were coming down with it), and the local hospital had to put up a tent to hold all the people there sick with it. Though I wasn't aware of it at the time I actually caught it myself, though it was just like a bad cold for me that made me cranky and stay in bed with a horrible headache. Meanwhile the little girl and her brother had it at the same time as I did, though it was worse for them (throwing up, which I didn't do).
Then after I recovered I got a call from the 11-year-old that her mother was really sick, they were almost out of food, and a lot more things that just weren't that coherent (after she'd tried calling others to no avail she found my number on her mom's phone and tried me in desperation). So I said I'd come on over so I could see what was going on and what I could do about it and took over some food and movies for the kids and took care of their mom who was incredibly, epically sick (it was so bad that I tried to get her to go to the hospital, but she refused). So I did a lot of cleaning up, helped her, fixed the meals and took care of the kids, even sleeping over in a sleeping bag. Because the girl's birthday was right around the corner (and her mom was too sick to handle it) I arranged for her to have a Hannah Montana theme birthday and even paid for some of it myself. The boy was so impressed that he got me to promise to do a Transformers theme party for him starting in the beginning of August (and I did).
Their mom was really impressed with me and that I didn't ask for any money (I said, not realizing I'd already been sick and recovered from swine flu, that if I got sick she take care of me as I did her, and that's all I asked) and she invited me to see the Harry Potter (HPatHBP) movie with them that July, and being interested in my unusual educational background and being from Texas she then wanted me to watch the Alamo with her on dvd and tell her what I thought of it. I was surprised when she came onto me during this time (and this was when she told me she'd been in the same kickboxing class at the fitness center we both belonged to and she'd known we were lesbians), but I figured it was nothing more than a fling, especially as she shared she'd only had a few minor flings with women in her life, and I tried to keep it hidden from the kids.
Then my landlord tried selling the house I rented out from under me and she came up with the plan to put her own house on the market and we could move in together some place better (we were both in a pretty bad neighborhood, and I actually didn't realize how bad it was until I left it and returned some time later) by combining our incomes. As I say, it was complicated, I made sure the kids were ok with it, and we moved in together in Halloween of 2009 in a really nice place (unfortunately, also thick with bigots and homophobes, though we didn't realize that right away, and because I wasn't sure it would work out--and because I have no credit rating from doing most of my biz in the grey market anyway--I didn't get my name on the lease which is how we slipped past the fundie bigot's gaydar so that that my partner got a lease before she could evict us as she'd later try to do). It's been a real drama but we've only gotten closer, and her house finally sold and we moved to a better place still shortly before I arrived here at GS.